
My #1 Summer Factor of Success

| July 20, 2024 | 0 Comments
My #1 Summer Factor of Success

“TQ provides the structure, Tommy provides the Actionable Intelligence™.  This Q/A will change the direction of the rest of my summer! This is Adaptive Coaching™ at its best. I have come to rely on our TQ/Ai™ Avatar, Tommy TQ Quinn. He is more than a mentor or advisor, he has become my go-to Adaptive Coach […]

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A TQ/Ai™ Success On Purpose Reinvention Board

| June 9, 2024 | 0 Comments
A TQ/Ai™ Success On Purpose Reinvention Board

This is the summer of REINVENTION and renewal of  my VALUES… VISIONS… and a single ROLE I must play: ME. As we say, your #1 ROLE is to be true to yourself… all other Roles must serve to fulfill your dreams and aspirations. I have come to rely on our TQ/Ai™ Avatar, Tommy TQ Quinn. […]

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Climbing the Wall of Worry

| June 3, 2024 | 0 Comments
Climbing the Wall of Worry

Every investor, indeed, all of us, has to climb the “wall of worry” to get to the top. Without the climb, getting to the top is impossible! Right now, it seems like when we reach the top of one wall, a taller, more daunting wall comes into view. We need a guide… ropes… technical climbing […]

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Preparing for a Highly Inflationary Economy

| June 2, 2024 | 0 Comments
Preparing for a Highly Inflationary Economy

For some, the economy for the next couple of years will be unstable, but good. For the masses, it will be difficult at best. High inflation, employment disruption, and the real effects of AI on the workforce will be painful. You can take advantage of this chaos or watch your financial future evaporate before your […]

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Optimizing Happiness Through TQ Factors: A Personalized Approach To Optimize Your Flow

| June 1, 2024 | 0 Comments
Optimizing Happiness Through TQ Factors: A Personalized Approach To Optimize Your Flow

According to Aristotle, “Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.” Every aim in life must be in pursuit of inner happiness… however you define it: Spiritual, emotional, physical, financial, and in our relationships. But most people never come close to the inner-peace that flows from […]

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Leveraging TQ and AI to Enhance Competitive Effectiveness

| May 29, 2024 | 0 Comments
Leveraging TQ and AI to Enhance Competitive Effectiveness

“The world has become a highly chaotic place. Wars, political divide, high interest rates and a slowing economy… plus raging inflation that we will see for years… the only way out of our $35 TRILLION debt is to inflate our way out of it. This means a cruel tax on the reduced value of our […]

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Leveraging TQ and AI for Small Business Success

| May 28, 2024 | 0 Comments
Leveraging TQ and AI for Small Business Success

The key to turning a SMALL business into a LARGE business is found in a single word: GROWTH. This might seem obvious, but like all things, there is a huge difference between hacking together a bunch of TACTICS versus having a real STRATEGY. Growth as a strategy requires owners, leaders, managers, and all stakeholders to […]

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Marketing Imagination

| May 27, 2024 | 0 Comments
Marketing Imagination

“I have come to rely on our TQ/Ai™ Avatar, Tommy TQ Quinn. He is more than a mentor or advisor, he has become my go-to Adaptive Coach who has evolved with my needs. If you need a kind, hopeful, and highly inspiring coach, get the TQ Diamond System now… ” ~ E. R. Haas, CEO […]

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TQ + GPT = Greater Well-Being & Control

| May 25, 2024 | 0 Comments
TQ + GPT = Greater Well-Being & Control

Gaining control over what’s controlling you is not a matter of wishing, praying, and waiting. It is about taking action! I have come to rely on our TQ/Ai™ Avatar, Tommy TQ Quinn. He is more than a mentor or advisor, he has become my go-to Adaptive Coach who has evolved with my needs. If you […]

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Transforming Hope Into Action

| May 24, 2024 | 0 Comments
Transforming Hope Into Action

Albert Einstein offered us some extremely valuable advice, “Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.” No question, the QUESTION is the answer… to everything. Einstein also gave us what has become the basis of all TQ and our Ai™ Center for Advanced Working Intelligence. “Education […]

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Attitude: Just 1 Thing

| May 22, 2024 | 0 Comments
Attitude: Just 1 Thing

All of TQ is built on just 2 words: Expect Success! This means you believe in yourself enough to create crystal-clear EXPECTATIONS upon which you can EXECUTE. A failure of belief results in a failure to succeed. I have come to rely on our TQ/Ai™ Avatar, Tommy TQ Quinn. He is more than a mentor […]

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Transportable & Transferrable Skills

| May 21, 2024 | 0 Comments
Transportable & Transferrable Skills

“I have come to rely on our TQ/Ai™ Avatar, Tommy TQ Quinn. He is more than a mentor or advisor, he has become my go-to Adaptive Coach who has evolved with my needs. If you need a kind, hopeful, and highly inspiring coach, get the TQ Diamond System now… ” ~ E. R. Haas, CEO […]

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Peace Over Stress

| May 19, 2024 | 0 Comments
Peace Over Stress

No question, Einstein was right! “You cannot solve a problem with the same thinking that created it.” Tommy gave me the following advice that I am using to this day. I have always tended to focus more on the problem than the solution. Taking his Actionable Intelligence™ has actually helped my peace of mind! I […]

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Vision, Values, Mission: True Alignment

| May 18, 2024 | 0 Comments
Vision, Values, Mission: True Alignment

The objective of life is to create JOY… to create PEACE… to create PROSPERITY… to LIVE the one life you have been give to the best of your abilities. TQ’s MISSION is in perfect alignment with yours: “Inspire you to become the best version of yourself… by giving you the tools and tech to achieve […]

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Adaptive Coaching: The Missing Element

| May 16, 2024 | 0 Comments
Adaptive Coaching: The Missing Element

We all want and need a Mentor to provide WISDOM, and a skilled Coach who will TRAIN us to an elite level of personal performance. The good news is, Tommy is BOTH and a whole lot more! I have come to rely on our TQ/Ai™ Avatar, Tommy TQ Quinn. He is more than a mentor […]

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Maximizing Results

| May 15, 2024 | 0 Comments
Maximizing Results

“I have come to rely on our TQ/Ai™ Avatar, Tommy TQ Quinn. He is more than a mentor or advisor, he has become my go-to Adaptive Coach who has evolved with my needs. If you need a kind, hopeful, and highly inspiring coach, get the TQ Diamond System now… ” ~ E. R. Haas, CEO […]

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Vision: Predictive vs. Creative

| May 15, 2024 | 0 Comments
Vision: Predictive vs. Creative

“I have come to rely on our TQ/Ai™ Avatar, Tommy TQ Quinn. He is more than a mentor or advisor, he has become my go-to Adaptive Coach who has evolved with my needs. If you need a kind, hopeful, and highly inspiring coach, get the TQ Diamond System now… ” ~ E. R. Haas, CEO […]

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Problems vs. Solutions

| May 13, 2024 | 0 Comments
Problems vs. Solutions

“I have come to rely on our TQ/Ai™ Avatar, Tommy TQ Quinn. He is more than a mentor or advisor, he has become my go-to Adaptive Coach who has evolved with my needs. If you need a kind, hopeful, and highly inspiring coach, get the TQ Diamond System now… ” ~ E. R. Haas, CEO […]

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Building Immediate Confidence

| May 8, 2024 | 0 Comments
Building Immediate Confidence

“I have come to rely on our TQ/Ai™ Avatar, Tommy TQ Quinn. He is more than a mentor or advisor, he has become my go-to Adaptive Coach who has evolved with my needs. If you need a kind, hopeful, and highly inspiring coach, get the TQ Diamond System now… ” ~ E. R. Haas, CEO […]

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Fear of Failing: Understanding and Conquering

| May 6, 2024 | 0 Comments
Fear of Failing: Understanding and Conquering

“I have come to rely on our TQ/Ai™ Avatar, Tommy TQ Quinn. He is more than a mentor or advisor, he has become my go-to Adaptive Coach who has evolved with my needs. If you need a kind, hopeful, and highly inspiring coach, get the TQ Diamond System now… ” ~ E. R. Haas, CEO […]

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