The Idea

| January 24, 2013

“Ideas are the beginning points of all fortunes.” – Napoleon HillThe Idea

In the Beginning…

stackofbooks500When we started TQ, we believed our mission was to release all the great ideas locked inside of books.

Huge idea!

Think of all the great ideas brilliant writers have presented inside the pages of their books.

But, there they sit — up on the shelf — out of sight, out of mind.

Our big idea was to inject great ideas directly into your brain, bypassing all the pages of fluff, opinion and engrossing stories.

Nothing wrong with a good story.

They too are the source of great ideas.

But they frequently miss the point of what you are looking for — or thinking about.

So, we extracted, condensed and distilled the best ideas from the best brains on the planet — making them instantly available, on demand!

Fast Forward to Today…

Imagine a voice in your head — promoting success in a negative world — dispensing great ideas as you run, jog, walk, or ride.

What you hear you start to think about.

When you start to think outside the box a bit, you start to form brand new ideas.

When you start the flood of new ideas inside your brain, you start to move in a different direction.

Which leads you down the path to your dreams.

Bigger Ideas = Bigger Dreams…

Yes, our simple idea is to get you to start dreaming bigger, better, bolder dreams.

From there, success is easy.

It is simply a matter of grabbing hold of the idea, and fighting for its right to thrive.

Never underestimate the power of a single IDEA.

Bigger Dreams = Greater Success…

As you engross yourself in our hot new Learn & Burn program, keep an Idea Journal.

Simply write down what you are feeling… thinking about… a new perspective you now have… a question that you must find an answer for… whatever.

The first few entries might say “Nothing!”



“What am I angry about?”

“I’m angry about this crappy relationship…”

“I deserve to be happy, living in a positive world…”

“I need to get rid of all the old NO it all’s in my life…”

“I am tired of NO… I deserve to life a life filled with YES!”

“I will start to rid myself of the negativity in my life… today!


When you go back and review your Idea Journal, you will start to see patterns emerge, or begin to think a bit differently about the forces driving up towards the success you desire… or driving you further away from it.

Listen. Learn. Burn.

Tune IN… Turn ON… Turn UP…

All with the purpose of snatching a great idea each day that will propel you a little further… a little faster… towards achieving ALL your goals and aspirations!



PS There is ALWAYS something you can do to move from a dull, negative, unrewarding mindset… to the Winner’s Mindset. Suggestion: Learn and Burn…

Category: Motivation

About the Author ()

Eric Richard Haas, CEO, Founder The Centers for Advanced Working Intelligence™, Serial Entrepreneur x23, Author x29 AKA The Invisible Billionaire.   My mission is to inspire you to release your full potential through a science-based, systematic, and sequential process of Self-Measurement, Self-Evaluation, and Continuous Self-Improvement.

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