Tag: team
Celebrate Your Goals…

Challenging Goals? Accept the Challenge!
You are up to the challenge.
Believe it.
There is no question that we are living in challenging times.
Those of us who raise our expectations for what’s possible will be the winners.
Challenging Goals ~ Get Help!

Challenging Goals? Accept the Challenge!
You are up to the challenge.
Believe it.
There is no question that we are living in challenging times.
Those of us who raise our expectations for what’s possible will be the winners.
Power Over Fear

Will you overcome FEAR to build your castles in the sky?
We all have fears of some kind: fear of losing, fear of success, fear of falling behind, fear of failure… we all have a dark side that must be brought into the light of day.
The Power of TQ is not just a book about excellence, success, and greater results… it is Your Power Over Fear.
When you have more information about something, your fear diminishes.
When you can look at yourself, the good and the bad, your fear of success and failure actually drops…
So, we are proposing a Living Challenge to empower the fearless men and women on the front line to look at their personal lives from a fresh new perspective.
The challenge, of course, is to have a life OFF the job better than the life you have ON the job.
For some, this will be easy as they have already achieved a nice work/life balance. But for others, this may well be their biggest challenge ever!
Quick Hit: Meaning, Money, and Mission

Why not all 3…
I am finishing up my 26th book with co-author Grace Reed. This one exclusively focuses on money, wealth, and creating a legacy that will long outlive you. My thoughts…
MEANING = The knowing that you chose what truly mattered over what was merely entertaining. If you seek more meaning, then focus on what you truly value.
MONEY = What you get for trading your Time, Treasure, and Talents in pursuit of what you value most. Hard work is exchanged for a little money. Smart work gives you far greater results in far less time. If you want more money, work smarter.
About The First Responders Living Challenge

Tremendous resources are invested to make our first responders highly skilled on the job, but little is invested in tools and tech to help them lead more rewarding lives.
So, we are proposing a Living Challenge to empower the fearless men and women on the front line to look at their personal lives from a fresh new perspective.
The challenge, of course, is to have a life OFF the job better than the life you have ON the job.
For some, this will be easy as they have already achieved a nice work/life balance. But for others, this may well be their biggest challenge ever!
First Responder Living Challenge

Tremendous resources are invested to make our first responders highly skilled on the job, but little is invested in tools and tech to help them lead more rewarding lives.
So, we are proposing a Living Challenge to empower the fearless men and women on the front line to look at their personal lives from a fresh new perspective.
The challenge, of course, is to have a life OFF the job better than the life you have ON the job.
For some, this will be easy as they have already achieved a nice work/life balance. But for others, this may well be their biggest challenge ever!
The True Power of Synergy

According to the dictionary, synergy has a simple definition:
“A synergy is where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. In other words, when two or more people or organizations combine their efforts, they can accomplish more together than they can separately. They can get more done working together than they can working apart.”
Personally, when I think of synergy I think of strength.
Consider a wall of bricks stacked on top of one another 10 feet high with no mortar.
Push on the center and it will cave in.
Feels Like Team Spirit…

Your Future Depends On Talent…
Finding it. Hiring it. Onboarding it.
Managing it. Leading it.
More Importantly…
You must build a fully bonded team with the all-in spirit needed to meet the growing challenges.
Ultimately, your business has but ONE strategy: Build great PEOPLE who will go on to build a great BUSINESS. Anything less is short-sighted, self-limiting and self-defeating.
Team Excellence…

No matter how smart, talented, driven, or directed you are personally, your ultimate success depends on your ability to build and inspire entire teams of people working towards a common goal.
Conviction-Driven Leadership: Knowledge Refines ~ Action Defines…
In times when people are confused, frightened, and need direction your leadership matters. Not lip-service to the word, but the true essence of what it means to lead in times of uncertainty, fear, and forced change.
Charles Darwin said it best, “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” Put another way, in this rapidly changing global economy, you either adapt or die.
We are in a time of unprecedented upheaval, a sudden and abrupt change to our way of life due to the hysteria surrounding the COVID19 virus. We must now quickly adapt or find our businesses decimated.
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