Tag: innovation

Why Innovate?

| June 11, 2018 | 0 Comments
Why Innovate?

“Innovate or Die…”

You might guess I am pretty old school!

This quote from Peter Drucker, the management guru of all management gurus, says it all.


Kodak invented the digital camera. It didn’t commercialize this invention because it wanted to protect its film business. The Company had what I call the “FDH” syndrome. It was Fat, Dumb, and Happy with its success in film. It looked backward instead of forward.

As Bill Gates is fond of saying, “Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose.”

To be innovative, you cannot be afraid to obsolete your own products. If you are, others will obsolete them for you. That is what happened to Kodak and many others.

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Your Wealth Turbocharger

| June 21, 2017
Your Wealth Turbocharger

Theodore Levitt, Publisher of the Harvard Business Review and numerous books on marketing and business management, observed that there are 2 key ingredients to world changing success: Innovation and Marketing.

Both are driven by your imagination and an unshakeable belief in what is possible.

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Finding Vision

| June 18, 2017
Finding Vision

So much of our lives revolve around people with outstanding vision. The founders of Apple, Amazon, Starbucks, Google, Facebook and Twitter immediately come to mind as men and woman who built companies who changed the very fabric of the future. Who would have ever thought that Bill Gate’s vision of “making the PC more important than the mainframe…” or Larry Page’s vision of “indexing all the knowledge…

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