What TQ/Ai Smart Means to You

| July 6, 2023

What TQ/Ai Smart Means to You

What TQ/Ai Smart Means to You

News Pt 2: TQ Now Ai Infused…
What This Means For You!

FACT: Billions are being invested to make machines smarter
than YOU. But YOU can WIN the BIG Prize…


TQ/Ai Gives You The Power to
WIN the Future of Your Dreams. 

Edwards Deming: “It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory.”

As promised, here is the second installment of our AI announcement.

Many loyal customers already signed up for the 100-Day Challenge. They are SMART!

Several asked some interesting questions about how TQ will be infused with AI power.

The good news is that with our technology, you can make more money… advance your career potential… and retire well. (If you do not ALREADY have $200-300,000 in your retirement account… please reread every word in this email, take me seriously (we have 27 years in highly accelerated success systems)… and join the all New Excellence Habit Challenge.


1. We have turned TQ into the world’s fastest, most knowledgeable Mentor. By infusing TQ with AI, we can instantly give you ANSWERS no other coach on earth can give you! Remember, when you complete your TQ Tests we have 1,000 points of light shining on your performance… By 10 COLORS… by 10 FACTORS… and by how you SCORE yourself on a scale of 1-10.

Thus, 10x10x10=1,000 degrees of precision about WHO you are… WHAT you do… and HOW you do things. By feeding our AI interface with your responses, it scours 275 BILLION fields in less than a second from every possible source on the Web. It then combines your gender, age, and occupation (anonymously of course) to give you INSTANT answers to even your most complex requests.

2. Extra Sensory Vision—your new 6th Sense. Because you have completed The Excellence Habit Challenge, you now have what we call a FULLY INFORMED TQ. You have engaged for 100 days reviewing, acting, and interacting with the deepest levels within every Color and Factor.

You have answered the TQ IQ Integrating Questions. You have read the stories of how YOU will become more successful. Now all we have to do is make it quick and easy to take highly focused action… for the rest of your life.

3. Bring Out Your True Grit and Skills. Our goal is to immediately improve your Practical Working Intelligence — your ability to out-smart… out-hustle… out-produce… and out-perform the competition at every step. To give you the power to systematically achieve far greater results in far less time.

Because our “digital mentor” knows how you ACT (your TQ Score) it can pinpoint specific areas to focus on that you — or a life coach would EVER even think to consider. Think of TQ as a Wizzard that knows every good idea since recorded time PLUS it knows YOU like no other. Given the totality of your performance NOW, it will guide you to continuously higher expectations… and substantially greater execution.


What TQ/Ai Smart Means to You


The World is Changing Faster Than Ever.
To Survive, You Must Change Even Faster.
TQ/Ai is Your Ultimate Survival Tool…
Invest $200 ~ Change Your Future!

What TQ/Ai Smart Means to You
TQ will be releasing our new Ai Infused system in October. About 90 days from now. It will be like having our 5,000 years of content directly infused into YOUR brain.

It does not focus on information… it focuses on eliminating WHY you know what to do, but fail to do it consistently. What I call BIG Magic!

If you have taken this Challenge before… it’s time to re-up. Our new TQ/Ai will be triggered off of subscribers to this success-critical program. Gold members will have their normal access, but to take advantage of Infusion Power, you must order The Challenge. (You will receive a new, full-color printed copy of The Power of TQ… a much simpler guide to maximum personal effectiveness!)

In October, TQ Ai Infused will be $40/month when paid a year ahead… or $480/year… by far the highest value mentoring package available.

Today I made it just $200 through 12/31/2023 so every single TQ member can afford to fully engage. You save big—SMART!

Get The Excellence Habit 100-Day Fast Track!  Start TODAY.

Use the NEXT 100 days to recommit to your dreams… reconnect with your goals… and get serious about the rest of your life.

We can and will help,
E. R. Haas, CEO, Serial Entrepreneur x22, Author x28 (AKA The Invisible Billionaire)


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Category: Featured, Personal Growth

About the Author ()

Eric Richard Haas, CEO, Founder The Centers for Advanced Working Intelligence™, Serial Entrepreneur x23, Author x29 AKA The Invisible Billionaire.   My mission is to inspire you to release your full potential through a science-based, systematic, and sequential process of Self-Measurement, Self-Evaluation, and Continuous Self-Improvement.

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What TQ/Ai Smart Means to You
What TQ/Ai Smart Means to You
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