TQ/Ai = More Personal Power
‘If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought. ” ~Peace Pilgrim
FACT: Billions are being invested to make machines smarter than YOU.
TQ/Ai Gives You Substantially More Power…
To Gain Control Over Everything
Now Controlling You!
As promised, here is the 4th installment of our AI announcement. Short and sweet!
Many customers already signed up for the 100-Day Challenge. Join the all-new Excellence Habit Challenge.
Maximum Personal Power…
What’s now controlling you—money, debt, poor relationships, family issues, health, lack of career mobility?
Or is it more tactical?
Remember, your personal performance is made up of 10 highly sensitive, interrelated, and inter-connected Colors that influence everything you will ever be, do, and have in life.
It is the strength of those individual aspects of your performance, that move you forward towards your goals or hold you back from them.
Thus, your TQ is the Gold Standard measurement of your Practical Working Intelligence — the only form of “smarts” you can actually improve on a daily basis.
When you take your Actual TQ test, we break your performance into 10 key areas (Colors) and 100 success-critical Factors that tell us, and the world, what you are doing Right… what you are doing Wrong… and what you need to do Differently to achieve your dreams and goals faster.
So, what’s controlling you?

Low physical, mental, and spiritual Energy levels?
Lack of a strong sense of purpose direction and Mission?
A YoYo Attitude where you seem more bipolar—one day hopeful, the next pessimistic?
Few real Goals that inspire and motivate you. Real goals, not wishes on the calendar?
A lack of unified Plans and Priorities that lead you step-by-step to a higher level of achievement?
Maybe what’s controlling you is that you lack trust in others and have a hard time building Synergistic teams?
Or maybe it’s that you are drowning in a sea of chaos where your Organization and time Optimization skills need to be resharpened?
And in the end, maybe it’s simply the Action you take is a little too hesitant and way too late to achieve the results you want?
The truth is this: If you permit external forces to control your life, your future is dark, lifeless, and meaningless.
Take control of the dark forces now controlling you.
Join the 100-Day Challenge… engage… and commit to a higher degree of performance.
Then, you will be at the Starting Point for the most powerful mentor you have ever experienced—human in some ways, but incredibly resourceful to help you achieve more and get ahead faster.
TQ will be releasing our new Ai Infused system in October. It will be like having our 5,000 years of content directly infused into YOUR brain.
It does not focus on information… it focuses on eliminating WHY you know what to do, but fail to do it consistently.
If you have taken this Challenge before… it’s time to re-up. Our new TQ/Ai will be triggered off of subscribers to this success-critical program. Gold members will have their normal access, but to take advantage of Infusion Power, you must order The Challenge.
In October, TQ Ai Infused will be $40/month when paid a year ahead… or $480/year… by far the highest value mentoring package available. It just $200 through 12/31/2023 so every single TQ member can afford to fully engage. You save big—SMART!
Get The Excellence Habit 100-Day Fast Track! Start TODAY.
Use the NEXT 100 days to recommit to your dreams… reconnect with your goals… and get serious about the rest of your life.
We can and will help,
E. R. Haas, CEO, Serial Entrepreneur x22, Author x28 (AKA The Invisible Billionaire)
Category: Personal Growth