Do you set goals that come directly from your heart?

| October 10, 2016


“Of course we all have our limits, but how can you possibly find your boundaries unless you explore as far and as wide as you possibly can? I would rather fail in an attempt at something new and uncharted than safely succeed in a repeat of something I have done.” ~ A.E. Hotchner

Last week we discussed the incredible power your MISSION Color has over your life. If you want to live a life of passion and purpose, improve your Mission.

It will provide tremendous clarity and direction… helping you move quickly from here and now, to living your dreams.

This week, we will discuss the importance of setting clear and tangible GOALS that are in direct alignment with your Mission—so you can actually LIVE what you VALUE most… each and every day.

The best question to ask at this time of the year is…

How Clear are Your Goals?
Do you set goals that come directly from your heart? Do you set goals that come directly from your heart?

Do You Know WHAT You Want?
Do you know HOW to get it?

Are You Setting Goals or Sitting on Them?

Are you setting goals for your heartfelt dreams and aspirations
or are you wasting time focusing on outside distractions and your own
doubts that undermine your confidence and power?

This week’s Coaching Connection is asking the powerful question, are you are Setting Goals for what really matters or are you caught up in all the noise that keeps from setting and achieving your most important and inspiring goals that empower you to live your best life?

In this session with TQ Master Coach, Maikel Bailey, will help you see the clear distinction between getting on with your life by taking your most desired dreams, turning them into goals with deadlines and getting caught up in the noise and confusion of distractions and self-doubt.

If you’ve had it with not achieving your full potential, schedule a complementary coaching session right now. Click Here…

The year is almost over…

Do you set goals that come directly from your heart?
The Key to Living
a Life that Matters.
Now On Sale.

Are you on track for achieving your most important goals—or have you spent most of the year spinning your wheels—simply confusing effort with results?

Yes, this is a tough question.

It’s supposed to be.

Your time is running out.

Set Goals Factor 4C asks if you “set your goals so they are directly aligned with your life’s mission?”

Do you?

Want Inspiration?

Get it here!

Your most powerful and inspiring goals are those that are directly aligned with what you VALUE most.

Goals that are aligned with your life’s mission are those that bring an ideal personal vision closer to reality.

Mission based goals will deliver the greatest sense of pride and satisfaction once accomplished.

You can only do so much in the time you have. Therefore, as you establish your goals, put them to the test: How connected are they to what you value MOST?

If they’re not—change them or choose more “value-able” goals.

“Your goals, minus your doubts, equal your reality.” ~ Ralph Marston

Factor 4C’s CONTRIBUTION to your performance…

A high commitment to this area of your performance suggests you consistently set goals that come directly from your heart. You know that each mission based goal achieved, brings you one step closer to what you truly want. The goals you achieve are extremely satisfying because they align perfectly with your highest and most desired values. You are proud of what you do—and are committed to be the best.

Focused on specific targets and highly “value-able” destinations, you are capable of maintaining a strong commitment to each goal—even when things become more difficult than expected.

Factor 4C’s COST to your success…

A lack of commitment suggests you are someone who may choose any goal just to have one.

Perhaps you’ve never determined what your most important values are. As a result, you have no compelling personal mission guiding your on-going efforts.

Many times, you lose sight of what’s important, and chase after things of less value, but more immediate gratification. If and when those goals are achieved, they rarely build upon one another—and tend to be far less fulfilling than you had originally hoped.

The Bottom Line?

When you set your goals in direct alignment with your MISSION, your goals are forged of fire and passion resulting in a white-hot commitment. If you don’t, they will lack the purpose and power necessary to shift your innerdrive into overdrive.

Advice: Take 15 minutes today to review your goals, and confirm that they indeed will deliver what you value most. Your life is a terrible thing to waste on trivial pursuits.

This 15 minutes will help you avoid wasting 15 years.
— E.R. Haas, CEO


How to incorporate these ideas into your daily actions.

Do you set goals that come directly from your heart? Understanding how TQ Factor 4C drives your performance is key to improving it. Sometimes a small shift in perspective gives you a huge shift in power.

Print this page, take out your pen and invest a few moments to answer the following questions.

Do it now.

Each one is designed to shift your perspective, change your point of view, and to invite specific action.

“Point of view is worth 80 IQ points” ~ Alan Kay

Power Up Questions:

  1. What are the accomplishments for which you want to be most remembered?
  2. What vision brings out the best in you?
  3. What qualities do you admire most in others?
  4. What will you be most proud of, after today’s efforts are complete?
  5. What’s your #1 Goal right now? What will achieving it help you further achieve once you’ve attained it?
  6. What goals have you set recently to carry out your mission?

Insight Questions:

  1. What will be your legacy, after you have gone?
  2. When can you find 10 minutes to sit quietly and ask yourself, “What would I be most proud to accomplish?”
  3. Are the goals you’re working on also beneficial to others in your life?
  4. Are you pushing as hard as you can, but have no idea why?
  5. Are your current goals generated from within or without?
  6. Toward which of your visions are you directing your goals right now?
  7. Which of your visions of how life could be needs a specific goal right now?

Perspective Questions:

  1. There are no shortcuts to success. When you’re not driven by universal values, what is driving you?
  2. Would it help your day to target a task, that targets a project, that targets a goal, that targets what’s most important to you?
  3. Do you know why you’re working on today’s plan?
  4. Can you directly relate tomorrow’s schedule to the “why” of your goals?

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Category: Color Commentaries, Personal Growth

About the Author ()

E. R. Haas is CEO of the TQ Smart family of web sites including,,,, and hundreds of others.E. R. is a "serial entrepreneur" and has created over 20 different businesses in software, manufacturing, finance, publishing and many other areas.He is married to Jan Haas who shares his interest in model railroading, gardening, and traveling by train. Together, they have 5 grown children, 9 grandchildren, and 6 great-grandchildren.

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