What is the Purpose of America?

| July 3, 2017

What is the Purpose of America?

“America is hope. It is compassion. It is excellence. It is valor.” ~ Paul Tsongas

A very interesting question..

What is the Purpose of America?

What is the PURPOSE of this great country we call AMERICA?

How do our individual Values, Visions and Roles triangulate into a mission that gives our collective purpose true meaning and significance?

Purpose is the definitive statement of the difference one is trying to make in the world. Ultimately, it is your fundamental calling to make the world different, not to just make a slight difference.

To paraphrase Aristotle, where your talents and the needs of the world cross, there lies your purpose.

The amazing miracle of America is the powerful fact that we actually have a core purpose. And whether or not our political processes always reflects it, the American people do.

We the people believe in our purpose. Regardless of our political, geographic, racial or religious differences, we come together on the purpose at our core.

So what is the purpose of America? After extensive interviews* with people from all walks of life all across America, our purpose is crystal clear and non-negotiable:

To be a nation of the people,
by the people and for the people — always moving forward without leaving anyone behind.

Which is one of the big reasons WHY we wrote Success On Purpose.

To give you personally a starting point for a life of liberty, freedom, happiness, satisfaction and significance. To keep you moving forward regardless of the circumstances you face.

Order the book, listen to the audios… complete 3 simple exercises… and you will find yourself at the nexus for your best life ever. You will KNOW your Purpose… and you will LIVE your Mission. Everyday, making the rest of your life the best of your life.

Our Gift to You…

We have a few copies of the PRINTED EDITION still available. They normally sell for $29.95. This is a 524 page book that will change the way you think, work and live. While supplies last, it’s yours for just $9.95 + S&H.

But, that’s not all!

For Independence Day, we will include our sensational 8 CD Audio Book as an immediate MP3 download. This by itself is a $40 product that you will receive GRAITS!

What is the Purpose of America?

What is the Purpose of America?

The complete CD Audio Book (above) is now 100% digital so you may download it and get started right now, even before your printed edition arrives.

If you feel like you are running in circles, pursuing the same old dreams and goals… if you want to feel a strong calling filled with passion and purpose… if you want to become all that you are meant to be… all that you know in your heart, you can be… get started right this minute.

Have an EXCELLENT Independence Day,
E. R. Haas, CEO, Author & Publisher

PS Your highest and best use of time and talent is to first DISCOVER your true purpose, just as America has, and then do everything you can to actually LIVE it.

If you feel you are not living a purpose-driven life, why not give our way a try. It has worked for millions and will work for you. Guaranteed!

* Attribution: Portions of this article appeared in Huffington Post!


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About the Author ()

Eric Richard Haas, CEO, Founder The World Excellence Project, Serial Entrepreneur x23, Author x29 AKA The Invisible BillionaireAbout The Centers for Advanced Working Intelligence™.As CEO of the world's leading producer of AI-Driven Adaptive Coaching™ products focused exclusively on the Intentional Pursuit of Excellence (known as The Excellence Habit™) my mission is to inspire you to release your full potential through a science-based, systematic, and sequential process of Self-Measurement, Self-Evaluation, and Continuous Self-Improvement.Having trained over 250,000 members it is my belief that PERSONAL COACHING IS DEAD. It is expensive and marginally effective.Our TQ/Ai Adaptive Coaching™ costs about $1/day vs. $500 for a highly skilled Executive Coach. We do not merely GUARANTEE the product, we unconditionally GUARANTEE YOU! Use any TQ program for ONE FULL YEAR and if you have not received 100 times the value, let me know and I will refund your purchase and we will part friends. If I cannot help you, I don't expect to be paid!

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