Competent Competition

| January 25, 2013

“Your ability to learn faster than your competition is your only sustainable competitive advantage.”  ~ Ari De Gues

We all want to WIN!

Study the quote above. It holds the truth about winning and losing.

Learn and Burn is all about giving you winning IDEAS faster than you can get them anywhere else.

To shape and mold your thinking, so you can work smarter, compete harder and out-hustle those who are trying to take YOUR prize away from YOU!

Learn to work smarter FASTER and you move up the food chain from “also-ran” to real winner.

You EVOLVE into the person you are meant to be.

The key is to recognize where you are on the Consciousness/Competence grid, and swiftly move up to Stage-4 Performance: Unconscious Competence, where everything you do is instinctive, intuitive and automatic.

It doesn’t matter if you are in sales… an executive… a teacher… a minister… a professional… a handyman… or a business owner trying to gain an edge on your competition. It is exactly the same.

To WIN, you must COMPETE to WIN.

Which means you must learn how to out-THINK… out-WORK… out-SMART… out-PRODUCE… out-PERFORM… and out-HUSTLE your competition EVERY step of the way.

Which, by the way, perfectly describes Stage-4 Performance — Becoming Unconsciously Competent


Where Are You — Most of the Time?

This is a BIG idea… a truly eye-opening experience. Here I want to focus a little time on why people FAIL.

Sometimes we can learn something useful by watching the people who continuously fail to meet their expectations. We believe that there is a simple cause: They are Unconsciously Incompetent. (But we mean this in a nice way!)

They live and work in Stage-1 Incompetence rather than Stage-4 Competence.

They simply have no idea what’s holding them back—thus, they continue to take the same old actions, hoping and praying for different results.



At the most basic level, here’s how the TQ Learn and Burn Process works using the age-old Competency Grid as our frame of reference.


Competent Competition
Stage-1: Unconscious Incompetence. You may or may not know something is wrong.

You may not even be AWARE that you have a problem… let alone serious issues with your performance.

It seems like dark forces are holding you back from all that you are meant to be. You work hard, but have the feeling that there’s an easier way… a smarter way… but you just don’t know what it is.

So, you struggle. Needlessly.

Going through the same motions, day after day, you hope and pray that someone will step in to help you.

Stage-1 Symptoms…

You know that something is not quite right, but fail to see the warning signs that read “Danger Looming Ahead!”

You work hard, but have little or no financial freedom.

Your relationships are ok, but you feel something is missing.

You believe you are a good planner, and are focused on the important, but are constantly dealing with urgencies that keep you running in circles.

You spend a lot of your day waiting for further instructions… which never seem to come.

Thus, you wait for Divine intervention and inspiration… never really recognizing that it is “Divine Perspiration” that you need.

Of course you are willing to do the work… but have no clue what you need to do differently to break free of the self-imposed bondage you have put yourself — and your family — in.

So you wish and wait… burning up precious time in the endless cycle that we call “getting ready to get ready.”

Over the years, we have heard from thousands of clients who, due to various life circumstances, found themselves in Stage-1… and moved themselves to Stage-4… FAST.

Nobody wants to spend any time in Stage-1. Unfortunately, to some degree, we all do.

The key is to recognize the SYMPTOMS, and quickly get the CURE!

Think about where you are now, and where you hoped you would be by now.

There is always a cost… loss of valuable TIME… Money… Career opportunities… Business opportunities… Relationship issues. What would your life look like without these symptoms of Low TQ Performance? The difference between your life now, and your life then, is what we are talking about.

If you have more than 1 or 2 Stage-1 Symptoms, then you need to take ACTION today to get out of that box.


Life is sweet at Stage-3 and 4!

That’s where you want to spend the rest of your life.


Competent Competition
Stage-2: Conscious Incompetence. By testing your TQ and reading your personal, custom-published copy of The Power of TQ and 10 Choices of Intentional Excellence, you SEE (in graphic detail) precisely what’s holding you back from the success you desire.

At this stage, you can SEE exactly, step-by-step, what you need to do differently to produce far greater results… in far less time.

You become VERY AWARE of your strengths and weaknesses.

You are CONSCIOUSLY AWARE that all your symptoms are the logical extension of Stage-1 Performance issues, manifested in your life.

You are highly AWARE that these symptoms will persist until you DO something to make them GO AWAY.

You can SEE what you need to DO differently to become the success you desire.

At Stage-2 Performance, you still haven’t DONE anything differently YET… but you feel better because you KNOW that these symptoms all have a common CAUSE.

The good news is that almost NOBODY stays at Stage-2 for long.

The great news is that once you KNOW there is a CURE for Stage-1 Symptoms… almost NOBODY moves backward to oblivious cluelessness!

Because it is actually EASIER to move to Stage-3, than it is to live with the failed hopes, dreams and expectations found within Stage-1.


Competent Competition
Stage-3: Conscious Competence. Now that you can actually SEE what’s standing between you and your goals, it’s EASY to systematically take smarter actions.

Because you are now AWARE of your performance positives and negatives, you quickly amplify your strengths… and eliminate your weaknesses.

Put simply, you know what to do, and you do it!

This is the beauty of the TQ Gold System… all the materials, all in one place to make this process seamless and intuitive!

You become a paragon of efficiency and effectiveness.

Your TQ rises as you find new ways of working smarter, competing smarter and living smarter.

Stage-3 Competence becomes a simple matter of doing your 4 R’s with increasing frequency:

  • You do the RIGHT Things—consistently…
  • You do things the RIGHT Way—consistently…
  • You do them at RIGHT Time—consistently…
  • You do them for the RIGHT Reasons—consistently…


Competent Competition
Stage-4 performance is where you do the impossible… and make it look effortless!

At this stage, your self-confidence virtually explodes… your self-esteem is magnified a thousandfold. You are at the pinnacle of success, looking down from amazing heights… with no fear of falling… and no fear of failing!

You are living your Purpose, because you are Performing on Purpose.

You are a Purpose-driven Success.

This stage is what makes great athletes, top sales people and executives.
It gives you the power to achieve all your dreams and goals.

Stage-4 performance gives you the power to ACHIEVE the success you truly desire—both personally and professionally.

Stage-4 Performance is High TQ Performance: High Expectations coupled with Brilliant Execution.

This is where all your hard work pays off.

High TQ Performance leads you directly to the results you want and the success you desire—personally and professionally.

If you are looking to improve your life a little, or a lot, Stage-4 is where you want to live. There is simply no point in putting up with a life of failed hopes, dreams and expectations when all you have to do is move from Stage-1 Symptoms to Stage-4 Success.

Each time you Learn and Burn, you EVOLVE into an entirely NEW person.

Each time you master a given Idea for Action, you become increasingly more POWERFUL.

As you become increasingly more POWERFUL, two things happen:

  • You produce more of the Results you want… moving you UP towards success…
  • You are actually increasing your practical working intelligence… your TQ.


Take some time today to think about your life as a whole.

How much of it is actually spent at Stage-1: Unconscious Incompetence—where you are just going through the motions?

Wouldn’t it be great if — say in 2-3 months — you spend 5% at Stage-1 and 95% at Stage-4 where everything just seems to fall into place…

Auto Magically?!


PS If you want to know exactly what’s holding you back from the success you desire, summon the courage to see yourself as you really are. Get your personal copy of The Power of TQ and 10 Choices of Intentional Excellence…

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Category: Motivation

About the Author ()

Eric Richard Haas, CEO, Founder The World Excellence Project, Serial Entrepreneur x23, Author x29 AKA The Invisible BillionaireAbout The Centers for Advanced Working Intelligence™.As CEO of the world's leading producer of AI-Driven Adaptive Coaching™ products focused exclusively on the Intentional Pursuit of Excellence (known as The Excellence Habit™) my mission is to inspire you to release your full potential through a science-based, systematic, and sequential process of Self-Measurement, Self-Evaluation, and Continuous Self-Improvement.Having trained over 250,000 members it is my belief that PERSONAL COACHING IS DEAD. It is expensive and marginally effective.Our TQ/Ai Adaptive Coaching™ costs about $1/day vs. $500 for a highly skilled Executive Coach. We do not merely GUARANTEE the product, we unconditionally GUARANTEE YOU! Use any TQ program for ONE FULL YEAR and if you have not received 100 times the value, let me know and I will refund your purchase and we will part friends. If I cannot help you, I don't expect to be paid!

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