Friends Helping Friends Get Ahead Faster…
“The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.”
“So, here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The trouble-makers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status-quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify, or vilify them. But the only thing you can’t do is ignore them.” ~ Steve Jobs
It’s Time to Change The World as We Know It…
We’re not naïve. Just crazy enough to believe that a few committed people have the power to change the world from the inside out. I sincerely hope you are one of them…
If you received a contact request from me, this is exactly where I want you to be!
As CEO of the world’s leading publisher of virtual training products exclusively focused on the measurable, systematic and intentional pursuit of excellence…
I have a dream…
And I have a plan…
I hope you’ll help with both.
First the dream…
We are insanely passionate about encouraging a Billion people with Smartphones to realize their full potential… by training them to become Smarter in the Moment™.
The Time Prism: The World’s Smartest App™ was developed by The World Excellence Project to make this happen. It is now available in the App Stores — given freely to anyone who is interested in peak performance, self-growth and personal development.
Our immediate goal is to seed millions of copies of this No Charge, Ad-Free, new App to people in every walk of life… people who need a continuous flow of encouragement and fresh new ideas for action.
It’s our gift to make the world better for all of us…
By creating a neural net of a Billion people — each with fresh new ideas and true “Aha” moments each day — we empower people to make the world smarter, safer and more successful. Making excellence the prevailing aspiration will do that.
Now the plan…
Instead of just making machines smarter, let’s make people smarter — informing smarter decisions, empowering smarter choices, and promoting smarter actions in the moment.
Let’s help the world learn, remember and master the success-critical skills needed for high achievement. Transparently.
Which is where you come in.
All I want you to do is try The Time Prism and pass the word along to people whose success is critical to your success: Employees, vendors, customers, friends, family, church members — anyone who, if THEY did better… worked just a bit smarter… and achieved incrementally better results — would help YOU do better.
Think about your customers who depend on you for innovation and new ideas… here’s an extraordinary gift — the gift of wisdom — you can freely give them…
Think about your employees, leadership team, sales force… here’s an encouraging gift that will make them immediately more productive, effective and results-oriented.
All I’m asking is for you to re-gift The Time Prism to anyone who, if they become more successful, will make you more successful.
It’s a WIN WIN — clearly in our mutual self-interest to help others help us!
The Time Prism is simple, powerful, encouraging, and effective.
The Time Prism is a Transparent Learning Engine™ that incorporates brain-training and skill-building engineered on the timeless principles of practice and drill, spaced repetition, condition-response, habit rendition, and structured sequential memory reinforcement — the same discipline that builds Marines, Doctors, Olympians and all successful business leaders.
This App contains 5,000 years of the best ideas — from the best minds who ever lived — all condensed, distilled and energized in a fun, simple and highly effective regime designed with a single purpose:
“Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to THINK.” ~ Albert Einstein
The Time Prism produces a wonderful series of “Teachable Moments” on the hour, in 10-second bursts.
All we ask is you READ… BREATHE… and THINK.
Over the course of a month, you are exposed to a THOUSAND highly concentrated Ideas for Action on a given aspect of your performance — true “Aha’s” — and in a year, over 10,000 engagements that encourage, excite and inform smarter decisions.
As a thought-leader, you will find it compelling and highly complementary to what you do.
Finally, so you can see where we want you to refer people, check the gift link out here…
The short link where you can send to your network is
Many thanks,
E. R. Haas, CEO The TQ Smart Family of Companies
The Quick Big Picture in 60-Seconds…
The fastest and easiest way to learn, remember and master success-critical skills for high achievement.
Go to Your App Store and Search For: TIMEPRISM
There is a massive amount of information on these pages, but it all comes down to this:
- Watch the 1-minute video above…
- Download your personal copy of the App…
- Use it for the next few days…
- Share it!
We are looking for INFLUENCERS and marketing PARTNERS worldwide. If you believe as we do that people BECOME what they LEARN, then helping us help the world release its full potential is the SMARTEST investment in time and money you can make.
I know you will LOVE The Time Prism. If you have any questions or just want to “campfire” let me know and I’m happy to schedule a time to talk: [email protected]
Go to Your App Store and Search For: TIMEPRISM
Or simply click here…
“Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to THINK.” ~ Albert Einstein