Creating WOW Power…

“Anything that is wasted effort represents wasted time. The best management of our time thus becomes linked inseparably with the best utilization of our efforts.” ~ Ted W. Engstrom
Last week we discussed how your Time Quotient spills over into every area of your life: Relationships, Career, Business, Family and of course, you Personally.
No question, your TQ is a fundamental building block of success.

It’s that simple.
With only 50-60 “working” days between now and the end of the year, (subtract weekends, holidays and the time shorter every time you think about it!) it is important that we focus on the MAXIMUM utilization of the lower portion of the TQ equation: TIME.
Let’s take a look at the immediate future and help you create some WOW POWER!

Are You Setting Goals or Sitting on Them?
Are you setting goals for your heartfelt dreams and aspirations
or are you wasting time focusing on outside distractions and your own doubts that undermine your confidence and power?
This week’s Coaching Connection is asking the powerful question, are you are Setting Goals for what really matters or are you caught up in all the noise that keeps from setting and achieving your most important and inspiring goals that empower you to live your best life?
In this session with TQ Master Coach, Maikel Bailey, will help you see the clear distinction between getting on with your life by taking your most desired dreams, turning them into goals with deadlines and getting caught up in the noise and confusion of distractions and self-doubt.
If you’ve had it with not achieving your full potential, schedule a complementary coaching session right now. Click Here…
How Much WOW Power Do You Have?
Look at your calendar for October, November and December.
This is ALL the time remaining this year.
Last, year… last month… last week is nothing but HISTORY.
TODAY is the first day you have to create your FUTURE.
This is ALL the time you have to achieve your dreams and goals… THIS year.
The question is, do you have the personal power necessary to make each day a real WOW… leading up to 3 big WOW’s at the end of each month… from NOW until the end of the year?
Please take a few minutes today to write down what you want to see happen by this New Years Eve.
How much POWER will it take for you to make the NEXT 50-60 days, your best ever… making you, and everyone around you, say WOW!
All this week, we are going to discuss getting MORE out of each of your precious minutes… how to get more of the RIGHT things done each day (which, of course, moves you closer to the success you desire.)
Follow along and learn how to put a little more WOW Power into your performance! — E.R. Haas
A Few Ideas For Action…
The following Ideas for Action represent some of the best thinking on the planet regarding your use of TIME!
Each idea is designed to inspire and motivate you to actually do TQ Factor 9A a great deal more frequently.
Spend some time reading each idea this week. Make sure you understand them. Visualize yourself doing them.
Keep in mind, however, that these ideas will remain ideas until you put them into action.
Are You Wasting Time Wishing For More Time?
Your life is a fixed sum of days. You’ll never know the total until it’s over. The only thing you do know is that after today, you’ll have one day less.
If you want to make every minute count, start with this one.
Is What You’re Doing Worth Your Time?
You know what’s most important to your family, career, personal growth and financial goals. If you want to get more from every minute, you need to learn how to make every minute count, and relinquish all those activities that are wasting your precious time.
It’s not that life’s so short; it’s that when it’s over, it’s over!
Are You Being Useful?
Ask yourself constantly, “Is this the best possible use of my time right now?”
Honestly evaluate every single activity today by whether or not it demonstrates how precious you believe each moment to be.
Are You Trying To Concoct Chronological Alchemy?
Many have looked, but no one has ever found more than 24 hours in a day. You can, however, manage the way in which you spend your time and resolve not to waste even a moment as a result of poor “time choices.”
Grab the rudder now! Consciously choose your day’s course on the river of time.
Is That All There Is?
You already have all the time you’ll get. You can’t trick time. Make the best use of the 1000 Prime Minutes you have.
Time never gives, it only takes away.
You’d Be Here Now, If Only…
Making every minute count means focusing on the instant, “the now.” Give every minute your undivided attention.
When you’ve planned ahead, you don’t have to think about what’s next, and you know you’re right where you should be at any given moment.
Be here now.
Concentrating on what’s at hand is easier when you know in advance what you’ll be doing with your other moments too.
Category: Color Commentaries, Personal Growth