Tag: honor

My Guardian Angel…

| May 27, 2019
My Guardian Angel…

When we think of all the men and women who died for our freedom…

who gave their very being for our right to live a good and honorable life…

we recognize that it is our responsibility — indeed, our duty — to not just remember their service, but to live our lives as a testament to their sacrifice, courage, and honor.

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The Abundance Habit…

| March 26, 2019 | 0 Comments
The Abundance Habit…

Making Abundance a Habit…

Please take a minute to watch our inspiring little video on abundance. It is a completely different approach to a concept people want more than anything else.

Just take a breath… engage… and THINK!

Think about your life right now. Are you living in abundance or want?

Think about everyone around you. Does everyone have more than enough, or are they struggling to find direction?

Just stop and think.

The question then becomes, have you made abundance a habit?

This is a very big deal.

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Mental Toughness: The Habit of Action…

| March 20, 2019 | 0 Comments
Mental Toughness: The Habit of Action…

Making Mental Toughness a Habit…

Please take a minute to watch our inspiring little video on the power of mental toughness.

Just take a breath… engage… and THINK!

Think about your life right now. Are you tough enough for the challenges ahead?

Think about everyone around you. Do you have the mental attitude to lead them to victory?

Just stop and think!

The question then becomes, have you made mental toughness a habit?

This is a very big deal.

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The Authenticity Habit…

| March 13, 2019 | 0 Comments
The Authenticity Habit…

Making Abundance a Habit…

Please take a minute to watch our inspiring little video on abundance. It is a completely different approach to a concept people want more than anything else.

Just take a breath… engage… and THINK!

Think about your life right now. Are you living in abundance or want?

Think about everyone around you. Does everyone have more than enough, or are they struggling to find direction?

Just stop and think.

The question then becomes, have you made abundance a habit?

This is a very big deal.

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The Goals Habit…

| March 11, 2019 | 0 Comments
The Goals Habit…

Making Goals a Habit…

SET GOALS is the fourth color in the Time Prism Performance Spectrum, because you can’t make the leap from here to your vision, all in one jump. You can’t just “do” a mission. You need specific, tangible targets to give you immediate direction — ones which will lead thereafter to even greater destinations.

When you set specific GOALS, you target future accomplishments with precision and clarity. The first step in getting “EVERYTHING” you want is to specify exactly what “EVERYTHING” is.

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The Awesome Power of Commitment…

| March 7, 2019 | 0 Comments
The Awesome Power of Commitment…

Making Commitment A Habit…

Please take a minute to watch our inspiring little video on the power of commitment.

Just take a breath… watch… and THINK!

Think about your life right now, and how committed you are to its direction.

Think about your commitment to everyone around you.

Just stop and think!

The question then becomes, have you yet made commitment a habit?

A habit, of course, is something you do automatically, intuitively, or instinctively.

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Honor Is a Driving Force of Success

| February 25, 2019 | 0 Comments
Honor Is a Driving Force of Success

To understand why HONOR is critical to your success, click play on the Smarter in a Minute clip above  >> take a breath  >> and THINK >>

When we think of a giant word like excellence we generally see it through the lens of quality or worth.

Like excellence, a lack of honor drives you further away from the life you love.

A life of high worth and achievement.

According to the urban dictionary, Honor has many uses, all of them good. If you are called a man of honor, you are respected. If someone honors you, they recognize and award you for your achievements.

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Will Artificial Intelligence be Your Friend or Foe?

| February 9, 2019 | 0 Comments
Will Artificial Intelligence be Your Friend or Foe?

Billions Are Being Spent To Make Machines Smarter… But Who’s Going to Make You Smarter Than a Machine?

We have become a “survival of the smartest” global economy where human capital needs to be retooled, reimagined, and reinvented. And we need to do it quickly.

Put simply, we need to make people — not just machines — smarter about what they think and do each day — at work and at home.

To achieve this, The World Excellence Project has developed and deployed a smart new App designed to make you smarter in the moment.

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I Am Grateful…

| October 22, 2018 | 0 Comments
I Am Grateful…

Three Little Words That Change Everything…

I Am Grateful!

I Appreciate You!

I Love You!

We could go on with word selections, but you get the idea.

Gratitude is a force of nature, woven into our humanity, and when employed, we see magic… miracles… maybe even transformation.

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In Search of Honor…

| October 21, 2018 | 0 Comments
In Search of Honor…

What does the word HONOR mean to you?

Most people think of honor in the same light as respect.

But for most of us, the word has a much deeper meaning, especially if you served in the military.

Take a couple of minutes to focus your attention on the above video.

THINK about the word in context to the ever-changing story of your life.

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