Tag: happiness

Optimizing Happiness Through TQ Factors: A Personalized Approach To Optimize Your Flow

| June 1, 2024 | 0 Comments
Optimizing Happiness Through TQ Factors: A Personalized Approach To Optimize Your Flow

According to Aristotle, “Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.” Every aim in life must be in pursuit of inner happiness… however you define it: Spiritual, emotional, physical, financial, and in our relationships. But most people never come close to the inner-peace that flows from […]

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Want more POWER? Live your VALUES.

| July 9, 2018
Want more POWER? Live your VALUES.

Last week, we talked about hope and freedom, and your God-given right to pursue your dreams with passion, power, and persistence. 

This week, we will discuss the foundation of ALL success—your personal values.

Each day you spend the only life you have to live. The question is, what are you getting in return?

Are you living with a strong sense of purpose and MISSION… or are you struggling to find balance and direction?

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Happiness Within…

| June 4, 2018 | 0 Comments
Happiness Within…


There are many ways to look at a word like happiness.

An inner-emotion of pure joy…

The achievement of a major challenge…

Or simply just doing more of what comes naturally to you.

Most people would agree that happiness is up to the individual to define.

“You’ll know it when you see it”, kind of thing.

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Do Your Goals Make You Happy?

| November 9, 2017
Do Your Goals Make You Happy?

Happiness-Driven Goals: Achieving goals that have deep meaning to you… The life of your dreams… Financial security… Finally getting what you’ve been working so hard to achieve… These are universal desires… all of which can be realized.

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