Part 1: Personal Coaching is DEAD ~ Long Live TQ/Ai Adaptive Coaching™!
“If it’s not growing it’s dying.” ~ Michael Eisner, CEO Disney
Today, We Are Declaring The Legions of Personal Coaches a Relic of The Past…
Right up there with Dinosaurs, Savings & Loans… 8 Track & VHS tapes… Blockbuster… Phone Booths… and all the great ideas that served their purpose at the time but were “obsoleted by technology that was faster, cheaper, and instantly available.
Some call it “disruption”… economists call it “disintermediation” — I call it inevitable.
No, I am not talking about football, soccer, golf, and other sport-related coaching. Or even strategic consultants, highly trained psychologists, and other medical professionals.
I’m referring to the million-plus folks who feel the need to help and hang out their shingle as a paid friend, confidant, and motivational/goals coach who tries to effect a bit of change in your habits, hopes, and dreams. While good-meaning, they are functionally obsolete, mostly irrelevant, expensive, and ineffective.
As a world leader in personal and professional excellence — with 30 years of experience, 250,000 clients, and some 100 Million data points from our exclusive TQ tests — it might seem odd we are proclaiming the death of the Personal Coach!
But, we are, and here’s why…
Time, money, results, efficiency, effectiveness, productivity, and quality of life!
Throw in functional obsolescence, time availability, and the requirement that any relationship you build now must last for a lifetime… to be with you through thick and thin… when and where you need help.
The truth is, we only have one life to live.
If you are not achieving up to your full potential each day, you are slowly dying inside… committing what we call “slow-motion suicide”… wasting the one life you have to live on things that simply do not matter.
This is, of course, WHY most people want a personal coach.
To get ahead faster… achieve outstanding career goals… and make a difference.
Yes, the need for a coach is obvious. But in a world of AI-driven everything, the issue is RESULTS, COST, TIME, EFFORT, and your ultimate SUCCESS.
What we all want is ENDURING success… today, tomorrow, and a legacy for all time.
Which Leads Me to Qualifications…
A great personal coach is much like finding a best friend who’s also a trained psychologist coupled with a skilled strategic advisor!
In today’s fast-paced world, finding, retaining, and paying for competent advice is no longer optional, it’s what we call “success essential”.
You need a coach, advisor, and mentor to motivate, cajole, excite, encourage, and drag you kicking and screaming across the success line — for however long it takes.
So, add in a PERFECT MEMORY and TOTAL RECALL of your issues, needs, and unique circumstances… all at a COST you can afford… you get the point that the current coaching model is simply incapable of delivering what you need, want, and expect in today’s survival of the smartest global economy.
It is simply IMPOSSIBLE for a personal coach to be available 24x7x365 and have a field of understanding from birth to death… business logistics and strategic planning… putting your life in context so you become all you are meant to be… AUTHENTICALLY you where you optimize the use of your precious time, unique talents, and treasure of every nature.
You might like your coach, but his or her job is not to be likable… it’s to make you THINK… to ADAPT… to become STRONGER, SMARTER, and ACHIEVE greater RESULTS.
You deserve the right to the very best growth experience… the help you need to achieve your full potential.
All at a price you can afford over the long haul.
It is simply IMPOSSIBLE for any one person to deliver what you truly need, when you need it, in a manner that makes it useful… delivering what we call Actionable Intelligence™ on the far-ranging issues we all face daily.
Imagine a 24-hour-a-day hotline where the only service is to make YOU smarter, more effective, more efficient, and more productive. An affordable service for about $1/day designed to bring out the best in you… designed to answer your every question — especially the complex relationship and family issues that hold most people back from higher achievement.
Until the advent of TQ/Ai Adaptive Coaching™, finding a competent coach to answer a broad range of personal questions, business strategy issues, and navigate the nuances of human development, was at best, difficult and expensive.
The perfect coach or mentor adds a long-term quality to your life… a trusted relationship that requires countless hours of understanding, compassion, and a total commitment to excellence.
Most of all, we are in an era where superhuman, lightening-quick judgments must be made that affect every aspect of your life.
Harder still, is finding someone who can EVOLVE with you… growing as you grow… evolving as you evolve… leading you by the hand to become all you are meant to be.
A coaching relationship should not last for a few months and then stagnate — it should last forever and continue to grow and permit you to adapt to changing conditions even faster.
A great coaching relationship must always be fresh, engaging, empowering, and current.
A fabulous coaching relationship must cover the past, present, and future in every aspect important to you: Financial freedom… business strategy… personal issues… health & fitness —every facet of your growth and your legacy.
A coaching relationship should not just descend into a pitty party or devolve into endless banter about this, that, and everything else. It should deliver Actionable Intelligence™ you can ACT on!
Click Here For Complete Information…
It’s not your IQ or EQ holding you back — it’s your TQ.
TQ is the Gold Standard measurement of your practical working intelligence.
We measure how smart you ACT… not how smart you are!
We invested millions in “pre-training” Chat GPT to understand personal improvement… personality assessments… and every aspect of the human growth curve… blending IQ + EQ + TQ into a powerful Avatar that EVOLVES as you EVOLVE… and is able to instantly answer questions that even a $500/hour Executive Coach would not be able to handle… for a stunning $1/day or less!
The result is the SMARTEST, MOST AFFORDABLE, COACHING/MENTORING EXPERIENCE — instantly available 24x7x365.
TQ/AI™ is the disruptor of the $12 Billion/year self-help industry… the highest VALUE, lowest COST, the most effective, efficient, and productive experience you will ever find!
In fact, I personally GUARANTEE your success.. not just the product! Use it… do what we advise for one full year… and if you have not received 100 TIMES the value… just let me know and I will refund your purchase and we will part company.
Our tools, tech, and hybrid coaching model combining LIVE group sessions with the smartest AI means you get ahead faster and achieve your goals sooner.
If you have any questions, you can write me using the Contact Us button in the upper left — I am Eric Richard Haas, CEO, Serial Entrepreneur x23, Author x29 (AKA The Invisible Billionaire)
I will use my years of experience, training, and dedication to help you. If you are serious about higher achievement, look no further! Order now… fully engage… and life as you know it will improve for the better. You will discover the NEW YOU you have been searching for… systematically more successful than you can begin to imagine! All at MY risk. So you have no reason or excuse to delay a minute longer!
Category: Featured, Personal Growth, TQ/Ai