Color Commentaries
Power Of HOPE…

When we invented the world’s first Time Prism back in 1994, we decided to also create The Power of TQ — the world’s first, 172 page, made-to-order, custom-produced personal book on success… made just for you, only you.
We believed that the intentional pursuit of excellence always trumps the accidental pursuit of mediocrity hands down. After some 100 Million Data Points, we now know we are absolutely right.
Power Over Your Future…

In times of chaos and crisis, we need to stop looking outside for solutions and focus on the Inner-Me!
25 years and $14 Million Dollars ago we created TQ to help people look at their conditions, test their assumptions, and learn to take bold action… instead of endlessly procrastinating and looking for external solutions to their problems.
You are your solution. Believe it.
Millionaire Mentality: Vision in Action…

Vision In Action…
So many people are looking inward to reduce their risks and reduce their vision for a life well-lived.
Bad strategy.
This is the time when we must all EXPAND our vision and commit to doing what it takes to achieve it.
This has always been true.
Now, it’s more important than ever.
Quick Hit: A Marriage With Purpose…

Long before COVID became a household world, we penned an extension to our Success On Purpose series entitled, Marriage With Purpose.
Now, experts tell us all this social distancing, forced quarantine, and too much togetherness is causing a strain on marriages. Not a big surprise!
I know it might sound odd to take marriage advice from performance experts, but you should.
Please open your eyes, think with your brain, and consider a different approach to Happily Ever After.
Quick Hit: The Wealth Habit

“It’s probably difficult for you to fathom, but there will be more Billionaires and Millionaires minted this year… even as the COVID-19 crisis ravages the global economy… your personal economy… than ever before seen.
Every crisis brings out new ways of doing things… new ways of thinking… and a burning the bridges mentality that forces people to adopt the Winner’s Mindest.
Some may call it the Wealth Habit, we like to think of it as the Excellence Habit. Take our 100 Day Challenge to be coaxed, cajoled, and coached to an entirely different way of thinking.
Quick Hit: Success vs. Survival

There is a huge difference between someone who works hard and struggles to survive vs. someone who works smart and succeeds.
The difference is measurable. Whatever you call it, Mental Toughness, Drive, or High TQ Performance, the difference shows up in your paycheck… your relationships… your career.
If you haven’t purchased The Power of TQ do it now as it is critical to your success. We not only guarantee it, we guarantee your success.
Conviction-Driven Leadership: Knowledge Refines ~ Action Defines…

In times when people are confused, frightened, and need direction your leadership matters. Not lip-service to the word, but the true essence of what it means to lead in times of uncertainty, fear, and forced change.
Charles Darwin said it best, “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” Put another way, in this rapidly changing global economy, you either adapt or die.
We are in a time of unprecedented upheaval, a sudden and abrupt change to our way of life due to the hysteria surrounding the COVID19 virus. We must now quickly adapt or find our businesses decimated.
Quick Hit: Achievable Goals

Every small business that makes it — leaders who turn their business into a true gold mine — has SOLVED the problems raised in this article.
They start with a good idea. They organize for success and learn to out-think… out-smart… out-hustle the competition at every step.
Their actions all lead to greater customer confidence, trust, and satisfaction.
Their value proposition is well-communicated.
Money is made, growth is fueled, and the business becomes a well-oiled profit machine.
Do you have the WILL to succeed?

Do you believe you can FLY?
This week, we will be discussing The Will to Succeed…
the pure determination necessary to triumph over fear, uncertainty, and doubt as you move towards your most cherished dreams and goals.
Let our Invisible Billionaire Mentor You to a Fabulous 4th Quarter

Yes, you CAN have it all…
Look at the calendar.
Look at your life.
Is this where you thought you would be after 10-20-30 years of hard work?
You dreamed of being rich one day. Are you?
You dreamed you would be happy by now… that you would catch that gold ring and make it yours. Did you?
Interesting questions, aren’t they? Probing. Provocative.
They get to the reality of it, don’t they?
What Is Your Time Quotient? Why Should You Care?

Last week we discussed the difference between hopes and wishes vs. crystal-clear EXPECTATIONS.
As I pointed out all week, what you have the RIGHT to expect is based on four Colors within your personal Time Prism:
Your sense of purpose and MISSION… your ATTITUDE… your ability to set Smart GOALS… and your ability to establish realistic PLANS to achieve your goals.
Expectations vs. Hopes and Wishes.

Last week, we talked about AMBITION:
The eager or strong desire to achieve something.
This week, we will talk about Expectations — what you EXPECT to see happen vs. what you HOPE will happen over the course of time.
Achievement Takes Commitment.

Last week we discussed how to turn ever-present opportunities into tangible results.
This week we are going to discuss achieving greater results—in every area of your life.
From now until the end of the year we will be focusing on increasing your POWER to SET and ACHIEVE tremendously BRILLIANT goals for yourself—both personally and professionally.
New Beginnings…

Even though you may be busier than ever before, you may be simply doing things the hard way, or worse, just spinning your wheels—confusing EFFORT with RESULTS.
Simply do TQ Factor 8A more frequently:
Want more POWER? Live your VALUES.

Last week, we talked about hope and freedom, and your God-given right to pursue your dreams with passion, power, and persistence.
This week, we will discuss the foundation of ALL success—your personal values.
Each day you spend the only life you have to live. The question is, what are you getting in return?
Are you living with a strong sense of purpose and MISSION… or are you struggling to find balance and direction?
Your duty is to keep hope alive.

All last week we focused on HOPE.
This week, we will focus on Hope’s eternal companion: FREEDOM.
In America, we have awesome power.
We are free to hope and try… and to fail and succeed.
Use your freedom as if your very life depends on it.
It does.
The Connection Between Efficiency, Effectiveness And Success…

“Efficiency is doing better what is already being done. Effectiveness is deciding what to do better.” ~ Peter F. Drucker Get The Full Power of TQ System and use Discount Code: SAVE100NOW Last week we focused on the process of success and discussed the relationship between your Expectations and your ability to perform up to […]
Perfect your plans.

This week, I plan on helping you turn your dreams and goals into rock-solid plans!
Every goal—regardless of how complex or difficult—is nothing more than a series of steps that must be completed along with a path, from one object to another.
There is a problem in every opportunity and an opportunity in every problem.

Nothing will torpedo your chance at success faster than a poor attitude.
You can have clear and tangible goals, with the best-laid plans in the world, but if you poison the well from which opportunity springs, you’ve just killed your future.
Throw Away Your To Do List ~ Become More Productive
A simple time trick that doubled my personal productivity: Get rid of To-Do Lists…
If you want to become 2-3-10-100 times more effective, here’s a way that I know works:
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