Press Release: New Year’s Resolutions Just Got a Whole Lot Smarter
Download Free — Search your App Store for: TIMEPRISM
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“First comes thought; then organization of that thought, into ideas and plans; then transformation of those plans into reality. The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination.” ~ Napoleon Hill
Introducing the World’s Smartest App, The Time Prism: New Year’s Resolutions Just Got a Whole Lot Smarter
Boulder, Colorado: December 12, 2018 – ThinkTQ, Inc. is pleased to announce the global launch of The Time Prism, the World’s Smartest App, which offers the fastest and easiest way to learn, remember and master the success-critical skills for higher achievement, personally, professionally and in business. Available ad-free and at no cost on Google Play and the App Store, The Time Prism contains over 10,000 10-second training sequences that promise to inspire, encourage, and lead the user to higher achievement, on both a personal and professional level. Search: TIMEPRISM (one word).
It’s no coincidence that the app is being released just in time for the New Year when people start thinking about New Year’s Resolutions. E. R. Haas, CEO of ThinkTQ, Inc., the world’s primary publisher of virtual training products, and founder of The World Excellence Project, has this to say on the topic of resolutions:
“Each year around this time we promise to do better NEXT year… so we set some resolutions that are doomed to fail even before the ball drops in Time Square. You’ve probably even read the books like Think and Grow Rich, or 7 Habits, etc. But this year, I urge you to do something different… Pledge to work smarter… actually work SMARTER!”
According to Haas, The Time Prism is a new app with a difference and one single purpose: to make the user smarter in the moment. It contains thousands of the best ideas from 5,000 years of wisdom, advice, and pure knowledge from the smartest, most successful men and women who ever lived. The upshot is that users make better informed decisions leading to immediately smarter actions which turn resolutions into positive results.
“One of the best quotes on training I have ever seen is from Albert Einstein, ‘Education is not merely the learning of facts… it is the training of the mind to THINK.’ When we stop for a moment, take a breath and think, we not only fire up our imagination, we also excite our minds to take action.”
“Training the mind to THINK is the cornerstone to all achievement. Through brain-training and skill-building, together with encouragement, motivation and inspiration, The Time Prism will mentor you to a level of achievement that you never thought possible. And it’s available instantly, in the palm of your hand without costs or distracting ads!”
Haas explains that the app was designed to be fast, fun and easy, allowing users to learn without even realizing that they are doing so. With the use of sight, sound, motion, and emotion, The Time Prism creates a transparent learning experience that positively shapes the user’s thoughts and ultimately reshapes their future.
“With thousands of highly-focused ideas for action, coupled with a completely unique and different video experience, we produce more ‘Aha’ moments per day than any other personal training available. When you can make smarter decisions in the moment, you work smarter…Work smarter, you achieve more… Achieve more, you succeed faster. With The Time Prism at your fingertips, you’re destined to become the best possible version of yourself! ”
About the Company
ThinkTQ, Inc. is the world’s leading publisher of virtual training products exclusively focused on personal and professional excellence and founder of The World Excellence Project. With over 25 years of experience, is the only company with the tools, technology and automated systems that instantly improve performance through a continuous process of self-measurement, self-evaluation, and self-improvement.
The company’s latest innovation, The Time Prism is an app that provides brain training and skill building engineered on the timeless principals of practice and drill, spaced repetition, conditioned response, habit building, and structured sequential memory reinforcement, the same training regime that builds marines, doctors, MBAs, navy seals, Olympians and successful business leaders.
To download The Time Prism, visit Google Play or the App Store, search TIMEPRISM (one word) and for further information, check out the website at
Contact Information
ThinkTQ, Inc.
E. R. Haas, CEO
303 664 9624
Boulder, Colorado
(Your brain already knows what to do when you give it a great idea!)
“All the breaks you need in life wait within your imagination. Imagination is the workshop of your mind, capable of turning mind energy into accomplishment and wealth.” ~ Napoleon Hill
Work Smart • Achieve More • Retire Rich
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