Do You Have The Guts…

| May 23, 2013

“What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight — it is the size of the fight in the dog.” — Dwight D. Eisenhower

To Live Your BEST Life Now?

So often when we look at our lives, we filter it through the lens of someone else’s life.

When we look, we can’t really see below the surface, since we don’t have X-Ray Vision.

So what we see is their shape… their smiles… their homes… their cars… their toys… and infer some degree of happiness on them. They LOOK happy, so they must BE happy.

Maybe we are on the money, maybe not.

There is simply no way to walk in their shoes… unless you can actually WALK in their shoes!

Even then, the only person you can actually KNOW is you.

Your strengths.

Your limitations.

Your circumstances.

Your reality.

Over the years, we have found that the people who DO live the life of their dreams, are those with the GUTS to look into the mirror, discover what they must do differently, and commit to continuous personal improvement.

Yes, you can make the rest of your life the best of your life.

But, if you are not living it right now, I want you to summon the courage to take a real look at what you are doing RIGHT… what you are doing WRONG… and what you must do now to step up your game.

PoTQ_REV3_3DwCD_MedA great first step is to complete your full TQ Test... a Gold Standard test of your power to produce meaningful RESULTS.

The power to live a life of Happiness, Satisfaction, Meaning and Significance.

Achieving greater Results will get you where you want to go. Fast.

But it will take GUTS for you to look at YOU from a fresh new perspective.

Do this, and you will put yourself on the royal road to enduring success.

Don’t and you will be headed in the same direction… maintaing the same speed… and little will change.

Except, of course, you will be another couple years older when you get around to thinking about this again!


PS If you have been listening to your Learn & Burn tracks and want to measure your progress, complete your TQ Test and get your personal copy of The Power of TQ and 10 Choices of Intentional Excellence. This is a giant step towards becoming the BEST you possible!


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Category: Exercise, Motivation, Personal Growth, Success

About the Author ()

Eric Richard Haas, CEO, Founder The Centers for Advanced Working Intelligence™, Serial Entrepreneur x23, Author x29 AKA The Invisible Billionaire.   My mission is to inspire you to release your full potential through a science-based, systematic, and sequential process of Self-Measurement, Self-Evaluation, and Continuous Self-Improvement.

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Do You Have The Guts...
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