Your Duty is to Keep Hope Alive.

| July 2, 2012

Your Duty is to Keep Hope Alive.

“Freedom know this, that every man/woman is free To choose his life and what he’ll be. For this eternal truth is given, God will force no man to heaven. He’ll call, persuade, direct aright, Bless with wisdom, love, and light; In nameless ways be good and kind, But never force the human mind.”~ William C. Clegg

All last week we focused on HOPE. This week, we will focus on Hope’s eternal companion: FREEDOM.

In America, we have awesome power. We are free to hope and try… and to fail and succeed.

Use your freedom as if your very life depends on it.

It does.

Since we have passed the halfway mark for 2012, our Lessons in Excellence have taken a bit of a retrospective tone. We have asked you to look BACK on what you have accomplished so far this year.

We have asked you to reflect on your progress… reflect on your results… reflect on where you have been — what ground you have covered over the past 187 days or so.

Are you on track to achieve your greatest hopes and dreams?

Are you on track to realize your greatest expectations?

This week, we want you to look FORWARD to the end of TIME itself. Since you have the FREEDOM to live the life of your dreams — not just talk about it or just dream about it — but actually LIVE it, each and every day you are alive, our questions will become highly personal and very specific:

If you could do anything you want, what would it be? Forget a moment about the HOW… focus only on the WHAT and WHEN…

I will___________________________
Your Duty is to Keep Hope Alive.

Your Duty is to Keep Hope Alive.

By When? ___/___/___

The HOW is simple: High TQ Performance… High Expectations ~ Brilliant Execution.

How will you use your freedom?

Please take some time this week to think about how to best use the freedom that has been, through blood and tears, given to you.

You are free to dream.

Dream the DREAM you were destined to achieve.

Live inside your HOPE.

Your Duty is to Keep Hope Alive.

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Many Thanks, enjoy and prosper!

Your Duty is to Keep Hope Alive…

Remember, it is your DUTY to yourself, your family, your organization and community to keep hope alive. If you permit the sparks of hope to flicker and burn out, there is no way to achieve the life of your dreams.

However, fan the sparks of hope into flaming passion, and you will, over TIME, achieve your destiny… one day at a TIME… one action at a TIME.

No question, TIME matters!

So, Optimize the use of your precious TIME…

Here’s some great advice from our Optimize Color. 185 days into 2012 is a great time to think about how well you make use of your time… and take corrective action NOW, rather than wait until the end of the year to make some lame “Time Management Resolutions”!

The truth is, you already have all the TIME there is.

There are exactly 1440 minutes in a day, no more, no less. If you’re going to get anything accomplished, these are the 1440 minutes you have to work with each day.

Question: Are you working harder and longer — and still coming up short? Take control of your time, and you take control of your life. It is absolutely critical that you squeeze the most out of each precious minute in your day. When you allow outside forces to keep you from completing the tasks at hand, you have no one to blame but yourself.

Improve your personal and career options by turning TIME into a MONEY machine!

Is your Optimize Color causing you problems?

You can tell when…

  • You are simply a victim of time.
  • You end each day wondering where your time went.
  • You are continuously interrupted and easily pulled off course by outside distractions.
  • You say “yes” to everything, and “no” to nothing.
  • Only later do you ever discover that you could have easily done two things at the same time.
  • You believe that time is an endless resource, and “someday soon” is soon enough.

However, when your Optimize color is strong and vibrant…

  • Each minute of your day is put to its highest and best use.
  • Work is designed to minimize interruptions, and you quickly dispense with all distractions.
  • You understand that to have time for what you want, you may have to say NO to something else.
  • You consistently find convenient ways to complete two things at the same time, reaping multiple rewards for a single effort.
  • You believe every minute is uniquely precious and should be counted on for maximum value.

Right now you have a simple choice. You can look back and wonder why you failed to make your dream real… or you can increase your Power of TQ now.

Choose wisely! — E.R. Haas, CEO

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Category: Color Commentaries, Personal Growth

About the Author ()

Eric Richard Haas, CEO, Founder The World Excellence Project, Serial Entrepreneur x23, Author x29 AKA The Invisible BillionaireAbout The Centers for Advanced Working Intelligence™.As CEO of the world's leading producer of AI-Driven Adaptive Coaching™ products focused exclusively on the Intentional Pursuit of Excellence (known as The Excellence Habit™) my mission is to inspire you to release your full potential through a science-based, systematic, and sequential process of Self-Measurement, Self-Evaluation, and Continuous Self-Improvement.Having trained over 250,000 members it is my belief that PERSONAL COACHING IS DEAD. It is expensive and marginally effective.Our TQ/Ai Adaptive Coaching™ costs about $1/day vs. $500 for a highly skilled Executive Coach. We do not merely GUARANTEE the product, we unconditionally GUARANTEE YOU! Use any TQ program for ONE FULL YEAR and if you have not received 100 times the value, let me know and I will refund your purchase and we will part friends. If I cannot help you, I don't expect to be paid!

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