Lead Like You Mean It: Excellence Matters


Please Play Video to Understand Why Excellence as a Strategy Matters.
We have condensed 25 years of experience and a Hundred Million data points into this 2-minute TQ Talk.
We are happy to help you in any way during this time of crisis with Virtual Events,
Custom Software, and Company Leadership Sessions.

Lead Like You Mean It: Excellence Matters

It’s time to reboot, rethink & retool for what comes NEXT…

I remember well the 3 rules of first aid I learned as an Eagle Scout: 1) START the breathing… 2) STOP the bleeding… 3) TREAT for shock. Most importantly, GET HELP.  The shock to the economy and our lives will require all the help we can get.

But remember what Dr. Robert Schuller said, “Tough times don’t last but tough people do.”

Lead Like You Mean It: Excellence Matters

In a time of crisis, people look to their leaders to provide guidance, hope, and direction.

Now, more than at any time in recent history, we need a constant flow of encouragement, ideas for action, and a strategy for what comes NEXT.

No question, your people are your greatest asset and if you use this time to improve your people-power, your organization will thrive.

If not, expect long term pain.

This is why we are freely giving away The Time Prism: The World’s Smartest App™ — the fastest and easiest way to learn, remember and master the success-critical skills for higher achievement.

All you need to do is ask and we will provide you with a custom-branded version for your company.

Yes, free for the asking and people love it!

This new App contains 5,000 years of the best ideas… from the best minds in history… carefully curated, distilled, and hand-crafted into thousands of gems of wisdom (ScreenGems™) and Smarter In A Minute videos that captivate, inspire, excite, and motivate.

More importantly, it informs smarter decisions in the moment through a continuous process of spaced-repetition, practice and drill, and Neuro Habit reinforcement.

The Time Prism is a tool like none other. We call it a Transparent Learning Engine where you learn without even knowing you are learning. Automatically. Effortlessly. Instantly.

Lead Like You Mean It: Excellence MattersImagine capturing what the most successful men and women today actually KNOW and DO to produce outstanding results… how they THINK… how they RESPOND to life’s unending challenges. We “bottled” all that knowledge and created tech to dispense it in 10-second training sequences all day long. It’s exactly like reading 4-5 books a day on a given subject: Goal setting, planning, prioritizing, leadership, organization, and time management skills. It boosts your attitude, keeps you on mission, and invites high-energy action.

Bottom line: You produce greater results, achieve more, and work smarter by simply DOING what the most successful people on Earth are DOING… at a time when we must all operate at our full potential: Smart… savvy… mentally agile.

This page has been created to give you the QBP (Quick Big Picture) in support of The World Excellence Project. Scan it, forward it, and request a custom version with your company’s logo. It will reinforce your message of hope with the timeless wisdom found in the 10,000, 10-second training sequences found inside.

I know you want your people to come through this crisis better prepared for the future and this is one simple step you can take right now in that direction. Many Thanks.~ E. R. Haas, CEO, Founder of The World Excellence Project, Author (AKA The Invisible Billionaire)

Lead Like You Mean It: Excellence Matters

Lead Like You Mean It: Excellence Matters

You may download the production App for review from
Apple or Google. Search TIMEPRISM (one word)Lead Like You Mean It: Excellence Matters

Call To Receive Your Custom Edition of The Time Prism Now or schedule a highly
motivational, yet methodical, virtual event for your entire team…

Lead Like You Mean It: Excellence Matters

Click Button — Contact Me, E. R. Haas, CEO,
Serial Entrepreneur, Author (AKA: The Invisible Billionaire)


Lead Like You Mean It: Excellence Matters

Lead Like You Mean It: Excellence Matters

Lead Like You Mean It: Excellence Matters



Lead like you mean it.

What you do now matters. Give your people a fighting chance to emerge
from this crisis better prepared to THRIVE, not merely survive.


Think WIN ~ WIN!

What’s Important NOW… What’s Important NEXT?
These two questions are the key to long term
success in this time of social and economic upheaval.


In a time of crisis, your people fear the unknown.

When your people are frightened, they need direction, hope, and a clear vision.
Your team needs to be even more adaptable and resilient than ever before.
They need to see beyond the NOW to the NEXT.


But here’s the truth.

It’s hard to be productive when scared for your friends and family. Gloom invites doom.
It’s hard to be effective when confused and conflicted at home and at work. Vision is obscured.
It’s hard to be efficient when worried about money and the future. Procrastination rules.


Unfortunately, this is the new reality.

Which is why we created The Time Prism: The World’s Smartest App™ .
Our Transparent Learning Engine™ encourages, excites, motivates, reinforces and informs smarter decisions in the moment. It is based on real science that provides a continuous flood of great ideas for action that fosters mental toughness, resilience, and critical thinking.


The Result

More “Aha” moments each day builds success-critical skills for higher achievement.
This means people become stronger, more optimistic, and have a better chance of seizing the new opportunities this crisis will certainly create.

Give it to every person in your company with my compliments… starting now with you!


Lead Like You Mean It: Excellence Matters

Click Button — Contact Me, E. R. Haas, CEO,
Serial Entrepreneur, Author (AKA: The Invisible Billionaire)



The 411 for people who want to know everything there is to know: WHO we are, WHAT we believe, what we did, WHY we did it, the BENEFITS to you, and your NEXT logical step…

Lead Like You Mean It: Excellence Matters

ETHOS: Our vision is to give a billion people the tools they need to excel… to make excellence their prevailing attitude, even in this time of global crisis. Especially now when we need it the most.

How? By effectively training people to work smarter and become more efficient, effective, and productive. Now, when people need HOPE not just numbing platitudes.

WHO? ThinkTQ.com is the world’s leading producer of virtual training products exclusively focused on the intentional pursuit of excellence. We have honestly served millions of people over the past 25 years. We operate on the highest level of integrity.

With over 25 years of experience and hundreds of custom-produced products, we have thousands of real people testimonials and millions of success stories around the globe.

WHAT? TQ stands for your Time Quotient, a Gold Standard measurement of your practical working intelligence.

TQ measures how smart you ACT, not how smart you ARE.

With hundreds of millions of data points, we can tell you precisely where you are strong… where you have limitations… and exactly what you must do differently to achieve the results you want and the success you desire.

How? Because we continuously break down the blur of your overall performance into their most basic components —  you can see what’s actually driving your successes and failures. For most people, this is an incredibly eye-opening experience. Why not take the Quick TQ Test to get a quick baseline overview…

Nothing is more important to success than a strong work ethic… especially when times are tough. Mental toughness is not a buzzword.

My dear friend, Dr. Robert Schuller said it best, “Tough times don’t last but tough people do.”

He also pointed out that every goal, at every level, requires WORK.

Success comes from doing the work that must be done each day.

Every personal development expert will tell you that the reason people fail is that they do not consistently build the success-critical skills that lead to higher achievement. People may work hard, but they hardly work as smart as possible. Problem: With a hundred million data points gathered over the years, we can tell you with absolute certainty that 90% of the working population is working at 50% of their potential.

We solved this problem. How?

Lead Like You Mean It: Excellence MattersWe spent years condensing and distilling the most brilliant advice, from the smartest people who ever lived, into a highly systematic approach to accelerated working intelligence. We extracted the best ideas for exceptional performance from every major book on success ever written… and turned it into a Teaching Through Testing learning system where the knowledge literally jumps off the shelf and into your life! Benefit: We greatly simplified the access and delivery of the success-critical information needed for higher achievement.

Specifically, The Time Prism contains thousands of world-renowned ideas for setting goals, making plans, and focusing your day around that which is most important… delivered in highly condensed, understandable messages that inspire immediate action. Benefit: Crystal-clear goals lead to smarter plans which lead to highly focused expectations upon which you can execute.

It also contains thousands of 10-second training sequences to boost your attitude, your personal energy level, and foster an unstoppable sense of mission and purpose. Benefit: You become physically, emotionally, and spiritually fit.

Finally, it contains thousands of highly specific directives needed to build powerful interpersonal synergy, to get and stay organized, and to optimize the use of your most precious resource, time. Benefit: Instead of frozen by procrastination you become highly proactive and action-oriented. You are trained to produce exceptional results and do it in less time… the hallmark of the most successful people who ever lived.

As Albert Einstein opined, “Education is not merely the learning of facts, it is the training of the mind to THINK.”

This is precisely what we do!

Lead Like You Mean It: Excellence Matters

Provide simple brain-training and skill-building that causes people to STOP >> take a BREATH >> and THINK.

We anchor this timeless wisdom with your logo — connecting your company’s values with their personal success.

The Time Prism is a highly effective personal training program that motivates, encourages, and mentors people to a higher level of success… inspired each day by the greatest minds in history.

It is fully developed, real-world-tested, and can be given to your people today.

You simply provide the activated link we give you to people interested in personal and professional development. Some people will automatically reject the idea of personal improvement… some will resist it… but the vast majority will accept it. Give it a day and it will become your trusted mentor for the rest of your life.

Why? Your people will discover a continuous flood of “Aha” moments that positively shape their thinking. Even the most jaded will see this as a “good thing”.

Your only commitment is a nod towards the intentional pursuit of excellence.

If we positively shape thinking towards the unconditional pursuit of excellence and the complete rejection of mediocrity, the world becomes a far better place for all of us: Our kids, grandkids, and the future at large.

This is one decision you can make right now that will affect the destiny of your people and your company for years to come.


Lead Like You Mean It: Excellence Matters

For Details, Contact [email protected] 

OUR CAUSE: Our cause is to return excellence as the prevailing aspiration around the world — dynamically training a billion people to work smarter, compete smarter, and achieve up to their full potential. This will have a lasting impact on the framework of the future.


Lead Like You Mean It: Excellence Matters


INTENTIONAL EXCELLENCE: Thomas Watson, Founder of IBM said it best, “If you want to achieve excellence, you can get there today. As of this second, quit doing less-than-excellent work.”

This is why The World Excellence Project is strategic, vital, and timely.


Lead Like You Mean It: Excellence Matters


REMIND… REINFORCE… REPEAT. The Time Prism represents tremendous brand reinforcement coupled with a constant flood of “Aha” moments — every day, on the hour. Your people learn, remember, and master the success-critical skills for higher achievement. Truly a WIN-WIN proposition.

The Time Prism is brain-training, skill-building, and a personal coach all in one super-smart, super-simple, fun new App that turns a smartphone into a tool of extraordinary personal growth. Where other Apps promote meditation… or brain games… we are totally different.


Lead Like You Mean It: Excellence Matters


THINK: We believe that if we can get people to just stop, take a breath, and THINK for a moment — to inform smarter decisions — their lives and the lives of everyone around them will be greatly improved.


Lead Like You Mean It: Excellence Matters


SIMPLY THE BEST: The Time Prism contains 5,000 years of the best ideas… from the smartest people who ever lived… carefully curated and hand-crafted into thousands of gems of wisdom (ScreenGems™) and Smarter In A Minute videos that inspire, motivate, inform, and reinforce.


How It Works:

  1. You simply let your people know that you support The World Excellence Project and provide them with your custom link to download The Time Prism — free of cost… free of any distracting ads… no requirement to purchase anything, ever.
  2. This is your gift to their success and your brand will be displayed for as long as the App is used on their phone or tablet… potentially many years.
  3. This is a unique opportunity to do something great for your stakeholders, help us get the word out, and reinforce your brand as the obvious first choice for greater results. A true WIN WIN WIN.


About TQ:

Lead Like You Mean It: Excellence MattersThe World Excellence Project is an initiative developed by Think TQ, Inc. — a leading training company exclusively focused on the intentional pursuit of excellence.

With over 25 years of experience and hundreds of custom-produced products, we have thousands of actual testimonials and millions of success stories around the globe.

In 2002, we developed the first (and only) virtual personal book entitled The Power of TQ and 10 Choices of Intentional Excellence — a 172 page made-to-order book giving you a solid evaluation of your strengths, weaknesses, and a map to precisely what you must do differently to work smarter, improve results, and achieve your full potential.

We believe that people have outstanding potential but it must be developed into real skills. We also feel that it is criminal to watch people needlessly struggle when just a few simple changes in their habits can create a life of happiness, satisfaction, and significance.

Help us get the word out and we will give your people the tools to work smarter, achieve more, and live up to their full potential. This is Earth changing!

For Details, Contact [email protected] 

Lead Like You Mean It: Excellence Matters

Review It! Go to Your App Store and Search For: TIMEPRISM (one word)

Or simply click here…

Lead Like You Mean It: Excellence MattersLead Like You Mean It: Excellence Matters

The Time Prism is an App developed and deployed by ThinkTQ and The World Excellence Project.



Lead Like You Mean It: Excellence Matters Lead Like You Mean It: Excellence Matters Lead Like You Mean It: Excellence Matters Lead Like You Mean It: Excellence Matters

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