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“If you love your job and want to go higher, read this book. If you are being held back from a career that is both, emotionally and financially rewarding, read this book. Bottom line, if you want to get ahead in this hyper-competitive, survival of the smartest global economy, read this book!”  ~ E. R. Haas, CEO & Author


The 2019 Edition Is Now Available…

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2019 Edition:

To EVERYONE who feels powerless to change direction. You CAN… but you will need directions!

Full Spectrum Career Power is dedicated to people who know they must improve the effectiveness of their performance—people only too aware that it has become a perform-or-perish, results-driven, global economy, and who need to sharpen their competitive edge—but just don’t know how… or where to start.

Career Power is essential if you want to shatter the Glass Ceiling or get in on the bottom floor of the next hot new “thing”.

Full Spectrum Career Power is not a job-hunters guide, designed to help people find their next job, but rather, a resource to help people from every walk of life power up their career potential by becoming more VALUABLE… not just more productive.

Our goal is to help you see what you need to do differently to stand out from your peers, by helping you differentiate yourself based on your power to produce tangible results.


1. You can make more MONEY and have a career that is emotionally rewarding…

2. To make more money, become more VALUABLE…

3. To become more valuable, produce significantly greater RESULTS…

4. To produce greater results, improve your TRANSFERABLE SKILLS…

5. To improve your skills, improve your TQ — your practical working intelligence: First master your FUNdamentals… Train to Train… Train to Compete… and finally, Train to WIN.

2019 Perspective…

2019 is expected to remain a strong labor market with low unemployment but tremendous turbulence. Lots of opportunity for income growth for people with the skills, training, temperament, and tenacity to meet the challenges.

There is more wealth-building going on now than in recent memory. So, the stage is set for you.

All you need to do is work smarter, compete smarter and produce greater results.

The idea behind a Golden Parachute is that you are rewarded for results, not effort.

Solid Gold performance is what earns a solid gold lifestyle.

Expect Success: Never Confuse Effort With Results!

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