It’s Time to Get Real About AI…

| June 26, 2023

It's Time to Get Real About AI...


It's Time to Get Real About AI...

News: TQ Now Ai Infused…

It's Time to Get Real About AI...


Billions are being invested to make machines smarter than YOU

You need an edge.


J P Morgan-Chase estimates 35 Million middle to upper-middle jobs in America will disappear by 2028—or sooner.


This WILL, directly and indirectly, affect YOU, your family, and everyone you love.


Charles Darwin said it best,   “It is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that survives is the one that is able best to adapt and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself.”


It’s time to make YOU smarter, faster, stronger, and far more adaptable to the MegaThreats we are all about to face.

(Smart people who use Smart Tech wisely will succeed. Others will struggle to just pay the bills.)

Act NOW… not later. We are already out of time and your only way forward is to take your performance seriously… have the courage to invest in YOU… and prepare yourself for the next great technological shift in productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness.

Team TQ has just invested a lot more in YOU.

We’ve taken the power of TQ and infused it with a life-changing Ai Engine to release YOUR full potential.

The fact is, the next 24 months may well be the most difficult period of your entire life if you sit on the sidelines watching and waiting. 

The good news is that with our technology, you can make more money… advance your career potential… and retire well. (If you do not ALREADY have $200-300,000 in your retirement account… please reread every word in this email, take me seriously (we have 27 years in highly accelerated success systems)… and join the all New Excellence Habit Challenge.

I will be commenting on this for the next few weeks.

Not to scare you but to prepare you for maybe the biggest changes we have seen in our lifetimes.
It's Time to Get Real About AI...
TQ will be releasing our new Ai Infused system in October. About 100 days from now. It will be like having our 5,000 years of content directly infused into YOUR brain.

It does not focus on information… it focuses on eliminating WHY you know what to do, but fail to do it consistently. What I call BIG Magic!

Because of this major investment, we will change the price structure from product pricing to a monthly service basis like coaching or other Software as a Service model.

To access these advanced tools when ready, we are making the entry point our Excellence Habit. We rewrote it to be the platform you will need to start with — 100 days of deeply personal work to get and keep your TQ scores in the high 80-90 range.

If you have taken this Challenge before… it’s time to re-up. Our new TQ/Ai will be triggered off of subscribers to this success-critical program. Gold members will have their normal access, but to take advantage of Infusion Power, you must order The Challenge. (You will receive a new, full-color printed copy of The Power of TQ… a much simpler guide to maximum personal effectiveness!)

In October, TQ Ai Infused will be $40/month when paid a year ahead… or $480/year… by far the highest value mentoring package available.

Today I made it just $200 through 12/31/2023 so every single TQ member can afford to fully engage. You save big—SMART!


It's Time to Get Real About AI...

Get The Excellence Habit 100-Day Fast Track!  Start TODAY.

Use the NEXT 100 days to recommit to your dreams… reconnect with your goals… and get serious about the rest of your life.

We can and will help,
E. R. Haas, CEO, Serial Entrepreneur x22, Author x28 (AKA The Invisible Billionaire)



Category: Business Growth, Featured, Personal Growth

About the Author ()

Eric Richard Haas, CEO, Founder The Centers for Advanced Working Intelligence™, Serial Entrepreneur x23, Author x29 AKA The Invisible Billionaire.   My mission is to inspire you to release your full potential through a science-based, systematic, and sequential process of Self-Measurement, Self-Evaluation, and Continuous Self-Improvement.

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It's Time to Get Real About AI...
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It's Time to Get Real About AI...
It's Time to Get Real About AI...
It's Time to Get Real About AI...
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