Becoming You…

| January 11, 2013

“Climb if you will, but remember that courage and strength are nought without prudence, and that a momentary negligence may destroy the happiness of a lifetime. Do nothing in haste; look well to each step; and from the beginning think what may be the end.” ― Edward Whymper, Scrambles Amongst the Alps

Who will you BECOME today?

Greatness comes from becoming… not being… the best that is possible for you.

Think about the brand known as Tom Cruise.

Before he was a household name, he was an aspiring actor… on a MISSION.

No, not at the IMF chasing a Ghost Protocol — truly Risky Business!

His mission? To become GREAT.

It didn’t happen overnight, but it did happen.

It didn’t happen by merely thinking about becoming a STAR, but by improving himself each day to the point where he EARNED respect for his work ethic, and EARNED every part he played… and EARNED the multimillion dollar paychecks.

Think about the brand known as Will Smith… one of the hardest working Men in Black ever! He is known for being Black on Black with Black!

Think about the murderous James Patterson… a serial writer who makes a lot of dough off the backs of serial killers.

Think about the brand known as Jessica Biel… a thoughtful little girl from our hometown here in Boulder. Jessica in a swimsuit — WOW!

But so much more than meets the eye.

Think about the brands known as Hillary Clinton… Meg Whitman… Martha or Oprah.

All performing artists… rendering their BEST performances daily.

Think about the brand known as YOU.

What does it stand for?

You ARE a performing artist.

The question is, what does YOUR brand stand for?

Is your performance strong and vibrant each day — on the edge of real success… or is it more on the weak and fading edge of failure?

Does it scream out different… originality… imagination… discipline… hard worker… smart worker… fast… strong… fit… a person with absolute Clarity of Values… absolute Clarity of Vision… absolute Clarity of the Roles you play… total Conviction… unconditional Commitment… with the Courage to take bold action each and every day?

Who you are right now is not the issue.

Who you will be today is not the issue.

Who you will BECOME TODAY is the “whole magilla” as they say.

Become a little bit healthier today than yesterday, and you are a healthier new you TODAY… not SOMEDAY.

Become a little bit smarter today than yesterday, and you are a smarter new you TODAY… not SOMEDAY.

Become a little bit more responsive, agile, quick, able to accept criticism, thick-skinned, synergistic, focused, energetic, passionate, organized, action oriented, positive and optimistic — TODAY… NOT SOMEDAY WHEN YOU GET AROUND TO IT —and you will BECOME the real you… the YOU you are meant to be.

Step out of the shadows.

Bust free of your comfort zone — which is probably not all that comfortable — and BECOME YOU.

You ARE your brand.

At home… at work… in your community… on the net and in the world at large.

You CAN become all that you are meant to be.

Learn and Burn.

Learn and Burn.

Learn and Burn.

Are you starting to pick up the theme?!



ps If you need help, get it. A great starting point for becoming the BEST YOU POSSIBLE is our fabulous book, Success On Purpose: The Starting Point for a Life of Happiness, Satisfaction and Significance. Watch the video. Take the challenge. Click Here…


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Category: Motivation

About the Author ()

Eric Richard Haas, CEO, Founder The World Excellence Project, Serial Entrepreneur x23, Author x29 AKA The Invisible BillionaireAbout The Centers for Advanced Working Intelligence™.As CEO of the world's leading producer of AI-Driven Adaptive Coaching™ products focused exclusively on the Intentional Pursuit of Excellence (known as The Excellence Habit™) my mission is to inspire you to release your full potential through a science-based, systematic, and sequential process of Self-Measurement, Self-Evaluation, and Continuous Self-Improvement.Having trained over 250,000 members it is my belief that PERSONAL COACHING IS DEAD. It is expensive and marginally effective.Our TQ/Ai Adaptive Coaching™ costs about $1/day vs. $500 for a highly skilled Executive Coach. We do not merely GUARANTEE the product, we unconditionally GUARANTEE YOU! Use any TQ program for ONE FULL YEAR and if you have not received 100 times the value, let me know and I will refund your purchase and we will part friends. If I cannot help you, I don't expect to be paid!

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