10 Simple Ideas For Success

| January 12, 2013

“Don’t spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door. ”― Coco Chanel

Before the Rant…

Each morning I wake up around 3-3:30. I am a very early riser!

Over the years, I have gotten into a simple routine to get my heart started and my day fast-tracked.

Like Steven Spielberg, “I dream for a living!”

My dream is to improve the lives of 50 million people THIS year.

Time ruthlessly moves on, so to get more of what I want, I have to get more out of every minute I have.

This means making optimum use of my Time and Energy.

Many reading this will see this post as me ranting on this, that and everything else.

That’s WHAT I do! (What else do you think CEO’s do?!)

But more importantly, this is my routine for becoming Time Conscious.

And boosting my worth to myself, my family and the world.

My Rant…

1. Pray, mediate, eat, love. Quite the noise in your head to inspire your imagination to break free from your self-imposed limitations.

2. Read Todays TQ to snatch the Idea for Action.  Not receiving it, Register Here…

3. Answer the Journal Question. Journaling connects your thoughts and reinforces your inner-desires to become the outward expression of your actions.

4. PLAN to win. Create a simple plan for how you see your day unfolding.

5. PLAY to win. Fully expect to win, TODAY… not Someday maybe.

6. Power up your performance. EXERCISE 20-30 minutes doing your Learn and Burn.

7. Write down the FIRST idea that comes to you. Get it out of your head and onto paper/PC.

8. Do something — anything — to make YOU better. This is the whole point of personal growth: GROWING.

9. Tune IN… Turn On… Turn Up! Do this 100 times a day. For complete instructions, read Revelations of The Time Prism: Full Spectrum Time Management…

10. Think like a WINNER. Create Missions On Demand that unite your Values, your Visions and each of the Roles you play today into the 4 C’s of the Winner’s Mindset: Absolute Clarity… Unconditional Conviction… Unstoppable Commitment… and the Courage to take the actions necessary to make TODAY the best day of your life. More…

 You Have a Choice…

As we say in The Power of TQ and 10 Choices of Intentional Excellence, you have a choice.

You can choose Intentional Excellence or Intentional Mediocrity within each minute you have been given.

Intentional Excellence: when you see a Negative in your performance, you take swift action to transform that Negative into a Positive.

Intentional Mediocrity: when you see a Negative in your performance, you do nothing.

Excellence moves you closer to your dreams.

Mediocrity holds you back from them.

We have found that there is a huge difference between WINNERS and LOSERS.

Winners succeed because they EXPECT to succeed.

Losers FAIL simply because do not EXPECT to succeed in the first place… so they are defeated before they even get started.

Unleash Your Inner Winner Today.

Plan to win.

Play to win.

Expect to win!


PS It is SIMPLE to discover what’s holding you back from the success you desire. Start Here…

Category: Motivation

About the Author ()

Eric Richard Haas, CEO, Founder The Centers for Advanced Working Intelligence™, Serial Entrepreneur x23, Author x29 AKA The Invisible Billionaire.   My mission is to inspire you to release your full potential through a science-based, systematic, and sequential process of Self-Measurement, Self-Evaluation, and Continuous Self-Improvement.

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