Tag: vision
Your Values Contain The Energy to Thrive

“The decisions you make are a choice of values that reflect your life in every way. ” ~ Alice Waters Write down your top 10 core values. If you are not excited, hopeful, energized, passionate, purposeful, and have a heightened spirit of accomplishment… what you believe your values to be are holding you back […]
Leadership & Vision Go Together Like Ham & Eggs

The only true gift a leader must possess is vision.
One of my best friends is a man who is considered a Christian Statesman, Sir John Edmund Haggai.
Author of numerous books on leadership, this single quote has stuck with me for my entire career…
“The leader seeks to communicate his vision to his followers. He captures their attention with his optimistic intuition of possible solutions to their needs. He influences them by the dynamism of his faith. He demonstrates confidence that the challenge can be met, the need resolved, the crisis overcome.”
Parsing this out, you quickly get the idea that…
Leadership Thoughts…

Leadership can be hard to define and it means different things to different people.
In the transformational leadership model, leaders set direction and help themselves and others to do the right thing to move forward.
To do this they create an inspiring vision, and then motivate and inspire others to reach that vision.
Expectations vs. Hopes and Wishes.

Last week, we talked about AMBITION:
The eager or strong desire to achieve something.
This week, we will talk about Expectations — what you EXPECT to see happen vs. what you HOPE will happen over the course of time.
More of What You Want…

When we go into business for the first time, everything seems so easy.
Put out the sign, wait for customers, offer great products and services… retire rich!
If only!
Having built over 20 businesses and counting, I can attest to the fact that being in business has substantial rewards… but real risks and costs… personally and to your family.
Today I want to address a single word: MORE!
More money…
Perfect your plans.

This week, I plan on helping you turn your dreams and goals into rock-solid plans!
Every goal—regardless of how complex or difficult—is nothing more than a series of steps that must be completed along with a path, from one object to another.
There is a problem in every opportunity and an opportunity in every problem.

Nothing will torpedo your chance at success faster than a poor attitude.
You can have clear and tangible goals, with the best-laid plans in the world, but if you poison the well from which opportunity springs, you’ve just killed your future.
You will never excel until you connect your actions to something you truly value.

This week, we will be getting VERY personal… asking the truly IMPORTANT questions:
Are you actually LIVING what you say you value, or are you consumed by the moment…
with no forward movement in the direction of your dreams?
The importance of knowing what you value more than something else is critical to your day-to-day performance.
Your Time Prism & The Power of Aha…

The Proverable Aha Moment…
A flash of inspiration and illumination…
A moment of unexpected insight and discovery…
An epiphany—a sudden revelation and awareness…
Yes, I am sure you know what an Aha Moment is… so the question becomes… how do you achieve this moment many times a day, rather than just once or twice in a lifetime?
A Long Journey to Vision

A Life is a Terrible Thing To Waste…
It is also a wonderful thing to embrace!
Most people go through their lives with a deep case of Success Myopia… they have no vision beyond the obviousness of their lives.
They fail to see the ever-present opportunities, the signs pointing to a better life, and the big milestones in their lives.
Without vision you WILL perish. Your dreams die, your hopes fade, and you find yourself in a thorny field of deep regrets.
One Step Towards An Impossible Goal…

Today our incredible new Time Prism — The World’s Smartest App™ became REAL…
18 months of dreaming, planning, working, writing, editing, and a hundred other functions you would never guess.
Today it became real on Google Play.
On Tuesday, it will become real on the Apple Store.
Thousands of years of wisdom in the palm of your hand…
Driven by the world’s first Transparent Learning Engine.
My Christmas Wish…

“My Christmas wish for you is for you to become all you are meant to be. It is also my challenge to you. FACT: Become the best version of yourself possible, and all your hopes and dreams will be realized… because you are never given a dream without also being given the power to realize it. But, you may have to work a lot smarter than ever before.” ~ E. R. Haas, CEO
An Observation on The Journey to 2018, 2019 and Beyond

If you love great sci-fi, there is nothing more appealing than walking through a stargate to galaxies beyond our own.
One minute you are here on Earth, the next on the other side of the Pegasus galaxy… facing the exciting unknown — the good, the bad, and the different.
Our journey through time is like that.
One moment we are young and have an entire life ahead, and the next, we are facing the inevitability of our demise.
A Labor Day Thought on Money

Something to always remember: Money is what we get for the exchange of our labor.
Develop outstanding skills, you make a lot of money.
Remain stuck in status-quo, business as usual thinking, you make less.
Every person has skills unique to them.
The key is to discover them, nurture them, and fully exploit them.
Sensory Goal Vision = Visual Inspiration

“I noticed an almost universal trait among Super Achievers, and it was what I call Sensory Goal Vision. These people knew what they wanted out of life, and they could sense it multidimensionally before they ever had it. They could not only see it, but also taste it, smell it, and imagine the sounds and […]
Finding Vision

So much of our lives revolve around people with outstanding vision. The founders of Apple, Amazon, Starbucks, Google, Facebook and Twitter immediately come to mind as men and woman who built companies who changed the very fabric of the future. Who would have ever thought that Bill Gate’s vision of “making the PC more important than the mainframe…” or Larry Page’s vision of “indexing all the knowledge…
Stop Worry Before It Stops You.

This week, we will discuss the meaning and importance of PERSISTENCE to your life. Look closely at the picture above. Yes, there are people out here in Colorado who think hanging off the side of a perfectly good mountain is great fun!

Are You A Visionary?
To SEE what is invisible to others is the key aspect of being a visionary.
Our vision is huge and world-changing… and I hope you share it: Turn 2.5 billion Smartphones into the greatest training system ever envisioned… making the world SMARTER and SAFER.
The vision is to take 5,000 years of the best ideas… from the best minds who ever lived, now and then… off the shelf and inject them directly into your brain — in 10-second blasts all day long.
When You Change The Way You Look…

Some people see life as a glass half full… a glass half empty… or a glass that has been shattered by living with failed hopes and dreams… for far too long. At virtually every level, VISION requires you to actually SEE. Otherwise, regardless of what you say, you are simply BLIND to the world around you.
What Is Your Time Quotient? Why Should You Care?
Last week we discussed the difference between hopes and wishes vs. crystal-clear EXPECTATIONS.
As I pointed out all week, what you have the RIGHT to expect is based on four Colors within your personal Time Prism:
Your sense of purpose and MISSION… your ATTITUDE… your ability to set Smart GOALS… and your ability to establish realistic PLANS to achieve your goals.
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