Sensory Goal Vision = Visual Inspiration

| August 7, 2017

Sensory Goal Vision = Visual Inspiration

“I noticed an almost universal trait among Super Achievers, and it was what I call Sensory Goal Vision. These people knew what they wanted out of life, and they could sense it multidimensionally before they ever had it. They could not only see it, but also taste it, smell it, and imagine the sounds and emotions associated with it. They pre-lived it before they had it. And the sharp, sensory vision became a powerful driving force in their lives.” ~ Stephen Devore

Last week, we talked about the power of unconditional commitment. This week we are going to discuss the power imagination and vision have over your life, and how your vision can greatly be enhanced.

Take time today to visualize the future in free-flowing pictures.

What do you want?

How would you like to live?

Where do you want to live?

What kind of car, boat, RV, motorcycle have you been thinking about?

Who would you like to help?

What relationships need attention?

How do you fit into your present world?

What do you imagine you would be doing if you could do anything you want?

Right now, take 5 minutes to write down what you see in your mind’s eye. Get it out of your heart and head, and onto a sheet of paper.

Someday I Will…






Won’t It Be Great?!

“Make every thought, every fact, that comes into your mind pay you a profit. Make it work and produce for you. Think of things not as they are but as they might be. Don’t merely dream — but create!” ~ Robert Collier

Don’t worry about HOW you are going to make these random thoughts real. (That’s what LIMITS your future.)

Just go with what your heart says would make you happy.

Take this step, and your world will become a great deal clearer… a great deal more approachable… attainable.

Unleashing your imagination starts your subconscious.

This is the well from which solutions to life’s opportunities flow!

In fact, by the end of this week, we will reveal a slick new tool to help you with the Visual Inspiration you need to make ALL your dreams come true—sooner than you ever believed possible.

A Second Chance at the Future You Desire…

Sensory Goal Vision = Visual Inspiration

Do You…
Yes or No?

Below are a few “starter questions” from Mission Factor 2E: “I maintain a highly compelling vision of how the perfect world would look for each of my interests and roles.”

The Mission Color is about actually LIVING what you VALUE most.

Your imagination fires up your MISSION, putting your “inner drive” into overdrive.

It’s what makes living worthwhile.

If you frequently find that your ATTITUDE stinks, it’s probably not your attitude… but rather your dissatisfaction with your MISSION… or lack thereof.

Print this page, take out your pen and invest 5 minutes in answering the following questions.

Each is designed to shift your perspective, change your point of view, and to invite specific action.

Power Up Questions:

  1. How many different roles do you play?
  2. A vision is the picture of a future you intend to create. Do you have a clear vision for each of your roles?
  3. Which areas of your life are in need of a more inspiring vision?
  4. More than anything, what vision do you want to accomplish next?
  5. What’s your most crucial role in your picture-perfect world?
  6. Where do you want to be 10 years from now?

Insight Questions:

  1. Can you see how what you’re doing today gets you closer to what you really want in life?
  2. How big is the dream you’re working on right now?
  3. If you had all the resources you needed, what would you do next?
  4. If the good fairy was here right now, and you had only 30 seconds, could you tell her your three wishes?
  5. How will this year get you closer to the ideal world you envision for all your roles?
  6. When would be the best time to schedule in regular periods to work on the ideal picture of your ideal life?

Perspective Questions:

  1. Does each day move you closer to your goal… or to your mortality?
  2. What holds you back from creating and committing to your dream? Why?
  3. How would you most like to be remembered?
  4. How does the vision you are working toward benefit the other people in your life?
  5. Who else gets to contribute and participate in your dream?
  6. If you could break through your limitations, what would you first imagine and then declare to accomplish next?

Unleash your imagination… Envision the Possibilities…

Again, simply write down what you see in your mind’s eye. Don’t worry about HOW you are going to make these random thoughts real. The HOW is what LIMITS your future.

(We tend to wear ourselves out in our mind… well before we even attempt to take the required actions.)

Just go with what your heart says will make you happy. Assume the “Good Fairy” will stand and deliver! — E.R. Haas, CEO

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Category: Color Commentaries, Personal Growth

About the Author ()

Eric Richard Haas, CEO, Founder The Centers for Advanced Working Intelligence™, Serial Entrepreneur x23, Author x29 AKA The Invisible Billionaire.   My mission is to inspire you to release your full potential through a science-based, systematic, and sequential process of Self-Measurement, Self-Evaluation, and Continuous Self-Improvement.

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