Do You Know It But Don’t Do It?

| October 13, 2012


Do You Know It But Don’t Do It?

If You Know But Don’t Do You’re Losing Everyday


If you have been a student of personal development but have never learned the skills, tools and discipline to live what you know then now is the time to stop the procrastination and do something different. It’s time to gain new confidence, bring renewed focus, learn the necessary skills, obtain the direction and power in your life to achieve the successes you dream of with the assistance that only TQ Coaching can provide.

Over the years I have been doing TQ Coaching I have noticed there are similarities with people who enroll into our coaching. First off, they are very bright people who are strongly motivated to improve themselves and their lives, whether personal, professional, and/or relational. Second, I have found these folks are well acquainted with the personal/professional development. They know the information. They have read the books, listened to the tapes and CDs, have attended the trainings and workshops.

For years, they’ve spent plenty of money to gain a great deal of information and education. In fact, they are so well acquainted with this material they could teach it, and some actually do – from coaches, trainers, business owners, leaders of companies, managers and executives. They have got the information down. So, what’s the problem?

The problem is, they don’t know how to get these great principles of success consistently working in their lives. There is this frustrating “disconnection” between what they know but don’t do.  

We all know more than we do. The TQ tests point that out clearly. But knowing and not doing is not just a frustration, it is a real aggravation that can gnaw at you every day.

Check out our latest video, now, to find out how TQ Coaching can make a real life changing difference in your life.


This is the Key to TQ Coaching Success and More Importantly Your Success!


Case Study – Jack the Financial Counselor

Jack is a financial counselor. He is very smart, talented, informed and capable. His aggravation was that he kept getting caught up in rescuing others, solving his coworkers problems burdening himself with more and more work. He wasn’t spending the time with his wife and kids he wanted, work always occupied his mind. He was successful but he was not happy. He had been a Think TQ member for years and he knew personal development well. In fact, people at work, his church and in his community were always coming to him for advice and direction.  He was great at dispensing insight, suggestions and helping others. He just could not live what he knew. He started countless times to make changes and time after time he fell off the wagon frustrated and confused. He’d had enough. He did something different. He enrolled into TQ Coaching.

The process we took Jack through was simple and powerful.

First, we got his to recognize his patterns of procrastination, distractions, self-doubt and fears.

Second, we got him to focus in on his top 10 values, define them and turn those values into missions that mattered and powerfully motivated him.

Third, we helped him create clarified, brilliant goals in all areas of his life that inspired him to take action and integrate those into his daily life.

Fourth, through the consistency of weekly coaching sessions, assignments, accountability, insightful feedback and encouragement he improved his marriage, spent more time with his kids, became a recognized and sought out leader in his company. Now, he is well on his way to moving up in his company into new positions leadership and responsibility. Other companies are now seeking him to work for them.

Finally, Jack put into his life the things that before he knew about but wasn’t doing.  Now, he has renewed routines and habits of thinking, dealing with life, championing his own causes, making a greater difference in his life, his families, his company and community. Jack is living the life he has always wanted, and more importantly, he has the knowledge, skills and disciplines to keep this momentum going for the rest of his life.

Coaching is an Awesome, Life Changing Experience

A recent TQ Coaching grad put it this way talking about his TQ Coaching experience.

“It was an awesome experience-my life will never be the same!” – Cliff Contreras

If you are a student of personal development, but don’t actively live what you know each day you are losing time, opportunities, real satisfaction and happiness, money and all the best that life has to offer you. And you know it! The truth is, no one becomes a success on their own. The winners in all walks of life get help. They are coached and mentored. Why not you, too?

If you are not getting to where you want to be in life, if you not being the person you know you can be, if you know what to do but don’t because you get stuck, you have unanswered questions and just lack the self-discipline, then it is time to talk to us about TQ Coaching. Contact us by going to for a free TQ Coaching Consultation. There is no obligation. This will be one of those conversations that will that will open your eyes in new ways about you, your life, what’s going, what is holding you back and what you can do about it, starting now.

Do You Know It But Don’t Do It?

Find out how. Find out now. There is never a better time to make the rest of your life the best of your life than right now. Go to This could be the start of a whole new you.

Time to take the Next Step?

If you would like to read what others are saying about TQ Coaching, click TQ Coaching Testimonials.

Category: Personal Growth

About the Author ()

Eric Richard Haas, CEO, Founder The Centers for Advanced Working Intelligence™, Serial Entrepreneur x23, Author x29 AKA The Invisible Billionaire.   My mission is to inspire you to release your full potential through a science-based, systematic, and sequential process of Self-Measurement, Self-Evaluation, and Continuous Self-Improvement.

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Do You Know It But Don’t Do It?
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