Tag: expectations
Expectations vs. Hopes and Wishes.

Last week, we talked about AMBITION:
The eager or strong desire to achieve something.
This week, we will talk about Expectations — what you EXPECT to see happen vs. what you HOPE will happen over the course of time.
Expect Success

In life you have two choices:
Accept what you get…
Or, learn to Expect More.
Most people, especially in small businesses, are in the first camp.
They watch the parade rather than lead it.
They mistakenly think this is the safe strategy when it is the riskiest of all.
Perfect your plans.

This week, I plan on helping you turn your dreams and goals into rock-solid plans!
Every goal—regardless of how complex or difficult—is nothing more than a series of steps that must be completed along with a path, from one object to another.
You will never excel until you connect your actions to something you truly value.

This week, we will be getting VERY personal… asking the truly IMPORTANT questions:
Are you actually LIVING what you say you value, or are you consumed by the moment…
with no forward movement in the direction of your dreams?
The importance of knowing what you value more than something else is critical to your day-to-day performance.
Success: More of what you want… less of what you don’t.

This morning we had a wonderful conversation about getting 2018 off to the best start possible.
My advice was simple.
Take out a sheet of paper and draw a line down the middle. Label the left half WHAT I DON’T WANT… and the right side WHAT I REALLY WANT…
Listen to the audio and follow along.
1 hour here and you will not only have better direction, but a real head start towards guaranteeing 2018 becomes YOUR year.
Challenging Times Ahead for Business

Two-thirds of the businesses started in the last two years will not be here in 2020. You can WIN, but you must PLAN to win… then PLAY to win.
No sports team would ever win a single game if they didn’t do BOTH. The game of business is a professional sport played with real money… real people… real hopes and dreams.
Ignore the reality, you will not make it.
What are your top 3, most critical activities?

All last week we talked about passion, purpose and mission. Yes, it is essential that you KNOW your purpose in life. Yes, it is essential that you LIVE your purpose.
Until you do, you are spending the one life you have to live on things that simply don’t matter.
Once you understand this… once you commit to this… once you make the determination that you WILL live your purpose… the question becomes “HOW?” Just how in the world am I going to make this happen?
What Is Your Time Quotient? Why Should You Care?

Last week we discussed the difference between hopes and wishes vs. crystal-clear EXPECTATIONS. As I pointed out all week, what you have the RIGHT to expect is based on four Colors within your personal Time Prism: Your sense of purpose and MISSION… your ATTITUDE… your ability to set Smart GOALS… and your ability to establish […]
Goals are the mile markers by which reality finds its way to your dreams.

This week we are going to cover the importance of setting SMART Goals: Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Tangible. If you don’t have SMART Goals, you don’t really have goals… and living what you value most will remain elusively out of reach.
Leadership is the wise use of power.

This week, we are going to focus on leadership: Achieving better results with, and though others… creating incredible force-multipliers in your life, by creating greater leverage through powerful interpersonal synergy.
Creating WOW Power…

Last week we discussed how your Time Quotient spills over into every area of your life: Relationships, Career, Business, Family and of course, you Personally. No question, your TQ is a fundamental building block of success.
A Different Take on The Future…

Over the years, we have found that there are two distinct kinds of people: 1. People who take hold, extend their reach… and grab on to the future with both hands — like it is the ride of their life. 2. People who are quite afraid of the future and just hope they can make it through the trials and tribulations to the end.
Expectations vs. Hopes and Wishes.

“Think and feel yourself there! To achieve any aim in life, you need to project the end result. Think of the elation, the satisfaction, the joy! Carrying the ecstatic feeling will bring the desired goal into view.” ~ Grace Speare Last week, we talked about AMBITION: The eager or strong desire to achieve something. This […]
A Positive Belief In Your Future Ensures It.

As I said last week, your imagination controls your future. If you want a highly successful future, nourish your imagination. This week, we will discuss the power your “belief system” has over your life—and how you can move your hopes and dreams out of your heart and head… and into your life. The Freedom to […]
Achievement Takes Commitment.

Last week we discussed how to turn ever-present opportunities into tangible results. This week we are going to discuss achieving greater results—in every area of your life. From now until the end of the year we will be focusing on increasing your POWER to SET and ACHIEVE tremendously BRILLIANT goals for yourself—both personally and professionally. Between now and New […]
The sad truth is that opportunity doesn’t knock twice.

“The sad truth is that opportunity doesn’t knock twice. You can put things off until tomorrow but tomorrow may never come. Where will you be a few years down the line. Will it be everything you dreamed of. We seal our fate with the choices we make, but don’t give a second thought to the […]
Sensory Goal Vision = Visual Inspiration…

“I noticed an almost universal trait among Super Achievers, and it was what I call Sensory Goal Vision. These people knew what they wanted out of life, and they could sense it multidimensionally before they ever had it. They could not only see it, but also taste it, smell it, and imagine the sounds and […]
What Does It Take To Win?

“Our attitudes control our lives. Attitudes are a secret power working twenty-four hours a day, for good or bad. It is of paramount importance that we know how to harness and control this great force.” ~ Tom Blandi For the last month we have been talking about very broad topics: Hope… Freedom… Purpose… Values… Success […]
What Is Your Time Quotient? Why Should You Care?
Last week we discussed the difference between hopes and wishes vs. crystal-clear EXPECTATIONS.
As I pointed out all week, what you have the RIGHT to expect is based on four Colors within your personal Time Prism:
Your sense of purpose and MISSION… your ATTITUDE… your ability to set Smart GOALS… and your ability to establish realistic PLANS to achieve your goals.
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