Ignite Your Imagination To Make it Your Best Year Ever!

| January 4, 2016


“At first, dreams seem impossible, then improbable,
and eventually inevitable.” 
– Christopher Reeve

Here it is a brand new year with 12 beautiful months before us to make of them and ourselves what we will. It is bright, clean, and fresh. This is the very moment when we require our best imaginative powers to dream and then plan the best, biggest, and brightest year.

But the opportunity to create a new and compelling future can easily be drowned out by the incessant echoes and hauntings from habits of the past – habits of self-doubt, laziness, insecurities, poor performance, self-limiting attitudes and beliefs, lack of clarity and procrastination. In a word, negativity.

Negativity is the slayer of imagination and innovation. We can be negative know-it-alls and shut down the best ideas, the greatest opportunities before us, and the finest within us with a snap of our fingers.

But that is exactly what we must not do!

TQ Coaching will turn that around for you. Our coaching program is unique and powerful in its approach, tools and methods. Through TQ Coaching you will:

  • Reclaim your imagination.
  • Dream bigger, bolder and brighter dreams.
  • Take back control of your life.
  • Find greater self-worth in who you are.
  • Gain new self-confidence in yourself and your abilities.
  • Uncover the powerful motivating values of your life.
  • Discover your purpose for living.
  • Set powerfully motivating goals with compelling plans of action.
  • Make stronger more meaningful connections with the people that matter the most to you
  • Become more efficient with your time.
  • Strengthen your focus and ability to concentrate.
  • Work smarter each day and each hour to achieve your goals and live your dreams.

Take a moment and watch our latest video on coaching. It is only a couple of minutes and we get right to the point.

Read what a recent graduate from TQ Coaching wrote on his coaching experience.

“I was looking for someone to help me figure out what I needed to do to get out of the rut I had been in for so long.  One of the important things I learned was what my top values are – I never thought of my life that way.  Knowing what I value and what makes me tick helps me understand why I think the way I do and helps me to better channel my thoughts and energy in a way that works with how I tick. That is something that can’t be taken back and will affect me for the rest of my life.  I find myself not being able to sleep sometimes because I thinking about how to get to the next step –I am ecstatic I am having these positive forward thinking conversations in my head.  Specifically through this process I have realized I need to be more appreciative of my wife which has already affected our relationship in positive ways.”  – Andy Fish

Imagine your own greatness once more. Gain the necessary clarity and courage to face new challenges, to create an exciting life of inspiration, exceptionalism and innovation. We will train you in the knowledge, tools, skills and disciplines to make this year your best ever and every year after.

Act now. Click Free TQ Coaching Consultation and sign up for a rare conversation that will begin the process of releasing your imagination and your power of innovation to make your life over in ways that will make all the difference for the rest of your life.

Is This Your Time?

Ignite Your Imagination To Make it Your Best Year Ever!

Is this “Your Time”? Find out now.

There is never a better time to make the rest of your life the best of your life than right now.

There’s no better way to get the unique help, support and guidance you’re looking for than from a Think TQ Coach.

Go to www.ThinkTQ.com/mentor1

Have the conversation that has changed the lives of many others and will change yours. We promise.

What Others Have Said About TQ Coaching?

If you would like to read what others are saying about TQ Coaching, click TQ Coaching Testimonials.


Category: Personal Growth

About the Author ()

Eric Richard Haas, CEO, Founder The Centers for Advanced Working Intelligence™, Serial Entrepreneur x23, Author x29 AKA The Invisible Billionaire.   My mission is to inspire you to release your full potential through a science-based, systematic, and sequential process of Self-Measurement, Self-Evaluation, and Continuous Self-Improvement.

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Ignite Your Imagination To Make it Your Best Year Ever!
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