Are you just living in a dream or living your dreams?

“You are never given a dream without also being given the power to make it true. You may have to work for it, however.”~ Richard Bach
Last week, we talked about the importance of TQ in Sales: How to get and keep more customers by improving your TQ.
If you are a “primary income producer”, I urge you to take Kent’s and my advice seriously. (We have been VERY successful at this.)
This week, we will be doing a “refresher” course on dreams and dreaming.
Your dreams are critically important in the grand scheme of things because, without them, your life has no future.
Like Richard Bach, I believe that your dreams can come true if you apply sufficient power to make them real. In other words, dreams aren’t realized by DREAMING—they are realized by DOING.
Some dreams require little or no power… just enough to ensure forward momentum. Other dreams require massive power… applied over decades.
The Power to Dream…
How much dream-achieving personal power do you have? Check your personal Time Prism…

Why not take 5 minutes today to spot-check your Energy, Mission and Attitude Colors?
These three Colors, at the most basic level, define WHO you are: Your physical and mental Energy level… your sense of purpose, vision, and Mission… and your Attitude/disposition towards life… both at home and at work.
These three Colors are critical to not only achieving your dreams but giving yourself the right to dream at all.
Since we like to quantify these issues, add up the scores from your three Colors. What do you think your future looks like if you score less than 6 on any of the three? You judge.
What does a low Energy level plus a lack of Mission coupled with a self-defeating Attitude say about your future?
Bright and glowing? Or dim and fading?
The Bottom Line…
If you want to live your dreams, you can. But you’ll have to do the work.
My function is to provide you with information and motivate you to change.
To keep hope alive.
Your role is to look at your life as it is right now, and determine if a change is necessary.
If you are happy with your life as it is… if you are actually LIVING your DREAMS… then change is not necessary. Continue the path.
However, if you want to move your life up to the next level, move these three Colors up to 7-8. The difference in your life will be nothing short of staggering.
2018 is almost half over. If you want to get it together THIS year, my question is simply this: If not now, when?
— E.R. Haas, CEO
Category: Color Commentaries, Personal Growth