Tag: mental toughnes
An Answer to Your Prayers…

If you are looking for an answer to your prayers, here’s a thought: WORKING prayers are better than WAITING prayers — because moving in the direction of your dreams is always better than just praying and waiting for Divine intervention.
Yes, the purpose of life is a life of passion and purpose… which is WHY we developed Success On Purpose.
Power Over Your Future…

In times of chaos and crisis, we need to stop looking outside for solutions and focus on the Inner-Me!
25 years and $14 Million Dollars ago we created TQ to help people look at their conditions, test their assumptions, and learn to take bold action… instead of endlessly procrastinating and looking for external solutions to their problems.
You are your solution. Believe it.
Millionaire Mentality: Vision in Action…

Vision In Action…
So many people are looking inward to reduce their risks and reduce their vision for a life well-lived.
Bad strategy.
This is the time when we must all EXPAND our vision and commit to doing what it takes to achieve it.
This has always been true.
Now, it’s more important than ever.
Quick Hit: The Wealth Habit

“It’s probably difficult for you to fathom, but there will be more Billionaires and Millionaires minted this year… even as the COVID-19 crisis ravages the global economy… your personal economy… than ever before seen.
Every crisis brings out new ways of doing things… new ways of thinking… and a burning the bridges mentality that forces people to adopt the Winner’s Mindest.
Some may call it the Wealth Habit, we like to think of it as the Excellence Habit. Take our 100 Day Challenge to be coaxed, cajoled, and coached to an entirely different way of thinking.
Quick Hit: Success vs. Survival

There is a huge difference between someone who works hard and struggles to survive vs. someone who works smart and succeeds.
The difference is measurable. Whatever you call it, Mental Toughness, Drive, or High TQ Performance, the difference shows up in your paycheck… your relationships… your career.
If you haven’t purchased The Power of TQ do it now as it is critical to your success. We not only guarantee it, we guarantee your success.
The Abundance Habit…

Making Abundance a Habit…
Please take a minute to watch our inspiring little video on abundance. It is a completely different approach to a concept people want more than anything else.
Just take a breath… engage… and THINK!
Think about your life right now. Are you living in abundance or want?
Think about everyone around you. Does everyone have more than enough, or are they struggling to find direction?
Just stop and think.
The question then becomes, have you made abundance a habit?
This is a very big deal.
Mental Toughness: The Habit of Action…

Making Mental Toughness a Habit…
Please take a minute to watch our inspiring little video on the power of mental toughness.
Just take a breath… engage… and THINK!
Think about your life right now. Are you tough enough for the challenges ahead?
Think about everyone around you. Do you have the mental attitude to lead them to victory?
Just stop and think!
The question then becomes, have you made mental toughness a habit?
This is a very big deal.
The Authenticity Habit…

Making Abundance a Habit…
Please take a minute to watch our inspiring little video on abundance. It is a completely different approach to a concept people want more than anything else.
Just take a breath… engage… and THINK!
Think about your life right now. Are you living in abundance or want?
Think about everyone around you. Does everyone have more than enough, or are they struggling to find direction?
Just stop and think.
The question then becomes, have you made abundance a habit?
This is a very big deal.
The Goals Habit…

Making Goals a Habit…
SET GOALS is the fourth color in the Time Prism Performance Spectrum, because you can’t make the leap from here to your vision, all in one jump. You can’t just “do” a mission. You need specific, tangible targets to give you immediate direction — ones which will lead thereafter to even greater destinations.
When you set specific GOALS, you target future accomplishments with precision and clarity. The first step in getting “EVERYTHING” you want is to specify exactly what “EVERYTHING” is.
Power Of HOPE…
When we invented the world’s first Time Prism back in 1994, we decided to also create The Power of TQ — the world’s first, 172 page, made-to-order, custom-produced personal book on success… made just for you, only you.
We believed that the intentional pursuit of excellence always trumps the accidental pursuit of mediocrity hands down. After some 100 Million Data Points, we now know we are absolutely right.
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