Tag: featured

Is Your Life as Meaningful as it Could Be?

| March 13, 2017
Is Your Life as Meaningful as it Could Be?

The undeniable truth is that there are just 3 variables — all within your control — that determine if you will live the life of your dreams… or not. Fill these variables in and you will become the master of your own destiny. Your life will have meaning and purpose… a glow of happiness and conviction that will enlighten your path.

Fail to understand the importance of these 3 variables to your life, and your life will be much harder… more uncertain… and much more limited than it needs to be.

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Your Brain is Holding You Back from Maximum Success

| March 12, 2017
Your Brain is Holding You Back from Maximum Success

According to neuroscientists from Berkeley, Stanford and Harvard, there is a dark force hidden deep within us that causes us to, quite literally, shoot ourselves in both feet when attempting to achieve our goals — earn more money… produce greater sales… achieve faster career growth… develop deeper relationships… attain financial freedom… you name it.

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Training To Reign Is Not Just A Slogan…

| March 8, 2017
Training To Reign Is Not Just A Slogan…

From Miss Universe… to the World Cup… to Tennis… to Golf… to the Olympics… the NFL and NBA or the NHA, this is the prevailing attitude: TRAIN to REIGN. It is very serious business. If you want to be at, or near the top of the field, you simply MUST create an ongoing training mentality.

Millions are at stake. Your credibility is at stake. Your future is at stake. Do this, you WIN.

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Turn Your Resolutions into Reality…

| March 4, 2017
Turn Your Resolutions into Reality…

By the first week of March, 90% of all resolutions made on New Year’s Day are toast… history… fading fast in the rearview mirror! Maybe you wanted to get fit… change careers… make more money… really up your game.

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Destiny Calls… Ready to Answer?

| February 22, 2017 | 0 Comments
Destiny Calls… Ready to Answer?

What is DESTINY? The dictionary defines it as fate, providence; predestination; God’s will, kismet, the stars; luck, fortune, chance, karma, serendipity.

Most of us believe that it requires the INTENTIONAL commitment to EXCELLENCE and the total rejection of MEDIOCRITY to achieve our destiny — our ultimate calling in life.

As William Jennings Bryan said…

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Excellence is the Result of Training and Habituation…

| February 6, 2017
Excellence is the Result of Training and Habituation…

Just to repeat the age-old quote by Aristotle, “Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.”

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| January 31, 2017 | 0 Comments

Are You A Visionary?

To SEE what is invisible to others is the key aspect of being a visionary.

Our vision is huge and world-changing… and I hope you share it: Turn 2.5 billion Smartphones into the greatest training system ever envisioned… making the world SMARTER and SAFER.

The vision is to take 5,000 years of the best ideas… from the best minds who ever lived, now and then… off the shelf and inject them directly into your brain — in 10-second blasts all day long.

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| January 24, 2017 | 0 Comments

Here’s a quick update on the development and deployment of the World’s Smartest App!

Right now I want you to imagine a world where everyone is safe, happy, healthy and living up to their full potential. Our dream has always been to see a world where you, I, and billions of people around the globe prosper.

This is a HUGE vision that you personally can help make real. Click Here to Understand The World Excellence Project™…

Why Are We Doing This? Because we, each of us individually and as the human race, have to do better. We have no other choice.

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Why More is Better than Enough

| December 11, 2014
Why More is Better than Enough

A Personal Story I Would Like to Share With You… As many of you have heard by listening to our various TQ TeleSeminars, I did not grow up rich or poor. My mom was a nurse working 2 jobs, and my dad was a factory worker. Together, they brought in ENOUGH money to live a […]

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Courage On Demand

| October 13, 2014
Courage On Demand

When we speak of courage, it is almost always in context with major, life changing/ending events such as impulsively walking into a burning building to rescue a frightened child, or jumping into a raging river to save the life of a complete stranger.

Clearly, these are acts of heroism and courage. They are what I like to call “Situational Courage.”

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The Power of Why.

| August 6, 2012
The Power of Why.

 This short story was written to help every small business make more money and grow faster — by finding a whole new starting point for success. Having built 20 different businesses from scratch — from nothing more than a good idea and a lot of hope —  I can attest to the Power of WHY. […]

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Business is a Zero-Sum Game That Can Make You RICH!

| July 30, 2012
Business is a Zero-Sum Game That Can Make You RICH!

Executive Summary: The game of business is a zero-sum game. If you do not take mind-share and market-share from a direct competitor — they will take business away from you — and you will slowly die on the vine. However, if you PLAN to WIN and PLAY to WIN, you will WIN the hearts and […]

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Why Businesses Fail.

| June 29, 2012 | 0 Comments
Why Businesses Fail.

“Would you like me to give you a formula for success? It’s quite simple, really. Double your rate of failure. You are thinking of failure as the enemy of success. But it isn’t at all. You can be discouraged by failure or you can learn from it. So go ahead and make mistakes. Make all […]

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What’s On Your List?

| June 28, 2012 | 0 Comments
What’s On Your List?

We all have our lists. We all have our litany of reasons for not doing what should be done. For not seizing the opportunity. For not going to the gym. For not spending time with our friends and family.

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The Three Golden Rules Of Business

| June 22, 2012 | 0 Comments
The Three Golden Rules Of Business

Here you will learn the 3 Golden Rules that drive the success of every business, large and small. You will learn the right Questions to ask yourself if you truly want to do business smarter. To WIN, you must fully understand the RULES… or you will loose — either accidentally or by default.

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The Attention Your Dreams Seek Is Action

| June 22, 2012 | 0 Comments
The Attention Your Dreams Seek Is Action

Last week the theme was on FEAR—and how to live your dreams them rather than permitting fear to destroy them. This week we are going to talk about the power of cumulative action—keeping your dreams alive and well by giving them the attention they so richly deserve… by taking a successive series of small steps in the direction of […]

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