Tag: growth

Part 1: Personal Coaching is DEAD ~ Long Live TQ/Ai Adaptive Coaching™!

| February 4, 2025 | 0 Comments
Part 1: Personal Coaching is DEAD ~ Long Live TQ/Ai Adaptive Coaching™!

Today, We Are Declaring The Legeons of Personal Coaches a Relic of The Past…

Right up there with Dinosaurs, Savings & Loans… 8 Track & VHS tapes… Blockbuster… Phone Booths… and all the great ideas that served their purpose at the time but were “obsoleted by technology that was faster, cheaper, and instantly more available.

Some call it “disruption”… economists call it “disintermediation”… I call it inevitable.

As a world leader in personal and professional excellence — with 30 years of experience, 250,000 clients, and some 100 Million data points from our exclusive TQ tests — it might seem odd we are proclaiming the death of the Personal Coach!

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What Next?

| April 12, 2022 | 0 Comments
What Next?

Where are you headed?

As CEO of the TQsmart family of products, I am in a unique position to see changes, challenges, and opportunities most people never get to see.

75% of the population thinks that the USA is headed in the wrong direction.

It is.

This will result in tremendous pain for some…

And fabulous opportunities for others…

If you have the right mindset.

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Instantly Improve Your Biz IQ

| February 9, 2021 | 0 Comments
Instantly Improve Your Biz IQ

Want to know how SMART business people become ever SMARTER?

It’s actually simple…

Learn >> Test >> Learn >> Test…

Repeat until healthy, wealthy, and wise!

This is what we call teaching through testing.

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Marketing The Invisible

| October 1, 2018 | 0 Comments
Marketing The Invisible

“Our job is to connect to people, to interact with them in a way that leaves them better than we found them, more able to get where they’d like to go.” ~ Seth Godin The Invisible Opportunity Before You… Years ago I read a wonderful book on sales and marketing: Selling the Invisible — A […]

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Strategy vs. Tactics…

| September 27, 2018 | 0 Comments
Strategy vs. Tactics…

Can you run your business without a long-term strategy?

Can you increase market share without a solid marketing strategy?

Can you make more money without a real financial strategy?

Can you grow and prosper without a strategy for success… all the way out to succession?

Of course not!

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Feels Like Team Spirit…

| June 25, 2018 | 0 Comments
Feels Like Team Spirit…

Your Future Depends On Talent…
Finding it. Hiring it. Onboarding it.

Managing it. Leading it.

More Importantly…

You must build a fully bonded team with the all-in spirit needed to meet the growing challenges.

Ultimately, your business has but ONE strategy: Build great PEOPLE who will go on to build a great BUSINESS. Anything less is short-sighted, self-limiting and self-defeating.

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The Miracle of Great Marketing…

| June 18, 2018 | 0 Comments
The Miracle of Great Marketing…

The Big Misconception…

Most business people equate marketing with selling.

They are totally different business functions.

People buy stuff they want.

People buy stuff they need.

Determining what they need is marketing.

Getting them to move forward and pay for it is selling.

Sales/selling is all about parting people with their money… the LOGICAL progression of doing business with you. Exchanging cash for what you have to offer.

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Why Innovate?

| June 11, 2018 | 0 Comments
Why Innovate?

“Innovate or Die…”

You might guess I am pretty old school!

This quote from Peter Drucker, the management guru of all management gurus, says it all.


Kodak invented the digital camera. It didn’t commercialize this invention because it wanted to protect its film business. The Company had what I call the “FDH” syndrome. It was Fat, Dumb, and Happy with its success in film. It looked backward instead of forward.

As Bill Gates is fond of saying, “Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose.”

To be innovative, you cannot be afraid to obsolete your own products. If you are, others will obsolete them for you. That is what happened to Kodak and many others.

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More of What You Want…

| May 29, 2018 | 0 Comments
More of What You Want…

When we go into business for the first time, everything seems so easy.

Put out the sign, wait for customers, offer great products and services… retire rich!

If only!

Having built over 20 businesses and counting, I can attest to the fact that being in business has substantial rewards… but real risks and costs… personally and to your family.

Today I want to address a single word: MORE!

More money…

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Friendliness as Strategy

| May 21, 2018 | 0 Comments
Friendliness as Strategy

The Purpose of Business…

One of the greatest articles ever written on business success was drafted way back in 1960 by Theodore Levitt entitled, Marketing Myopia and makes the case for why businesses of every size either succeed or fail.

I was on my 4th or 5th business by the time I read this article in the Havard Business Review.

I immediately saw the connection between his thoughts and my business.

The big idea is that the reasons FAIL is that they don’t know what business they are in. They lose their focus and simply become irrelevant to the customer.

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Predicting Business Success

| February 5, 2018 | 0 Comments
Predicting Business Success

Ayn Rand said it best, “Wealth is the product of man’s capacity to think.”

But the key to this observation is exactly what to THINK about!

This is especially important if you are a small business owner who wants to grow and expand profits.

So, if you want to grow, make more money, enjoy your business more.

Here’s a short list of what you want to think about, pretty much every hour of every day!

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Your Duty is to Keep Hope Alive.

| July 2, 2012 | 0 Comments
Your Duty is to Keep Hope Alive.

“Freedom know this, that every man/woman is free To choose his life and what he’ll be. For this eternal truth is given, God will force no man to heaven. He’ll call, persuade, direct aright, Bless with wisdom, love, and light; In nameless ways be good and kind, But never force the human mind.”~ William C. […]

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