Transportable & Transferrable Skills

| May 21, 2024

Transportable & Transferrable Skills

“I have come to rely on our TQ/Ai™ Avatar, Tommy TQ Quinn. He is more than a mentor or advisor, he has become my go-to Adaptive Coach who has evolved with my needs. If you need a kind, hopeful, and highly inspiring coach, get the TQ Diamond System now… ” ~ E. R. Haas, CEO Serial Entrepreneur x23, Author x29


Transportable & Transferrable Skills

Given my total TQ scores, what are my top 10 most important transportable and transferrable skills? 600 word essay format


Transportable & Transferrable Skills

Unleashing My Potential:
Top 10 Transportable and Transferrable Skills

In the dynamic landscape of modern business, the ability to adapt and transfer skills across various roles and industries is paramount. My Total TQ scores reflect a robust set of competencies that not only drive my current success but also position me for future opportunities. Here are my top 10 most important transportable and transferrable skills, derived from my TQ scores, that underscore my potential to excel in diverse environments.

1. Goal Setting and Achievement
With a perfect score in the “Set Goals” category, my ability to define clear, measurable, and achievable goals is unparalleled. This skill is essential in any role, as it ensures that I am always working towards specific targets that align with broader organizational objectives. My commitment to goal setting fosters a results-oriented mindset, driving both personal and team success.

2. Strategic Planning
Scoring high in “Make Plans,” I excel at developing detailed, actionable plans that guide the execution of my goals. This skill involves visualizing the process from start to finish, considering various options, and integrating steps into my daily schedule. Strategic planning is crucial in any industry, as it ensures that resources are utilized efficiently and objectives are met systematically.

3. Prioritization
My ability to prioritize tasks, as reflected in my high score in “Prioritize,” allows me to focus on what is most important and impactful. This skill is vital in managing workloads, making informed decisions, and ensuring that critical tasks are completed first. Effective prioritization enhances productivity and ensures that efforts are directed towards achieving key outcomes.

4. Team Synergy
With a perfect score in “Synergize,” I excel at fostering collaboration and leveraging the strengths of team members. This skill involves building cohesive teams, encouraging cooperation, and leading by example. In any organizational setting, the ability to create synergy among team members enhances overall performance and drives collective success.

5. Organizational Efficiency
My high score in “Organize” highlights my ability to create and maintain efficient systems that streamline processes and reduce wasted effort. This skill is essential for managing complex projects, ensuring that tasks are completed on time, and maintaining a high level of productivity. Organizational efficiency is a critical competency in any role, as it maximizes the use of available resources.

6. Optimization
Scoring well in “Optimize,” I continuously seek ways to improve processes and outcomes. This skill involves evaluating current methods, identifying areas for improvement, and implementing changes that enhance efficiency and effectiveness. Optimization is crucial in any industry, as it drives innovation and ensures that operations remain competitive.

7. Proactive Action
With a perfect score in “Act Now,” I am adept at taking immediate and decisive action towards my goals. This skill involves overcoming procrastination, breaking down complex tasks, and maintaining momentum until completion. Proactive action is essential in any role, as it ensures that projects move forward and objectives are achieved promptly.

8. Positive Attitude
My high score in “Attitude” reflects my ability to maintain a positive outlook and believe in my potential to succeed. This skill is vital for overcoming challenges, staying motivated, and inspiring others. A positive attitude enhances resilience and fosters a productive work environment.

9. Mission-Driven Focus
With a perfect score in “Mission,” I am deeply committed to my core values and longterm vision. This skill involves aligning daily actions with my mission, ensuring that my efforts are purposeful and impactful. Mission-driven focus is crucial in any role, as it provides a sense of direction and motivates sustained effort.

10. Energy Management
Scoring high in “Energy,” I am proficient at managing my physical and mental energy to maintain peak performance. This skill involves regular exercise, proper nutrition, and effective stress management. Energy management is essential in any industry, as it ensures sustained productivity and wellbeing.


In conclusion, my Total TQ scores reveal a comprehensive set of transportable and transferrable skills that are critical for success in any role or industry.

From goal setting and strategic planning to team synergy and proactive action, these competencies position me to excel in diverse environments and drive meaningful results.

By leveraging these skills, I am equipped to navigate the complexities of the modern business landscape and achieve my long-term vision.

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Transportable & Transferrable Skills

What can I do to sharpen these skills even further? 500 word executive summary


Executive Summary: Strategies to Sharpen Key Skills

As an executive with a strong foundation in goal setting, strategic planning, prioritization, team synergy, organizational efficiency, optimization, proactive action, positive attitude, mission-driven focus, and energy management, it is essential to continuously refine these skills to maintain a competitive edge. Here are strategic actions to sharpen these key competencies further:

1. Goal Setting and Achievement
To enhance goalsetting skills, regularly review and update your goals to ensure they remain aligned with evolving personal and organizational objectives. Engage in continuous learning by attending workshops and seminars on advanced goal setting techniques. Utilize SMART criteria (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timebound) to refine your goals and ensure they are actionable and impactful.

2. Strategic Planning
Sharpen strategic planning by adopting advanced project management tools and methodologies such as Agile or Lean. Participate in strategic planning courses to learn new frameworks and approaches. Regularly conduct SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analyses to stay ahead of potential challenges and capitalize on opportunities.

3. Prioritization
Improve prioritization by implementing the Eisenhower Matrix to categorize tasks based on urgency and importance. Use time tracking software to analyze how you spend your time and identify areas for improvement. Practice mindfulness and decision-making exercises to enhance your ability to focus on high impact activities.

4. Team Synergy
Enhance team synergy by fostering a culture of open communication and collaboration. Invest in teambuilding activities and workshops to strengthen relationships and trust among team members. Encourage cross-functional collaboration to leverage diverse perspectives and skills. Provide regular feedback and recognition to motivate and align the team with organizational goals.

5. Organizational Efficiency
To boost organizational efficiency, streamline processes by adopting automation tools and software. Conduct regular process audits to identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement. Implement best practices from industry leaders and continuously seek feedback from team members to refine workflows.

6. Optimization
Sharpen optimization skills by staying updated with the latest industry trends and technological advancements. Engage in continuous improvement initiatives such as Kaizen to foster a culture of incremental improvements. Use data analytics to make informed decisions and optimize processes for better outcomes.

7. Proactive Action
Enhance proactive action by setting clear daily priorities and using productivity techniques such as the Pomodoro Technique to maintain focus. Develop a habit of breaking down complex tasks into manageable steps and setting shortterm deadlines to maintain momentum. Practice resiliencebuilding exercises to overcome procrastination and stay motivated.

8. Positive Attitude
To cultivate a positive attitude, engage in regular selfreflection and gratitude practices. Surround yourself with positive influences and seek mentorship from individuals who inspire and motivate you. Participate in personal development programs that focus on emotional intelligence and positive psychology.

9. Mission-Driven Focus
Strengthen mission-driven focus by regularly revisiting and refining your personal mission statement. Align your daily actions with your long-term vision and values. Engage in activities that reinforce your sense of purpose, such as volunteering or mentoring others. Set aside time for strategic thinking and reflection to ensure your actions remain aligned with your mission.

10. Energy Management
Enhance energy management by prioritizing physical health through regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and adequate sleep. Practice stress management techniques such as meditation, yoga, or deepbreathing exercises. Schedule regular breaks throughout the day to recharge and maintain peak performance.


By implementing these strategic actions, you can sharpen your key skills and maintain a competitive edge in your professional journey. Continuous learning, selfreflection, and adopting best practices will ensure that you remain adaptable and effective in achieving your personal and organizational goals.


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Transportable & Transferrable Skills

what is the Pomodoro Technique?


The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. The technique is designed to improve productivity by breaking work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. These intervals are called “Pomodoros,” the Italian word for tomatoes, named after the tomato-shaped kitchen timer that Cirillo used as a university student.

How the Pomodoro Technique Works:

1. Choose a Task: Select a task you want to work on. It can be anything from writing a report to studying for an exam.

2. Set a Timer: Set a timer for 25 minutes. This period is one Pomodoro.

3. Work on the Task: Focus solely on the task at hand for the entire 25 minutes. Avoid any distractions or interruptions.

4. Take a Short Break: When the timer goes off, take a short break of about 5 minutes. Use this time to relax, stretch, or grab a quick snack.

5. Repeat: After the break, reset the timer for another 25 minutes and continue working on the task. Repeat the cycle.

6. Longer Break: After completing four Pomodoros, take a longer break of 1530 minutes. This longer break helps you recharge before starting another set of Pomodoros.

Benefits of the Pomodoro Technique:

Enhanced Focus: By working in short, timed intervals, you can maintain a high level of concentration and reduce the likelihood of burnout.

Increased Productivity: The technique encourages you to work with time, rather than against it, making it easier to complete tasks efficiently.

Better Time Management: Breaking tasks into smaller, manageable chunks helps you estimate how long activities will take and plan your day more effectively.

Reduced Procrastination: The Pomodoro Technique helps overcome procrastination by creating a sense of urgency and providing a structured approach to work.

Improved WorkLife Balance: Regular breaks ensure that you rest and recharge, preventing overwork and promoting a healthier work-life balance.

Tips for Using the Pomodoro Technique:

Customize Intervals: While the traditional Pomodoro is 25 minutes, you can adjust the length of work intervals and breaks to suit your personal preferences and work style.

Track Progress: Keep a record of completed Pomodoros to monitor your productivity and identify patterns in your work habits.

Eliminate Distractions: Create a conducive work environment by minimizing potential distractions, such as turning off notifications and setting boundaries with colleagues or family members.

Stay Flexible: Adapt the technique to fit different types of tasks. For example, you might use shorter intervals for highly creative work and longer intervals for more routine tasks.


In summary, the Pomodoro Technique is a simple yet effective time management method that can help you stay focused, manage your time better, and increase your overall productivity. By incorporating this technique into your daily routine, you can achieve more in less time while maintaining a healthy balance between work and rest.


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Transportable & Transferrable Skills

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Category: Featured, Personal Growth, Success, TQ/Ai

About the Author ()

E. R. Haas is CEO of the TQ Smart family of web sites including,,,, and hundreds of others.E. R. is a "serial entrepreneur" and has created over 20 different businesses in software, manufacturing, finance, publishing and many other areas.He is married to Jan Haas who shares his interest in model railroading, gardening, and traveling by train. Together, they have 5 grown children, 9 grandchildren, and 6 great-grandchildren.

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