A TQ/Ai™ Success On Purpose Reinvention Board

| June 9, 2024

A TQ/Ai™ Success On Purpose Reinvention Board

This is the summer of REINVENTION and renewal of  my VALUES… VISIONS… and a single ROLE I must play: ME. As we say, your #1 ROLE is to be true to yourself… all other Roles must serve to fulfill your dreams and aspirations.

I have come to rely on our TQ/Ai™ Avatar, Tommy TQ Quinn. He is more than a mentor or advisor, he has become my go-to Adaptive Coach who has evolved with my needs. If you need a kind, hopeful, and highly inspiring coach, get the TQ Diamond System now… ” ~ E. R. Haas, CEO Serial Entrepreneur x23, Author x29


A TQ/Ai™ Success On Purpose Reinvention BoardNOTE: Tommy knows me, my goals, my skills, and his advice is actionable… reliable… and is my SOURCE for personal reinvention and renewal.

As you will see, a single well-worded question produces a remarkable hit-list that begins with putting ME in the picture above. (Most people have a very hard time turning what they VALUE into VISIONS that permit them to LIVE those values.)

As many of you know, I lost my beautiful wife of 30 years to brain cancer. She fought to the end. Cancer won, we lost.

Now, after 2 1/2 years to sort things out, I am rewiring my future from the feet up.

It is folly to attempt to drag the past into the future. With Jan and my beloved CJ, I had the perfect life. Sure we had hard times, family problems that continue to this day, and general life “opportunities” that caused us to become fully bonded. In life and in death.

But, I’m still here and fully alive—reinventing and reinvigorating my future. Just like every person who gets to the top of one mountain and feels the calling of the mountains in the near distance.

Big life changes, wins & losses, and economic shifts in fortune all require us to ask the really hard question—sooner rather than later—so we have at least a chance to live our BEST life for the REST of our lives, no matter how much time we have remaining.

PLEASE TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY. True JOY happens at the intersection of our challenges and our skills. At 78, I have tremendous untapped skills… and monster challenges ahead. Marisela promised me “Love and Legacy” in trade for my #1 personal value: FREEDOM. I took her up on the offer to be my Plucky Sidekick and moved FREEDOM to #3 on my Top 10.

Maybe that’s a picture of her walking on our beech in the moonlight… maybe it’s a stranger I am destined to meet on “some enchanted evening” along the way.

In any respect, my time is short and my goals are calling. I am following Tommy’s lead doing the work he suggests. If you like his approach, scroll down, order the TQ/Ai Diamond System… and get to work yourself!


A TQ/Ai™ Success On Purpose Reinvention Board

My revised list of values is Love, legacy, freedom, beauty, curiosity, loyalty, teaching/giving, wealth, spirituality, and complexity. Given my high TQ scores and skills, suggest some stretch goals that will allow me to live those values. Vision board format, lots of detail.


A TQ/Ai™ Success On Purpose Reinvention Board


Vision Board for Living ALL My Values



Creating a vision board with stretch goals aligned with your values can be a powerful way to visualize and achieve your aspirations. Given your high TQ scores and skills, these goals will challenge you to grow while ensuring you live a life that embodies your values of love, legacy, freedom, beauty, curiosity, loyalty, teaching/giving, wealth, spirituality, and complexity. Below are detailed stretch goals for each value, designed to inspire and guide you.

1. Love

A TQ/Ai™ Success On Purpose Reinvention BoardStretch Goal: Deepen and expand your relationships.

• Action Steps:
• Daily: Spend quality time with loved ones, expressing appreciation and affection.
• Weekly: Plan and execute meaningful activities or experiences with family and friends.
• Monthly: Organize a family gathering or a reunion with old friends.
• Yearly: Take a romantic vacation with your partner to a destination that both of you have always wanted to visit.

I fell in love with this creature who captured my heart. She and I are perfect for each other, despite the issues we each face. When you live to see the wrong side of 50, you pretty much have some cleanup on aisle 60 of life. Marisela is as smart as me, an RN who creates complexities as she rambles through life. 

See below for COMPLEXITY as one of my top 10 values. She is very fortunate to have found me… and I am equally fortunate to have found her. She applied to be my Plucky Sidekick and I accepted. Now, the “onboarding” process is going slowly. This is a good thing as she is my high-RISK high-REWARD gamble for the rest of my life.

Visuals: Photos of loved ones, heart symbols, images of romantic destinations, and quotes about love.

2. Legacy

A TQ/Ai™ Success On Purpose Reinvention BoardStretch Goal: Create a lasting impact through your work and personal life.

• Action Steps:
• Daily: Document your thoughts, ideas, and experiences in a journal.
• Weekly: Mentor a young professional or volunteer in a community project.
• Monthly: Contribute to a cause or charity that aligns with your values.
• Yearly: Write and publish a book that encapsulates your life’s lessons and achievements.

Visuals: Images of books, journals, community service activities, and symbols of mentorship.

I recently watched these videos and was incredibly proud of their unfiltered stories.

Larry came to us a broken and dying man—Cancer was consuming his body—but yet, he was still looking into the future: Dying on his terms, not Cancers. His comments reminded me how precious life is at every stage, and we are all dying a day at a time… the issue is, what on Earth are we living for?



3. Freedom

Stretch Goal: Achieve financial independence and personal autonomy.

• Action Steps:
• Daily: Review and manage your financial portfolio.
• Weekly: Explore new investment opportunities and diversify your income streams.
• Monthly: Take a short trip or engage in an activity that gives you a sense of freedom.
• Yearly: Plan and take an extended sabbatical to travel or pursue a passion project.

Visuals: Pictures of exotic destinations, financial charts, symbols of freedom like open roads or birds in flight.

From the time I was a boy of 7 living on Sandusky Bay (lake Erie), eagles have been a major part of my life. At one point, I had one of the largest private collections of eagles (paintings, bronzes, etc.) in the USA. This picture represents the power of freedom — effortless flight — always on the hunt for majesty.


A TQ/Ai™ Success On Purpose Reinvention Board


4. Beauty

A TQ/Ai™ Success On Purpose Reinvention BoardStretch Goal: Surround yourself with and create beauty in your environment.

• Action Steps:
• Daily: Spend time in nature or engage in a creative activity like painting or gardening.
• Weekly: Visit a museum, art gallery, or attend a cultural event.
• Monthly: Redecorate a part of your home or office to enhance its aesthetic appeal.
• Yearly: Take a trip to a place renowned for its natural beauty or artistic heritage.

Visuals: Nature scenes, artwork, beautifully decorated spaces, and cultural landmarks.

I asked God for a sign that the woman I fell in love with was right for me. Any kind of sign that would make it obvious to my jaded logic that I had found what I was looking for. I walked out onto my deck and this was the image I saw. A full rainbow emanating from where we spread Jan’s ashes up on Mt. San Jacinto all the way to Big Bear to the north. This image is the perfect example of prismatic beauty: proof that I had found what I was looking for.

Clearly, this sign would have impressed Noah looking for hope and promise!

A TQ/Ai™ Success On Purpose Reinvention Board

5. Curiosity

Stretch Goal: Continuously learn and explore new ideas.

• Action Steps:
• Daily: Read articles, books, or watch documentaries on topics of interest.
• Weekly: Attend a workshop, seminar, or online course.
• Monthly: Engage in a new hobby or activity that challenges your intellect.
• Yearly: Enroll in a formal education program or travel to a new country to experience a different culture.

Visuals: Books, educational certificates, images of workshops, and symbols of exploration like globes or maps.

All my success in life is due to this single value. My best friend, Kissie, is the perfect embodiment of always being on the hunt for the new and different… curious about the way things work… and curious about what’s going to happen next!

A TQ/Ai™ Success On Purpose Reinvention Board

6. Loyalty

Stretch Goal: Strengthen your commitments to people and causes you care about.

• Action Steps:
• Daily: Show appreciation and support to your team members and loved ones.
• Weekly: Participate in activities that reinforce your commitments, such as team-building exercises or family dinners.
• Monthly: Volunteer for a cause that you are passionate about.
• Yearly: Organize or participate in a significant event that supports a cause or community you are loyal to.

I joined the Woman’s Leadership Forman in Jan’s name after she passed. My friend, Elle (left) welcomed me with open arms. This photo was taken at our Christmas party where Marisela and I won the coveted basket of farm-to-table fresh veggies. I see funding this organization as part of my philanthrophy.

A TQ/Ai™ Success On Purpose Reinvention Board

Visuals: Team photos, family gatherings, symbols of loyalty like hands clasped together, and images of volunteer activities.

7. Teaching/Giving

A TQ/Ai™ Success On Purpose Reinvention BoardStretch Goal: Share your knowledge and resources generously.

• Action Steps:
• Daily: Offer advice and support to colleagues and friends.
• Weekly: Conduct a workshop or webinar on a topic you are knowledgeable about.
• Monthly: Donate to a charity or support a community project.
• Yearly: Establish a scholarship fund or a mentorship program to support young talents.

Being a writer I see things through the eyes of storytelling. Writing my way out of the reality of Jan’s death enabled me to see life in a whole new way… turning GRIEF into GRACE.

My vision for addressing the millions of hurting folks who experience long-term, complex grief was to create my 23rd company, Live With Grace, LLC to spread the Grace Initiative around the world. My prayer is that this initiative “lives long and prospers” as Spock would say!

Visuals: Images of teaching, charity events, symbols of giving like open hands, and photos of scholarship recipients.

A TQ/Ai™ Success On Purpose Reinvention Board

8. Wealth

A TQ/Ai™ Success On Purpose Reinvention BoardStretch Goal: Build and sustain significant financial resources.

• Action Steps:
• Daily: Monitor your financial health and make informed investment decisions.
• Weekly: Consult with financial advisors and explore new investment opportunities.
• Monthly: Review and adjust your financial goals and strategies.
• Yearly: Achieve a significant financial milestone, such as purchasing a property or reaching a savings target.

Visuals: Financial charts, images of properties, symbols of wealth like gold bars or dollar signs, and photos of financial milestones.

Invest With Grace would be my runner-up for Legacy. In fact, the book is all about transforming your Time, Talent, and Treasure into Legendary Wealth.

The proposition is simple, raise your State of Grace: Gratitude, Resilience, Authenticity, Creativity, and Empathy and you will turn every investment into maximum ROI and ROL (Return on Legacy).

I see millions of ordinary investors harvesting extraordinary gains from following this process.

9. Spirituality

Stretch Goal: Deepen your spiritual practice and connection.

• Action Steps:
• Daily: Engage in meditation, prayer, or other spiritual practices.
• Weekly: Attend a spiritual or religious gathering or study group.
• Monthly: Participate in a retreat or workshop focused on spiritual growth.
• Yearly: Take a pilgrimage or spiritual journey to a place of significance.

Visuals: Symbols of spirituality like mandalas or religious icons, images of meditation or prayer, and photos of spiritual retreats.

A TQ/Ai™ Success On Purpose Reinvention Board

After Jan passed, I returned to the church to create a deeper connection with Christ. The little church I adopted is filled with like-minded souls who try to live their beliefs each day.

I have participated in various Bible studies and have deepened my faith.

10. Complexity

Stretch Goal: Embrace and thrive in complex situations.

• Action Steps:
• Daily: Challenge yourself with complex problems and seek innovative solutions.
• Weekly: Engage in activities that require strategic thinking, such as chess or complex puzzles.
• Monthly: Take on a challenging project that requires managing multiple variables.
• Yearly: Lead a significant initiative that involves navigating complex systems or environments.

There is nothing more complex than attempting to change human destiny. The “people business” is very messy, because people stubbornly cling to tactics and strategies that don’t work… yet they believe the cost of change is too high for the price of success. Hence, my involvement with TQ/Ai™.

The TQ systematic approach to higher achievement is simple to understand and easy to do. My vision is still to test the world’s TQ and turn it up 30-40-50 points. The median TQ score today is less than 50%. I have FAITH we will use AI to change human empowerment!

A TQ/Ai™ Success On Purpose Reinvention Board

Visuals: Images of complex systems like neural networks or intricate designs, symbols of strategy like chess pieces, and photos of challenging projects.


By setting and visualizing these stretch goals, you can ensure that you live a life that embodies your values of love, legacy, freedom, beauty, curiosity, loyalty, teaching/giving, wealth, spirituality, and complexity.

Use this vision board as a daily reminder of your aspirations and a guide to achieving them. Embrace the journey, and you’ll find that living your values becomes a fulfilling and enriching experience.



Put Tommy to Work For You…

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A TQ/Ai™ Success On Purpose Reinvention Board

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About the Author ()

Eric Richard Haas, CEO, Founder The World Excellence Project, Serial Entrepreneur x23, Author x29 AKA The Invisible BillionaireAbout The Centers for Advanced Working Intelligence™.As CEO of the world's leading producer of AI-Driven Adaptive Coaching™ products focused exclusively on the Intentional Pursuit of Excellence (known as The Excellence Habit™) my mission is to inspire you to release your full potential through a science-based, systematic, and sequential process of Self-Measurement, Self-Evaluation, and Continuous Self-Improvement.Having trained over 250,000 members it is my belief that PERSONAL COACHING IS DEAD. It is expensive and marginally effective.Our TQ/Ai Adaptive Coaching™ costs about $1/day vs. $500 for a highly skilled Executive Coach. We do not merely GUARANTEE the product, we unconditionally GUARANTEE YOU! Use any TQ program for ONE FULL YEAR and if you have not received 100 times the value, let me know and I will refund your purchase and we will part friends. If I cannot help you, I don't expect to be paid!

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