Tag: hope

Transforming Hope Into Action

| May 24, 2024 | 0 Comments
Transforming Hope Into Action

Albert Einstein offered us some extremely valuable advice, “Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.” No question, the QUESTION is the answer… to everything. Einstein also gave us what has become the basis of all TQ and our Ai™ Center for Advanced Working Intelligence. “Education […]

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Building Immediate Confidence

| May 8, 2024 | 0 Comments
Building Immediate Confidence

“I have come to rely on our TQ/Ai™ Avatar, Tommy TQ Quinn. He is more than a mentor or advisor, he has become my go-to Adaptive Coach who has evolved with my needs. If you need a kind, hopeful, and highly inspiring coach, get the TQ Diamond System now… ” ~ E. R. Haas, CEO […]

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Do You Have The Resilience To Succeed?

| September 9, 2021 | 0 Comments
Do You Have The Resilience To Succeed?

Resilience is what separates the winners from the folks who just play at it.

Don’t let the times beat you up, beat you down, and wear you out. Do something!

Do the Resilience Meditation that is part of your TQ program. It is boring. It is supposed to be! Listen to it every day for 21 days.

Then, upgrade your TQ program to our TQ Power Coaching.

In this economy, anything less will prove to be a big hairy mistake!

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Power Coaching For Never-Ending Crisis…

| August 30, 2021 | 0 Comments
Power Coaching For Never-Ending Crisis…

New Help Just For You…

Since we went all-digital we have virtually automated every angle of Power Coaching.

The world has changed to a continuing crisis-management condition…


• Economic

• War

• Terror

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Real Goals…

| August 10, 2021 | 0 Comments
Real Goals…

Why Goals?

I deal with a lot of people who have the ability to do really great things… if they only knew what they were.

They ramble around, trying this, that, and everything else — but continuously find themselves back at square one.

They spend a lot of Time and get few of the Results they want.

They spend their lives caught between Stage 1 and Stage 2 performance.

Don’t take my word for it, click the video above, watch it to the end and decide how much of your life is made up of the conscious pursuit of competence and how many years you have wasted at Stage 1.

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The Power to Succeed

| August 4, 2021 | 0 Comments
The Power to Succeed

Do You Have the Personal Power to Succeed, *|FNAME|*?

Self-Empowerment is not a buzz phrase.

It is the single most elemental aspect of success—now, during this Pandemic—and long after COVID has been forgotten.

If you believe centering your thoughts through meditation will help, watch this video.

If you believe you are already powerful enough to achieve all your hopes and dreams, great!

But, if you seem to be worrying more and getting fewer of the results

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The Courage to Succeed

| July 22, 2021 | 0 Comments
The Courage to Succeed

Do You Have the Courage to Succeed?

We are not born courageous.

We develop it when we see adversity… see fear… and summon the courage to build our resilience.

Why not take a courage break and reprogram your brain to step up and step out?

Resilience is a big deal. It is what separates the winners from the also-rans.

Winners have all been knocked down… but they get back up… fueling renewed resilience.

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Who Are You, Really?

| July 13, 2021 | 0 Comments
Who Are You, Really?

Want to produce exceptional results?

Examine your self-identity. Do you think of yourself as enthusiastic, capable, and committed? Your beliefs about who you are shape the way you behave, the goals you set and choices you make.

IMPACT: Your internal identity controls all of your actions and reactions. If you think of yourself as capable, enthusiastic and committed…

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Ready for a Mind Break? Feed Your Brain ~ Fuel Your Success…

| February 2, 2021 | 0 Comments
Ready for a Mind Break? Feed Your Brain ~ Fuel Your Success…

We just added a new section called TQ&Me.

This area of TQ focuses on the real YOU… your inner-self that needs more hope, inspiration, positive belief in your abilities, and in the end, true mental-toughness.

We have curated an entire library, hundreds of best-of-breed resources to calm you down, build you up, and feed the inner-you with the shift in motivation you need for maximum personal effectiveness.

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Why Test Your TQ?

| February 2, 2021 | 0 Comments
Why Test Your TQ?

To THRIVE, not just SURVIVE, after this COVID19 Pandemic, you will need to change with the times…

From the inside out…

To become more adaptable…

To become more responsive…

To become far more resilient than ever before.

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Celebrate Your Goals…

| November 30, 2020 | 0 Comments
Celebrate Your Goals…

Challenging Goals? Accept the Challenge!

You are up to the challenge.

Believe it.

There is no question that we are living in challenging times.

Those of us who raise our expectations for what’s possible will be the winners.

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Challenging Goals ~ Get Help!

| November 23, 2020 | 0 Comments
Challenging Goals ~ Get Help!

Challenging Goals? Accept the Challenge!

You are up to the challenge.

Believe it.

There is no question that we are living in challenging times.

Those of us who raise our expectations for what’s possible will be the winners.

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Power Over Fear

| October 21, 2020 | 0 Comments
Power Over Fear

Will you overcome FEAR to build your castles in the sky?

We all have fears of some kind: fear of losing, fear of success, fear of falling behind, fear of failure… we all have a dark side that must be brought into the light of day.

The Power of TQ is not just a book about excellence, success, and greater results… it is Your Power Over Fear.

When you have more information about something, your fear diminishes.

When you can look at yourself, the good and the bad, your fear of success and failure actually drops…
So, we are proposing a Living Challenge to empower the fearless men and women on the front line to look at their personal lives from a fresh new perspective.

The challenge, of course, is to have a life OFF the job better than the life you have ON the job.

For some, this will be easy as they have already achieved a nice work/life balance. But for others, this may well be their biggest challenge ever!

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Quick Hit: Meaning, Money, and Mission

| October 12, 2020 | 0 Comments
Quick Hit: Meaning, Money, and Mission

Why not all 3…

I am finishing up my 26th book with co-author Grace Reed. This one exclusively focuses on money, wealth, and creating a legacy that will long outlive you.  My thoughts…

MEANING = The knowing that you chose what truly mattered over what was merely entertaining. If you seek more meaning, then focus on what you truly value.

MONEY = What you get for trading your Time, Treasure, and Talents in pursuit of what you value most. Hard work is exchanged for a little money. Smart work gives you far greater results in far less time. If you want more money, work smarter.

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An Answer to Your Prayers…

| September 24, 2020 | 0 Comments
An Answer to Your Prayers…

If you are looking for an answer to your prayers, here’s a thought: WORKING prayers are better than WAITING prayers — because moving in the direction of your dreams is always better than just praying and waiting for Divine intervention.

Yes, the purpose of life is a life of passion and purpose… which is WHY we developed Success On Purpose.

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Power Of HOPE…

| September 23, 2020 | 0 Comments
Power Of HOPE…

When we invented the world’s first Time Prism back in 1994, we decided to also create The Power of TQ — the world’s first, 172 page, made-to-order, custom-produced personal book on success… made just for you, only you.

We believed that the intentional pursuit of excellence always trumps the accidental pursuit of mediocrity hands down. After some 100 Million Data Points, we now know we are absolutely right.

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Power Over Your Future…

| September 10, 2020 | 0 Comments
Power Over Your Future…

In times of chaos and crisis, we need to stop looking outside for solutions and focus on the Inner-Me!

25 years and $14 Million Dollars ago we created TQ to help people look at their conditions, test their assumptions, and learn to take bold action… instead of endlessly procrastinating and looking for external solutions to their problems.

You are your solution. Believe it.

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Millionaire Mentality: Vision in Action…

| August 11, 2020 | 0 Comments
Millionaire Mentality: Vision in Action…

Vision In Action…

So many people are looking inward to reduce their risks and reduce their vision for a life well-lived.

Bad strategy.

This is the time when we must all EXPAND our vision and commit to doing what it takes to achieve it.

This has always been true.

Now, it’s more important than ever.

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Quick Hit: A Marriage With Purpose…

| May 21, 2020 | 0 Comments
Quick Hit: A Marriage With Purpose…

Long before COVID became a household world, we penned an extension to our Success On Purpose series entitled, Marriage With Purpose.

Now, experts tell us all this social distancing, forced quarantine, and too much togetherness is causing a strain on marriages. Not a big surprise!

I know it might sound odd to take marriage advice from performance experts, but you should.

Please open your eyes, think with your brain, and consider a different approach to Happily Ever After.

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Quick Hit: The Wealth Habit

| May 21, 2020 | 0 Comments
Quick Hit: The Wealth Habit

“It’s probably difficult for you to fathom, but there will be more Billionaires and Millionaires minted this year… even as the COVID-19 crisis ravages the global economy… your personal economy… than ever before seen.

Every crisis brings out new ways of doing things… new ways of thinking… and a burning the bridges mentality that forces people to adopt the Winner’s Mindest.

Some may call it the Wealth Habit, we like to think of it as the Excellence Habit. Take our 100 Day Challenge to be coaxed, cajoled, and coached to an entirely different way of thinking.

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