What Is Your True Mission?

| October 7, 2012

What Is Your True Mission?

“No vision and you perish; No Ideal, and you’re lost; Your heart must ever cherish Some faith at any cost. Some hope, some dream to cling to, Some rainbow in the sky, Some melody to sing to, Some service that is high.” ~ Harriet Du Autermont

Last week we discussed the power rock-solid PLANS have over your life… indeed, your destiny. My advice was simple and straight forward:

Think WIN WIN… What’s Important NOW… What’s Important NEXT?

This week, we will focus on the core of living the life you love: Your sense of purpose and MISSION.

This area of your performance is vitally important because it governs all your GOALS (or lack thereof,) your outlook for the future, your ability to draw the right people to your cause, and your desire to take ACTION.

So, What’s Your True Mission in LIfe?


(Write it down, right here, right now.)

What Is Your True Mission?
What Is Your True Mission?

How Do You Know?

Do you know your True Purpose and Mission?

MISSION is the second color in the Time Prism Performance Spectrum, because until you know what’s MOST IMPORTANT to you, you are spending the ONLY life you have on things that simply don’t matter.

Lacking direction and purpose, you are powerless to make a real difference in your life… or those around you.

However, all self-imposed limitations are removed when your HEART and MIND are focused on the same thing.

No question, you’re always the most productive when you tap into the infinite power generated by “working from your heart,” fulfilling a clearly defined mission… living a life of PURPOSE onPURPOSE.

Is your Mission Color causing you problems?

You can tell when…

  • You know you could accomplish great things, if you only knew what they were.
  • You’re not sure why you’re even in the different roles in your life.
  • Nothing seems to matter, and you wonder why nothing ever comes your way.
  • Big decisions are always difficult because you’ve never determined what’s more important than something else.
  • You believe life has little inherent meaning, and even less purpose.

However, when your Mission color is strong and vibrant…

  • You’re focused on specific lifetime visions, and each day brings new opportunities to make your dreams come true.
  • You can articulate exactly what you want from — and what you expect to give to — each role in your life.
  • You find ways to make a difference with your time and your life in a pursuit higher than your own personal interests.
  • Decisions are easy, because your mission always clarifies what’s most important.
  • You believe life is full of meaning and purpose, meant to be lived to its fullest.

Here’s the Bottom Line…

Awareness of living what’s most important is critical to getting the results you want. If you’ve never decided what’s MOST important, you’re endlessly chasing after things that simply don’t matter.

Permit your Mission Color to hold you back, and you will struggle with the heartbreak of failed expectations. Improve it and you will succeed brilliantly.

Advice: Stop chasing after things that don’t matter… start pursuing things that do.

As I said last week, if you simply get yourself into the mind-set of asking yourself What’s Important NOW… What’s Important NEXT—10 times each day—you will not only understand the art of planning… you will master it!

More importantly, you will constantly remain focused on the IMPORTANT, rather than permit your TIME—read that LIFE—to be spent pursuing things that simply don’t matter.

Think about this VERY carefully this week. It could be the turning-point in your life you have been seeking.

Invest an hour or so — in the next few days — and stop the endless chatter in your mind and all the distractions going on around you — and think about the passing of the past twelve months.

What did YOU get in trade for the ONLY life you have to live?

Was it enough?

Did you get the benefit of the bargain?

Did you actually LIVE the last 365 days… or merely EXIST?

Do you want a repeat of the big Results obtained during the last year… from October 7, 2011 to October 8, 2012… or do you want a lot MORE out of life during the NEXT 365 days?

You can, you know.

Simply decide to live a life of passion, purpose and significance… then take the requisite actions.


Start by reading our newest book, Success On Purpose. Do all the exercises. See below for details.

You will find EXACTLY what you are looking for: Your Natural Mission and Authentic Direction in life. — E.R. Haas, CEO

What Is Your True Mission?


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This book will change the very heart of your future.

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What Is Your True Mission?

“Success On Purpose steps up to the plate, swings the bat, and delivers a home run. A unique, timely and excellent sequel to The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren”~ Lee Wise, Former Director of Internships Baptist Bible Seminary

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A personal note from the authors. This book is dedicated to people who are looking back on the last 5-10-15 years of their lives and are asking some really big questions: If not NOW, when… What must I do NOW to live that which I value most… a life that truly matters?

When will I start living life on my terms? What, exactly, is it going to take for me to STOP running in circles, and START living a life I love?

We have found, through millions of dollars and 17 years of scientific research, that people STRUGGLE and FAIL for all the WRONG REASONS… and that there is a SIMPLE explanation why some people find success beyond their wildest expectations, where others — with the exact same talent and skills — learn to live with failed hopes, dreams and aspirations.

The amazing truth is, people who fail never really EXPECT to succeed in the first place… because they never even get to the Starting Point for true and lasting success.

Create a powerful sense of MISSION, PURPOSE and DIRECTION, and you will develop what we have come to identify as the 4 C’s of the Winner’s Mindset™: Clarity… Conviction… Commitment… and Courage.

Fail to do this, and you will suffer with the heartbreak of failed hopes and dreams for the rest of your life.

The good news is that we have taken what we have learned, developed the processes, systems and technology that makes this easy to do… and put it all in this book!

Do the work in Success On Purpose and you will find that which you desire most: the Starting Point for the life you have always dreamed possible… a life of Happiness… Satisfaction… and Significance. A life that truly matters.
— E.R. Haas and Kent C. Madson

What Is Your True Mission?

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because your satisfaction is 100% Guaranteed.)


Are You Open to Positive Change?

  • Are you HIGHLY successful and want to take your life up to the next level… dramatically expanding your vision for a life well-lived?
  • Would you like to make full use of your natural TALENTS and SKILLS… but have no idea how to discover and release your true potential?
  • Do you need to make THIS… not some other year… your BEST year ever?
  • Are you unhappy with the DIRECTION your life is headed?
  • Are you dissatisfied with the RESULTS you are getting?
  • Do you feel your life lacks meaning and SIGNIFICANCE?
  • Would you like to greatly improve your RELATIONSHIPS?
  • Do you need to turn your CAREER potential into career power?
  • Do you need to find a new sense of BALANCE, Purpose, Direction and Mission in your life?
  • Are you facing some really TOUGH TIMES right now and need to find a new STARTING POINT for the success you have been striving for?
  • Do you feel like you need a fresh new start… to START OVER… redo, renew and rejuvenate your life… before you grow one day older?
  • Do you need some INTERNAL Motivation and Inspiration… to rekindle HOPE in your future?

Great News! Here it is—in spades.

Success On Purpose represents the first totally NEW approach to purpose-driven success in 5,000 years. It is a book that you will find riveting… inspirational and highly motivating.

It is fact-based and offers the FIRST measurable, sequential process for establishing Clarity of Values… Clarity of Vision… Clarity of Roles… which leads to absolute Conviction, Commitment and the Courage to take the bold action necessary to put you life on a higher plain of success.

Do the exercises and you will unleash a power within you that has been laying dormant for way too long.

This book will change the very fabric of your future. If you don’t agree, return it and we will give you 100% of your money back.

(People tell us that there is no force on Earth that would make them part with their copy of Success On Purpose. Many of our customers tell us that, next to the Holy Bible, this is the second most important book they have ever read.)

What Is Your True Mission?

(Your purchase is 100% Risk Free
because your satisfaction is 100% Guaranteed.)


What Is Your True Mission?


Review These Ideas For Action…

This is a really big deal…

The following Ideas for Action represent some of the best thinking on the planet regarding this subject.

What Is Your True Mission? They’re designed to inspire and motivate you to actually dothis factor a great deal more frequently.

Spend some time reading each one. Make sure you understand them. Visualize yourself doing them.

Keep in mind, however, that these ideas will remain ideas until youput them into action.

What Do You Value Most?

Your VALUES are those ideals such as love, contribution, wisdom, family and adventure that are more important to you than anything else.

What you value most will automatically set the stage for your vision of what you want most out of life.

Have You Put It In Writing Yet?

If you haven’t written down what’s most important to you, at least find the time today to start the list. This will be the most time-productive thing you’ll ever do.

Create a file called “most important” and begin a list before you leave today. This list will give clarity to your life and establish firm standards for you to live by.

Don’t Know Where To Begin?

If you’re hung up contemplating which values mean the most to you, go with your first response. Write it down. You can always review and revise your list later.

Write down at least one of your deepest values before the end of this day.

How Can You Get To The Heart Of The Matter?

To discover what’s most important to you, quiet the incessant chatter inside your head and listen closely to what your heart has to say.

Take a moment today to see if you can quiet the inner chatter, even briefly. A heart is a terrible thing to ignore.

How Will You Be Remembered?

If you want to know what’s most important in your life, try writing your own obituary. The prospect of your own mortality quickly puts everything in perspective.

Start examining your life today, and record what’s most important for you to experience during the limited time you have.

What Are The Ideals You Live By?

Values and ideals are similar. When determining your values, look toward the ideals you’ve always held. Use these to help specify your list of guiding values.

Examining your ideals gives you insight into your most heartfelt values.

* * *


Now, Answer These Integrating Questions…

How to incorporate these key ideas into your daily actions.

What Is Your True Mission? Understanding how this Factor drives your performance is key to improving it. Sometimes a small shift in perspective gives you a hugeshift in power.

Print this page, take out your pen and invest a few moments to answer the following questions.

Do it now.

Each one is designed to shift your perspective, change your point of view, and to invite specific action.

“Point of view is worth 20 IQ points”~ E. R. Haas

Power Up Questions:

  1. If you only had a month to live, what would be most important to you?
  2. Do you know what matters most to you and in what order?
  3. Do you have a list of your own personal commandments?
  4. Why not make a note right now of the values you feel most confident about?
  5. What do you value most in your career?
  6. What do you value most about your family?
  7. What do you value most in your community?
  8. What qualities do you admire most in others?
  9. When could you spend some time this evening to go over what really matters most in your life?

Insight Questions:

  1. Do you find that you follow your head or your heart more often?
  2. What would you want said by others about your life?
  3. Who’s your hero or heroine? What values do they exhibit and represent?
  4. What are the personal qualities you feel are most honorable?
  5. What’s the most important thing for you right now? Can you take just 5 minutes, right now, to jot down and review 3 of your deepest values?
  6. If you were your own best friend, what values would you write down for you?
  7. What one characteristic can you declare you will project from now on?

Perspective Questions:

  1. What are the accomplishments for which you want to be most remembered?
  2. What will be your legacy, after you have gone?
  3. If you think principles are universal, shouldn’t they apply to you too?
  4. Who would you be, if you could recreate yourself any way you wanted?


Category: Personal Growth

About the Author ()

Eric Richard Haas, CEO, Founder The World Excellence Project, Serial Entrepreneur x23, Author x29 AKA The Invisible BillionaireAbout The Centers for Advanced Working Intelligence™.As CEO of the world's leading producer of AI-Driven Adaptive Coaching™ products focused exclusively on the Intentional Pursuit of Excellence (known as The Excellence Habit™) my mission is to inspire you to release your full potential through a science-based, systematic, and sequential process of Self-Measurement, Self-Evaluation, and Continuous Self-Improvement.Having trained over 250,000 members it is my belief that PERSONAL COACHING IS DEAD. It is expensive and marginally effective.Our TQ/Ai Adaptive Coaching™ costs about $1/day vs. $500 for a highly skilled Executive Coach. We do not merely GUARANTEE the product, we unconditionally GUARANTEE YOU! Use any TQ program for ONE FULL YEAR and if you have not received 100 times the value, let me know and I will refund your purchase and we will part friends. If I cannot help you, I don't expect to be paid!

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