Superhero Ends Retirement…

| March 3, 2013

Superhero Ends Retirement to Get Americans Off Their Butts and But… But… Buts to get Fit Smart Fast!

LightBlueSirenValWe have a serious problem, and it’s not going away by itself.

The economy is relentless.

Great jobs are at risk.

Career dissatisfaction is at an all time high — job security is at an all time low.

Poverty is rising, and so is the number of single moms having to work 2 jobs — struggling just to make ends meet.

As a nation we have become fat, not fit… accepting “out of shape” as the new normal — clueless to the fact that we are not just killing off our hopes and dreams of an inspiring future — but committing slow-motion suicide every time we super-size.

It’s time to toughen up… smarten up… and fight back.

We can solve these problems if we get serious about finding new ways to promote better physical health and greater personal productivity.

As Steve Jobs so brilliantly observed, “The only people who ultimately change the world are those crazy enough to think they can.” So, let’s get crazy! Let’s get FIT and let’s get SMART… and let’s do both FAST.

Some would call me crazy. I guess I am since I played Superhero “Siren” on NBC’s American Gladiators… and became a 3 time Pro Fitness Champion — against all odds. Crazy!

What’s crazier is that I believe America’s best days are ahead of us, but we will need to earn it — developing the skills to create sensational new opportunities… emboldening our competitive spirit and charting entirely new paths to greatness. We need to get off our BUTTs and our BUTs and connect SWEAT with SUCCESS.

A crazy idea? Not really, it’s our CHALLENGE!

My “Superhero” Secret? Learn and Burn: Success Essentials…

Superhero Ends Retirement...
Pop in ear buds… Press Play… Learn & Burn. It is no more complicated than that.

You become SMARTER while getting FITTER. Crazy simple… boom!

Media Contact:

Valerie Waugaman-Gal, Chief Fitness Officer ~ 3 x IFBB Pro Fitness Champion & American Gladiator on a mission to get America back on the fast track to success!

Call Me: (216) 650-1041


Full Story: Click Here…

Category: Press

About the Author ()

Eric Richard Haas, CEO, Founder The Centers for Advanced Working Intelligence™, Serial Entrepreneur x23, Author x29 AKA The Invisible Billionaire.   My mission is to inspire you to release your full potential through a science-based, systematic, and sequential process of Self-Measurement, Self-Evaluation, and Continuous Self-Improvement.

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