What’s Unique About TQ Coaching?

| August 22, 2012

What’s Unique About TQ Coaching?

Is TQ Coaching What You’ve Been Looking For? Maybe Even Praying For!

A better question to ask would be, what’s in it for you when you enroll in TQ Coaching?

I have been in the coaching industry for over 16 years now. I have sold for some of the greats out there – Zig Ziglar, Denis Waitley, Ken Blanchard and more. I have coached thousands of people and trained scores of coaches. I have set up coaching programs, run my own coaching company with a great stable of coaches, was a part of one of our state’s fastest growing companies. As you can see, I have been around the block a time or two.

And, so…?

So, knowing this, how does that help you? Well, let’s ask some bottom line questions and clarify what’s in it for you.

If you were in a coaching program, would it be important to you…

  • That the backbone of the coaching was a proven system for success, performance measurement, improvement and achievement, happiness, a better career or business and a better life overall?
  • That as you began your coaching you were immediately involved in specific activities to improve your attitude, self-confidence, and daily performance?
  • That you effectively deal with and eliminate the limiting beliefs and habits of the past that hold you back and have held you back for years, perhaps even decades?
  • That the coaching program that was not a cookie cutter program but one that was focused on your needs, your requirements and what was most important to you to get the results you want?

If you are with me so far, watch this video.



This is the Key to TQ Coaching Success and More Importantly Your Success!


That is what we are doing here. We are using the brilliant one of a kind system – Think TQ – created by ER Haas and Kent Madson that ingeniously measures your 100 performance factors designed to get you to perform brilliantly in your life. This program takes what you know now about that system and gets you to make it an integral part of your life by building new skills, routines and habits into every aspect of your life giving you greater power, focus, belief and performance like you have never enjoyed before.

There are three activities you will be introduced to in your first coaching session that will immediately begin changing you from the inside out giving you incredible clarity, belief and confidence in yourself and daily accountability for what is most important to you.

The coaching process will help you discover those things that are holding you back, maybe have even plagued and perplexed you for years, get them addressed, turn them around so they are no longer the negative anchors and energy drainers in your life, giving you a new lease on your life, a new vision and a greater power and inspiration to achieve your dreams.

Finally, no doubt you have read the books and listened to the tapes and CDs about personal development over the years. Well, how would you like to have your own set of personalized MP3s that are all about you? You know, it is inspiring to listen to the universal principles of truth and success. It is wonderful to hear about others’ stories. But can you imagine a collection of recordings that are all about you, about what it will take for you to become your best and live your best, the step by step processes you need to know and live so you can create the life you dream? That too is part of what you get with TQ Coaching.

Time to take the Next Step?

What’s Unique About TQ Coaching?If you would like to read what others are saying about TQ Coaching, click TQ Coaching Testimonials.

If you want to live with your problems, I will not try to stop you! In fact, I wouldn’t. TQ Coaching is challenging process for life changing results. If you are not committed to living your best life, making the most of your life and setting the example for others to step it up and live their best, TQ Coaching if probably not for you at this time.

But if you’ve had enough of the ways things have been for you, you know a lot of the material in personal development but you still can’t make the changes or get the changes to stick, then this must may be your time. If it is, do something now. If not now, when? Free TQ Coaching Consultation.

Let me just say this in closing, this is just part of the powerful, life changing process that TQ Coaching is and can be for you as it has been for so many others.  (TQ Coaching Testimonials.) To find out more about how TQ Coaching can become a wonderful turning point in your life for the rest of your life, go to Free TQ Coaching Consultation.

That’s right Maikel! You have understood me correctly. The procrastination was a “AHA” and had a huge impact on me. I knew or had the awareness of my feelings and emotions. I just could not put it into words, and our working together has help me understand my behaviors better.  From now on, “Act now” is my behavior.  –

Thank you, NB – Canada

If you want to make the REST of your life the BEST of your life — starting right now — schedule a FREE, no obligation consultation and we can both decide what steps you must take to move out of that cramped little Comfort Zone and move across town to where the air smells sweeter… the flowers are all in bud… and each room in your new digs makes you go WOW I LOVE MY LIFE!

Go to ThinkTQ.com/Mentor1…

Maikel Bailey,
Your TQ Excellence Coach


Category: Personal Growth

About the Author ()

Eric Richard Haas, CEO, Founder The Centers for Advanced Working Intelligence™, Serial Entrepreneur x23, Author x29 AKA The Invisible Billionaire.   My mission is to inspire you to release your full potential through a science-based, systematic, and sequential process of Self-Measurement, Self-Evaluation, and Continuous Self-Improvement.

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