A brief history of your future.
“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”~ Peter F. Drucker
All last week we focused on the Power of Positive Expectations.
If you remember only one thing, remember this: Goals don’t achieve themselves.
To achieve your greatest aspirations, you must draw on that inner-reserve of power that comes from nurturing a positive self-image and can-do attitude—and dead-stop all that negative chatter that is going on between you and your future.
Do this, and you will create the future of your dreams.
Your Future Is Waiting…
This week we are going to help you write your Future by looking into a Time Machine of sorts… two simple sheets of paper that will crystallize your GOALS into tangible, actionable PLANS.
These two forms will let you SEE all of this year and beyond at a glance.
They are essential planning tools that I use constantly throughout the year.
They give me bearing and direction… at EVERY point in time.
They help me remain focused on the BIG picture—with an instant reference to both my LONG-TERM view of life, as well as the SHORT TERM, up close and a personal view I get by looking at the future in daily chunks.
NOTE: To use these forms, you must first SAVE them to your hard drive. Click on the image and SAVE TARGET / LINK to disk. You may then open and print these files once they are on your PC — not the net.
(If you do not follow these simple instructions, you will get one of several error messages such as “file is corrupted… unable to print… file not found… etc.)
Your 15 Year Time Horizon…
Something to think about. Today is October 15th.
There are just 60 “Working” days or so left this year.
My question to you is this: Have you reached your aspirations for the year?
If so, fabulous!
If not, why not?
Fail to Plan… Plan to Fail.
Could it be that your PLANS don’t match the size of your GOALS?
Put simply, a goal without a plan is merely a WISH without a HOPE.
There is no way you can accomplish something if you don’t know how to proceed. Written plans are the essential instructions on how to reach a goal.
A plan is simply a detailed map outlining the steps to accomplish your goal as quickly and easily as possible.
At a minimum, it includes a complete list of objectives and resource requirements — all organized in–correct CHRONOLOGICAL order.
Thus, the need for BOTH a short-term Time Line… and a long-term Time Horizon.
“Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.” ~ Stephen A. Brennan
Factor 5A’s CONTRIBUTION to your performance…
A high commitment to this Factor of your performance suggests you have both a goal and a plan. You’re inspired enough to have goals — and methodical enough to develop written plans. With a detailed plan in hand, you’re already halfway there. You’ve overcome the fear and uncertainty of not knowing what to do next, and have a clear set of directives with an excellent chance of success.
With a detailed written plan in hand, you proceed confidently toward each of your major goals.
Factor 5A’s COST to your success…
A lack of commitment to this Factor of your performance suggests you are someone whose goals often remain nothing but elusive wishes.
You rarely make the progress you’d like. It may not be from lack of effort. You are working hard but too much time is spent on activities that prove to be of little benefit. Lacking specific instructions, you have neither a clear direction for what to do next nor any way to chart your progress. Sure, some goals are being achieved by trial and error — but many aren’t — and more are taking far longer to achieve than they should.
The Bottom Line…
We are nearing the end of the year. Next year will turn out exactly like this year. This may, or may not, be a good thing.
As Peter Drucker said, “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” The best way to create your future is to confront it.
To get started, simply print off your next year Time Line and write down what you would like to see happen next year… one month at a time. This will start your creative juices flowing.
After all, getting “juiced” about your future is the first step towards living it. — E.R. Haas, CEO
Category: Personal Growth