Maximize Your Success Potential In The Next Few Minutes…
“I will act now. I will act now. I will act now. Henceforth, I will repeat these words each hour, each day, everyday, until the words become as much a habit as my breathing, and the action which follows becomes as instinctive as the blinking of my eyelids. With these words I can condition my mind to perform every action necessary for my success. I will act now. I will repeat these words again and again and again. I will walk where failures fear to walk. I will work when failures seek rest. I will act now for now is all I have. Tomorrow is the day reserved for the labor of the lazy. I am not lazy. Tomorrow is the day when the failure will succeed. I am not a failure. I will act now. Success will not wait. If I delay, success will become wed to another and lost to me forever.”
“This is the time. This is the place. I am the person.” ~ Og Mandino
Expect Success
You Want to Be Happy? Great, Develop Your Skills…
Years ago, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (hereafter: MC) developed the concept of flow to describe a particular state of mind (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990). In a state of flow, a person is engaged in a challenging task, working away, making progress, while being fully absorbed. Activity and lack of self-consciousness are the key elements of flow. MC broke the concept down further, proposing 8 necessary and jointly sufficient criteria and features. Flow is when a person [1] is engaged in a doable task, [2] is able to focus, [3] has a clear goal, [4] receives immediate feedback, [5] moves without worrying, [6] has a sense of control, [7] has suspended the sense of self, and [8] has temporarily lost a sense of time.
By all accounts, this is what happiness means in real, scientific terms. Losing time and yourself in activities you are good at — personally and professionally — meeting ever-growing challenges by developing ever-growing skills.
Where Do You Live On the Conscious Competence Grid? Really?
We have found, inside a database of tens of millions of records that the vast majority of people live their lives in Stage 1, Unconscious Incompetence. They struggle to find their place in the world, never fully recognizing their true success potential. They keep doing the same things, expecting different results… the true definition of insanity according to Albert Einstein!
On the other hand, highly successful people are continuously migrating between Stage 3 and Stage 4 Competence. They expect to win… they execute up to expectations… and they ultimately win.
Some would call it highly instinctive, intuitive, and immersive conditioning in the process of meeting big challenges by developing even bigger skills!
The Thin Line Between Success & Failure: More Positives ~ Fewer Negatives…
Ultimately, we gain massive power when we engage in the intentional pursuit of excellence. In The Power of TQ, we help you understand a very simple axiom: The reason winners win is that they EXPECT to win. Losers lose simply because they never EXPECT to win in the first place.
Winners are far more powerful because they have far more POSITIVES and far fewer NEGATIVES driving their performance at every point in time.
There is a SIMPLE Way to See Your True Success Potential…
We created your TQ Test to help you SEE exactly where your performance is strong and vibrant and where it is weak and faded.
By breaking your performance into ten broad areas that control your success potential, then further subdividing those down into the individual factors that drive exceptional performance you can see precisely where you need help. This process takes 20 minutes and reveals more about you and your potential for enduring success than 20 years at the school of hard knocks!
Improve Your Working Intelligence, You Succeed. Don’t, You Won’t…
Napoleon Hill got it right in Think and Grow Rich! We took it one step further by giving you the tools to instantly shape your thinking.
The result is that you not only understand the process of success, you understand exactly what you must do differently to rise to the top!
Excellence: The Single Most Important Habit You Can Develop…
We all want to be happy. By any definition of the word, when you pursue goals big enough to cause you to expand your skills, with the full expectation of achieving them, happiness will ultimately be the result.
Why? Because when you get into the FLOW, fear, anxiety, boredom, and apathy all disappear. You find yourself challenged, and with the right skill-set, you believe you will meet those challenges. Just the anticipation of success makes you happy.
So, the only issue is, how to quickly and easily improve your skills?
The answer is to move from Stage 1, Unconscious Incompetence to Stage 4, Unconscious Competence where your performance is brilliant, intuitive, and instinctive.
How? Test your TQ and improve it 20-30-40 points in the next 100 days.
Why? Because you will eliminate all the performance NEGATIVES and transform them into powerful POSITIVES that keep you on the winning side of success.
Develop the Excellence Habit by systematically eliminating the negatives that drag your performance DOWN and promote an unwavering commitment to EXCELLENCE and the total rejection of MEDIOCRITY.
The key to your happiness is found in just 2 words:
Expect Success
Success Now On Sale…