Want More Power? Live Your Values.

“Try not to become a man/woman of success but rather try to become a man of value.” ~ Albert Einstein
Last week, we talked about freedom, and your God-given right to pursue your dreams with passion, power and persistence. This week, we will discuss the foundation of ALL success—your personal values.
Each day you spend the only life you have to live. The question is, what are you getting in return? Are you living with a strong sense of purpose and MISSION… or are you struggling to find balance and direction?
FYI: If you score less than 8 on your Mission TQ Test… have a weak sense of purpose and direction… and want to start living your BEST life now, check out our newest book: Success On Purpose. Read the reviews and order a copy today. It is the STARTING POINT for Purpose-Driven Success.
A Valuable Exercise…
Your personal values radiate into everything you will ever be, do or have in life. They are the “pebbles” you toss into the sea of your life, creating a rippling effect through time and space.
Your values touch everyone with whom you come into contact. They define you as a person. They are the most visible, outward expression of who you are. Please take a moment to write down your top 5 CAREER values. What do you want others to SEE in you as you work your way through life?

1. ____________________________________
2. ____________________________________
3. ____________________________________
4. ____________________________________
5. ____________________________________
TQ Factor 2a offers life-changing advice…
“Maintain a written list of the most important, heartfelt values that you want to experience in life.”
A short list of values is all you need to design a well-lived life. Your values are those ideals such as freedom, beauty, honor, love, wisdom, family or adventure that are more important to you than anything else.
A condensed list of values gives clarity to your life and establishes your ideal standards. This list is your best guide to personal and professional satisfaction.
Put your list of personal values in writing — commit it to memory — and live each word — each and every day.
The HOW is very simple: High TQ Performance… High Expectations ~ Brilliant Execution.
“It’s not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.” ~ Roy Disney
2A’s Factor CONTRIBUTION to your performance…
A high commitment to this Factor of your performance suggests you have clearly identified those things that bring you the greatest sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.
You may have always known what you value most, or it may have come to you over years of trial and error.
Either way, you now have a clearly defined list of core personal values that mean more to you than anything else.
This list is your target for what you have defined as living the perfect life.
Your life has meaning and purpose, because you are in constant pursuit of what you value most.
Factor 2A’s COST to your success…
A lack of commitment to this Factor of your performance suggests you are someone without a strong cause or sense of purpose and direction.
You have a nagging feeling that whatever you’re trying to achieve right now, isn’t quite it.
You may be getting by, but you don’t feel fully invested in your work—and deep down, you lack heart and ambition.
You want your achievements to mean something, but you’re not sure what. Without the peace of mind that comes from knowing precisely what you want—you may feel restless, burned out or stressed out.
Bottom Line…
The BENEFIT of choosing to do Factor 2A a bit more frequently: You have morepower…
In life and in work, passionate desires produce the greatest results. You accumulate performance positives like “Purposeful, Passionate and Rewarded” — immediately moving you towards the results you expect.
What happens when you FAIL to consistently do Factor 2A? You have less power…
You’ll never excel until you connect your actions to something you truly value. Negatives like “Aimless, Directionless and Apathetic” start to take their toll on your performance — quickly moving you away from the success you want.
Want more POWER? Live your VALUES.
The simple question is, are you living what you VALUE most… each and every day?
If not, why not?
People tell us that doing the values exercise in the TQ Mission Personal Workshop instantly changed their life… and their future.
You can achieve success, power and happiness… if you build your life on what you value most.
Think about it.
— E.R. Haas, CEO
Category: Color Commentaries, Personal Growth