First Responder Living Challenge

| March 9, 2020

“THOUGHT: Gain control over the things now controlling you or expect the rest of your life to remain exactly as it is now. This may or may not be a good thing.” ~ E. R. Haas, CEO

The Quick Big Picture…

Story: For years we have been helping people grapple with one of the greatest problems in life: Work/Life Balance. The issue for the vast majority of people is that there is virtually no connection between their sense of mission and purpose, both ON and OFF the job. They love their jobs but have no home lives. Millions of test results conclude that, like a top spinning out of control, without clarity of personal and professional mission, the top simply burns out and crashes. This is both heartbreaking and, with the right tools, avoidable.

Because COVID has created a living nightmare where our First Responders are expected to give THEIR lives for OURS, we want to help them connect life behind the badge with a better life in front of it. As CEO, I decided to do something about this. Hence this crusade to give 1 million First Responders the gift of Success On Purpose this year when they need it most — during the heat of the battle, not just a lull in the action.

We pray you see the problem as we do and will support this cause to GIVE FIRST RESPONDERS THEIR LIFE BACK.

Challenge: Extreme stress, fatigue, and unrelenting pressure is destroying the health and home life of our greatest heroes — our First Responders — who need to find a greater balance between life behind the badge and in front of it.

So, we challenge First Responders to look at life through a different prism and focus on the person living inside the uniform. Not to sacrifice you in the process of becoming a great Cop, Fireman, EMT, etc. — but to create BALANCE between the PERSON you see in the mirror at HOME with the person you see in UNIFORM at work.

Solution: The First Responders Living Challenge — a fast-paced, 4-week training package normally offered at $97 to men and women in uniform. However, to help now, we are making 100 available free of charge to your team for a limited time.

We have set aside 10,000 seats to be dispensed as scholarships this year to men and women in uniform who need to renew, retool, and repurpose their sense of personal mission — to rediscover the happiness, satisfaction, and meaning they so richly deserve.

Proposal: You may invite 100 participants at no charge. They will be given all the materials and 4 virtual 1-hour training sessions. Contact us to set up a time for a quick conversation at your convenience. Your only responsibility is to invite those who you believe need it the most. We host the meetings and do the rest.

Benefit: This is the fastest, easiest, and best way to help your people cope long term, as well as help them immediately find what they need most: Balance and peace of mind. Many thanks. ” ~ E. R. Haas, CEO & Faith Wood


Give Your Team the Gift of Greater Balance

Between Life Behind the Badge and In Front of It.


The First Responder Living Challenge is a
Series of Virtual Workshops to Reduce Stress and
Renew Life Balance and Purpose — Behind & Beyond the Badge.

Where Others Offer Motivation and Inspiration…
We Provide A Scientific, Proven Methodology.


100 Free Scholarships Available To
Your Team For A Limited Time.
Sign Up Now…


First Responder Living Challenge

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First Responder Living Challenge

The 411: The Challenge to Create Balance…

First Responder Living ChallengeThere are many issues facing today’s network of first responders: Unusually high turnover, lower retention rates, a workforce afflicted by PTSD, and clinical depression to name just a few.

There is no magic potion to cure these growing concerns but there is a positive way to address the underlying causes.

The solution is to shift the work-life balance line by moving the fulcrum a little closer to Home Life vs. Work Life.

When we make our personal lives as important as our work lives — focusing more on the person instead of the badge — we develop the inner-strength necessary to handle both more effectively.

In other words, we live a life worth living at work AND at home… behind and beyond the badge.

Tremendous resources are invested to make our first responders highly skilled on the job, but little is invested in tools and tech to help them lead more rewarding lives.

So, we are proposing a Living Challenge to empower the fearless men and women on the front line to look at their personal lives from a fresh new perspective.

The challenge, of course, is to have a life OFF the job better than the life you have ON the job.

For some, this will be easy as they have already achieved a nice work/life balance. But for others, this may well be their biggest challenge ever!

Charles Darwin said it best, “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” Put another way, you either quickly adapt or die.

First responders not only know this, but they also live it each day. They have developed incredible job skills and perform with honor and dedication.

But what happens at the end of the shift when they try to turn off the job and embrace “real” life?

What life… or maybe the broader question might be, WHO am I and what am I to DO with the one life I have to live?

No question, you already know who you are and what to do on the job. But the much bigger question is, “what does life look like when you are off the job?”

Without a burning sense of MISSION, especially in your personal life, you will work harder and harder, and yet success will still move further and further away from you.

Which explains why most people are more successful at work because they have been given a crystal-clear MISSION — in the case of a First Responder — To Protect and Serve.

The key to success off the job is to create an equally compelling Mission that unites who you are, what you do, and how you do it. Again, this is an INTENTIONAL Pursuit of Excellence issue. Without intentionality, mediocrity just takes over and your home life suffers at the expense of your work life. (We see this as the constant struggle of your shifting BALANCE line.)

This leads us to the heart of the matter!

The truth is that there are just 3 variables that control everything you will ever be, do, or have in life.

These 3 variables are responsible for setting the Authentic Direction and sense of Natural Mission in your life.

These 3 variables — the triangulation between what you VALUE… your VISIONS of a life well-lived… and the ROLES you are willing to play to live your values and achieve your visions — guarantee that you will live life to the fullest. Or, not.

First Responder Living Challenge

While simple in concept, we have found that it is VERY difficult for people to disconnect from the job to look at the fullness of their lives through the “Someday” Prism.

As we said above, the challenge is to have a life OFF the job better than the life you have ON the job.

This takes exceptional personal power.

Coupled with a sense of personal, not just professional, that provides the vehicle for a life of all three: Happiness, Satisfaction, and Significance.

This is WHY we created this amazing new program just for First Responders!

Ultimately, Your Challenge is this…

We began this page with the notion that you have been trained, coached, mentored, educated, and tested to become the best First Responder possible.

The challenge is for you to become the best YOU possible… to live a thrilling, joyful, engaging, and satisfying life OFF the job.

Not to sacrifice you in the process of becoming a great Cop, Fireman, EMT, etc. — but to create BALANCE between the PERSON you see in the mirror at HOME with the person you see in UNIFORM.

It doesn’t matter if you are on the firing line, or a 911 dispatcher… a manager or a captain… even the mayor of a major city. The challenge is exactly the same as we see in all other occupations (albeit, blood is not usually drawn in the boardroom of Apple!)

It is up to you to accept the Living Challenge… or quietly live with the status quo.

You becoming the best YOU possible is inspiring and motivating.

You living your best life on and off the job is thrilling.

We just need to give you the tools and tech to make the Living Challenge a little less challenging:)

Expect Success,

E. R. Haas, CEO, Serial Entrepreneur x22, Author x26 (AKA The Invisible Billionaire)


About Faith Wood, Co-Sponsor/Facilitator…

Faith Wood is a communication and presentation specialist.  She holds the designation of Certified Professional Speaker (CSP) – a title earned by less than 10% of professional speakers worldwide.  She is also an award-winning novelist.

Faith worked as a First Responder for almost 16 years.   During that time, she realized how important it is to know what you are working for and developing team excellence.

Since hanging up the handcuffs, she has traveled the world, helping people all along the way better understand their behaviors, and how they impact others. Wood has revealed to thousands how to influence daily actions, which in turn, offers a new way of thinking and leads to a more fulfilling life.

There is no doubt that she leaves a lasting impression on everyone she touches.

Faith is a mother of four, grandmother to 7 and wife to one.  She lives with her husband in Coldstream, B.C


First Responder Living Challenge

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About the Author ()

Eric Richard Haas, CEO, Founder The World Excellence Project, Serial Entrepreneur x23, Author x29 AKA The Invisible BillionaireAbout The Centers for Advanced Working Intelligence™.As CEO of the world's leading producer of AI-Driven Adaptive Coaching™ products focused exclusively on the Intentional Pursuit of Excellence (known as The Excellence Habit™) my mission is to inspire you to release your full potential through a science-based, systematic, and sequential process of Self-Measurement, Self-Evaluation, and Continuous Self-Improvement.Having trained over 250,000 members it is my belief that PERSONAL COACHING IS DEAD. It is expensive and marginally effective.Our TQ/Ai Adaptive Coaching™ costs about $1/day vs. $500 for a highly skilled Executive Coach. We do not merely GUARANTEE the product, we unconditionally GUARANTEE YOU! Use any TQ program for ONE FULL YEAR and if you have not received 100 times the value, let me know and I will refund your purchase and we will part friends. If I cannot help you, I don't expect to be paid!

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