Fear of Failing: Understanding and Conquering

| May 6, 2024

Fear of Failing: Understanding and Conquering

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Fear of Failing: Understanding and Conquering

Given my total TQ Score, why do I still fear failing and what can I do to overcome this fear? 750-word expose with 5 major bullets



Fear of Failing: Understanding and Conquering

Fear of Failure:
Understanding & Conquering With TQ

Overcoming the fear of failure is a critical aspect of personal and professional development. Even with a high TQ score, it’s common for individuals to experience this fear. Here’s an in-depth analysis of why this fear may persist and actionable steps to overcome it.

Understanding the Fear of Failure

1. Perfectionism and High Standards: Despite your high TQ score, the fear of failure may stem from perfectionist tendencies and exceptionally high standards. When you set the bar extremely high, the fear of not meeting these standards can be paralyzing. It’s essential to recognize that failure is a natural part of growth and progress.

2. External Expectations: As an executive in a high-tech industry, the pressure to continuously excel and meet external expectations can contribute to the fear of failure. The fear of letting down your team, company, or stakeholders may be a significant factor.

3. Past Experiences: Previous setbacks or failures, whether personal or professional, can create a fear of repeating those experiences. These past events may have instilled a sense of apprehension about taking risks or stepping out of your comfort zone.

4. Work-Life Imbalance: Your current work-home balance, which leans more towards work, can lead to a fear of failure in personal aspects of life. The desire to spend more time with family and friends may create a fear of failing to nurture these relationships adequately.

5. Self-Identity and Validation: For many high-achieving individuals, there’s a strong association between personal identity and professional success. The fear of failure may arise from the concern that any misstep could challenge this identity and the validation that comes with it.

Overcoming the Fear of Failure

1. Embrace a Growth Mindset: Cultivate a growth mindset by reframing failure as an opportunity for learning and growth. Emphasize the lessons and insights gained from setbacks, and celebrate the courage to take risks.

2. Set Realistic Expectations: While high standards can be motivating, it’s crucial to set realistic and achievable goals. Break larger objectives into smaller, manageable tasks, allowing for incremental progress without overwhelming pressure.

3. Mindfulness and Self-Compassion: Practice mindfulness to stay present and reduce anxiety about the future. Additionally, develop self-compassion by treating yourself with the same kindness and understanding that you would offer to a friend facing similar challenges.

4. Seek Support and Mentorship: Surround yourself with a supportive network of colleagues, mentors, or friends who can offer guidance and encouragement. Sharing concerns and seeking advice can provide valuable perspectives and alleviate the fear of failure.

5. Balance and Well-Being: Actively work towards a more balanced work-home equilibrium. Allocate dedicated time for personal pursuits and relationships, fostering a sense of fulfillment outside of professional achievements. Prioritizing well-being can diminish the fear of failure in personal domains.


In conclusion, while a high TQ score reflects exceptional practical working intelligence, the fear of failure can persist due to various internal and external factors.

By acknowledging these influences and implementing strategies to reframe perceptions of failure, set realistic expectations, and prioritize holistic well-being, it’s possible to overcome this fear and continue thriving in both personal and professional spheres.


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Fear of Failing: Understanding and Conquering

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About the Author ()

E. R. Haas is CEO of the TQ Smart family of web sites including ThinkTQ.com, IntentionalExcellence.com, MyBizIQ.com, MyBelieversGuide.com, MarriageWithPurpose.com and hundreds of others.E. R. is a "serial entrepreneur" and has created over 20 different businesses in software, manufacturing, finance, publishing and many other areas.He is married to Jan Haas who shares his interest in model railroading, gardening, and traveling by train. Together, they have 5 grown children, 9 grandchildren, and 6 great-grandchildren.

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