Noise, Fear & Drama Vs. Winning

| January 15, 2013

“All right Mister, let me tell you what winning means? You’re willing to go longer, work harder, give more than anyone else.” ~ Vince Lombardi

To a large degree, this site is all about winning…

Winning your daily battles against the clock…

Winning the battles for career success…

Winning your battles over your inner self-doubts and fear.

Yesterday, I worked with a group where the leaders have consistently failed to produce the results they expected… wished for… prayed for… and hoped for.

I listened to 4 very bright men and 2 ultra sharp women explain to me why what they projected to happen failed to happen.

I gave each exactly 5 minutes to state their case.

When asked, “Now, what are you going to do about it?” this is what I heard…









Fuzzy Values, fuzzy Vision and no ACCOUNTABILITY for the Roles they play.

More Drama…

More Hesitation…

Little CONVICTION, limited COMMITMENT and virtually no COURAGE to step up and take responsibility for their actions.

As I commented on what I was hearing, I quickly reviewed their TQ Color Charts…

The men had TQ Scores of 11, 14, 37 and 48  — out of 100 EACH. Their total scores were a combined 110 out of 400 possible points or and effectiveness of 27.5%

The women scored 27 and 56 or a total of 83 out of 200 = 41.5%

Together they were not even 100%!!!

The problem?

No sense of Mission… few real Goals… no real Plans… a total absence of Synergy… the list goes on.

I told them exactly what they paid me to explain. “The reason you are failing to meet objectives is that you are dabbling at success. You are failing, simply because you do not expect to succeed.”

If you want to WIN, the answer is simple: Get your TQ Scores into 80 or more. This means the 6 leaders of this sinking ship need to have a total score of 480 out of 600 total.

The solution?

They PLAN to WIN: TQ = 80 Plus…

They PLAY to WIN: TQ = 80 Plus…

They EXPECT to WIN: TQ 90/100. Remember, TQ is built on just 4 words: High Expectations / Brilliant Execution.

Get your scores UP and you will WIN.

You will have absolute CLARITY of Values, Vision and Roles.

You will exude total CONVICTION, unconditional COMMITMENT and the inner COURAGE to take the bold actions required to WIN.

You will WIN because you fully EXPECT to WIN — to do what it takes to exceed your own high Expectations

 A Goal Without a Plan is merely a Wish Without a Hope…

Individually or corporately, you have a choice to either WIN or LOSE.

Choose to keep your TQ high, you WIN.

Don’t and you won’t.


PS Eliminate FEAR, DOUBT and DRAMA by getting with the program. Click Here Now…

Category: Motivation

About the Author ()

Eric Richard Haas, CEO, Founder The Centers for Advanced Working Intelligence™, Serial Entrepreneur x23, Author x29 AKA The Invisible Billionaire.   My mission is to inspire you to release your full potential through a science-based, systematic, and sequential process of Self-Measurement, Self-Evaluation, and Continuous Self-Improvement.

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