Leadership Takes Courage

| September 25, 2018

“Without courage we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency.
We can’t be kind, true, merciful, generous, or honest.” ~ DR. MAYA ANGELOU

The Courage to Lead…

Leadership Takes Courage
The Most Eye-Opening Look at YOU—Ever. Answer 10 simple questions in 10 broad areas of your performance and we will custom-publish a 172-page book all about YOU… just for YOU! Now On Sale.

Looking into ourselves to see who we are is the critical first step towards becoming a powerful leader.

This takes courage.

To see ourselves as we really are.

To go deep inside to unlock our personal truths.

When you look at the great leaders in any arena you will see men and women who, by sheer grit, faced their circumstances by first facing their inner-doubts and fears.

Facing the reality of our circumstances requires courage.

Facing ourselves takes even more courage.

Am I good enough?

Am I smart enough?

Am I something enough?

These are the self-limiting questions that every leader must find the courage to answer honestly…

And act regardless of the answer.

No leader of any weight has been up to the challenge. The challenges were completely outside their capabilities.

Think of Lincoln, Churchhill, Kennedy, or even business leaders like Steve Jobs or Bill Gates.

Each had the courage to look into themselves then look into the future and find a path to success.

Lots of doubters.

Lots of disbelievers.

Lots of haters.

Lots of people who just knew they were crazy to believe they could change their circumstances, let alone the world.

But this is where courage and crazy collide!

The only people who change the world are those who are crazy enough to believe they can.

Finding your CRAZY is not any easier than finding your COURAGE.

Reconciling crazy with courage is the constant drumbeat of every leader who goes on to greatness.

In the end, the responsibility of a great leader is to not just create followers. That is easy.

The hallmark of all great leaders is their ability to create more leaders.

Creating leaders takes tremendous courage, confidence, and commitment.

Creating courageous leaders is the hope.

It is never easy… but it is possible.



Leadership Takes Courage


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Category: Editorials, Spiritual Growth

About the Author ()

Eric Richard Haas, CEO, Founder The Centers for Advanced Working Intelligence™, Serial Entrepreneur x23, Author x29 AKA The Invisible Billionaire.   My mission is to inspire you to release your full potential through a science-based, systematic, and sequential process of Self-Measurement, Self-Evaluation, and Continuous Self-Improvement.

Comments (2)

  1. Thanks for yet another Treasure Chest of Wisdom Tommy Q: Love the following quote:

    The only people who change the world are those who are crazy enough to believe they can.
    “Finding your CRAZY is not any easier than finding your COURAGE. Reconciling crazy with courage is the constant drumbeat of every leader who goes on to greatness.

    In the end, the responsibility of a great leader is to not just create followers. That is easy. The hallmark of all great leaders is their ability to create more leaders. Creating leaders takes tremendous courage, confidence, and commitment. Creating courageous leaders is the hope. It is never easy… but it is possible.” Tommy Q


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