Tag: promise
You Serve…

My dear friend, Ryan Sarti, wrote and produced this wonderful music video as a tribute to all who serve.
Remember, all gave some… some gave all… and they deserve to be remembered with respect and honor.
Many of us will enjoy this long weekend with our friends and families. Many will place flowers on the graves of those who, even beyond the clutches of death, are still important to us.
Is Your Life as Meaningful as it Could Be?
The undeniable truth is that there are just 3 variables — all within your control — that determine if you will live the life of your dreams… or not. Fill these variables in and you will become the master of your own destiny. Your life will have meaning and purpose… a glow of happiness and conviction that will enlighten your path.
Fail to understand the importance of these 3 variables to your life, and your life will be much harder… more uncertain… and much more limited than it needs to be.
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