Making Time For Exercise

| January 9, 2013

As a certified personal trainer and editor of a popular fitness site,, I’ve heard every excuse in the book when it comes to why people dont exercise. However, the one that takes the, pardon-my-pun, fitness cake is lack of time.

A day doesnt go by without one of my clients professing that they simply dont have time for exercise. Well, Ive seen people who want to loose weight badly enough. They will restrict their diets, exercise rigorously for an hour a day and even swear off alcohol gasp and chocolate double gasp! So, dont give me that bull!

People shy away from exercise because they think theyll have to spend hours in a gym. To maintain good health all you need is a healthy diet and a daily walk that can be broken up into increments throughout the day.

Still dont believe me? Ill show you how easy it is to fit brief walks into your day:

  1. Is Sex and the City a rerun again? It breaks my heart when that happens. Why not go for a 30-minute walk. If its a new episode that you simply cant miss, jump rope during commercials or run on the spot.
  2. Does carting the kids to hockey or baseball cut into your exercise time?  Take some inspiration from Jr. and stay on your feet during the game. Youll get kudos for being the teams best cheer leader, and your butt wont expand to the size of the soccer field.
  3. Are you dying to get your hands on the next best-seller? Buy it as a book-on-tape and take it walking with you. It might have you extending your stroll to finish a chapter.
  4. Instead of a sumptuous brunch with the girls, try a brisk 30-minute walk with your BFF. Catching up on all the latest gossip can be just as delicious during a walk plus it wont tempt you to cheat on your healthy eating plan.
  5. Remember when people used to run errands? Well many of us still take that term literally.  The next time you need a quart of milk, walk to the local grocer.
  6. Use your lunch break as an exercise break. I go work out and then eat lunch at my desk. A brisk walk around the block will leave you more refueled for the afternoon than that third cup of coffee.
  7. Do you complain about how slow your apartment elevator is? Take the faster route the stairs. Youll burn calories in the process.
  8. Its always ironic that those who circle the parking lot looking for the closest spot are often the most overweight. Park farther away where there are spots o plenty. Youll burn extra calories lugging your groceries back to the car.
  9. Have you ever heard the phrase hurry up and wait!? Well its not just a humorous observation its a great way to stay moving.  The next time youre waiting in a long lineup dont take a chair, pace the floor or do a little stretching.
  10. If you have no time to exercise, chances are you dont have time to clean the house either. Housework such as dusting, vacuuming, shoveling and raking is multitasking because it counts as exercise.

Anna Fleet is a certified fitness instructor, and the face and voice behind an awesome website with extensive information about workout routinesfitness toolsstupid fitness ideas and more.

[author] [author_image][/author_image] [author_info]Anna Fleet is a certified personal trainer. When she is not working out or helping others achieve optimal health she is the face and voice behind an excellent online resource for information about fitness and fitness gear.[/author_info] [/author]

Category: Exercise, Personal Growth

About the Author ()

Eric Richard Haas, CEO, Founder The Centers for Advanced Working Intelligence™, Serial Entrepreneur x23, Author x29 AKA The Invisible Billionaire.   My mission is to inspire you to release your full potential through a science-based, systematic, and sequential process of Self-Measurement, Self-Evaluation, and Continuous Self-Improvement.

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