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The Awesome Power of Commitment…

| March 7, 2019 | 0 Comments
The Awesome Power of Commitment…

Making Commitment A Habit…

Please take a minute to watch our inspiring little video on the power of commitment.

Just take a breath… watch… and THINK!

Think about your life right now, and how committed you are to its direction.

Think about your commitment to everyone around you.

Just stop and think!

The question then becomes, have you yet made commitment a habit?

A habit, of course, is something you do automatically, intuitively, or instinctively.

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Honor Is a Driving Force of Success

| February 25, 2019 | 0 Comments
Honor Is a Driving Force of Success

To understand why HONOR is critical to your success, click play on the Smarter in a Minute clip above  >> take a breath  >> and THINK >>

When we think of a giant word like excellence we generally see it through the lens of quality or worth.

Like excellence, a lack of honor drives you further away from the life you love.

A life of high worth and achievement.

According to the urban dictionary, Honor has many uses, all of them good. If you are called a man of honor, you are respected. If someone honors you, they recognize and award you for your achievements.

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Leadership & Vision Go Together Like Ham & Eggs

| February 18, 2019 | 0 Comments
Leadership & Vision Go Together Like Ham & Eggs

The only true gift a leader must possess is vision.

One of my best friends is a man who is considered a Christian Statesman, Sir John Edmund Haggai.

Author of numerous books on leadership, this single quote has stuck with me for my entire career…

“The leader seeks to communicate his vision to his followers. He captures their attention with his optimistic intuition of possible solutions to their needs. He influences them by the dynamism of his faith. He demonstrates confidence that the challenge can be met, the need resolved, the crisis overcome.”

Parsing this out, you quickly get the idea that…

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Crazy? Great!

| February 11, 2019 | 0 Comments
Crazy? Great!

When I was completing Think TQ & Grow Rich, I looked back at all the wisdom of the ages and came to this conclusion.

The people who made it over the years were all considered nuts by their friends, families, bosses, coworkers, everyone who they came into contact with.

Napoleon Hill documented this perfectly in his Think and Grow Rich book of the late 1930s. Then, it was about stuff like automobiles, radio, TV, phones, etc.

Decades later, my dear friend Robert Schuller wrote a book on a very crazy topic: Possibility Thinking.

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Will Artificial Intelligence be Your Friend or Foe?

| February 9, 2019 | 0 Comments
Will Artificial Intelligence be Your Friend or Foe?

Billions Are Being Spent To Make Machines Smarter… But Who’s Going to Make You Smarter Than a Machine?

We have become a “survival of the smartest” global economy where human capital needs to be retooled, reimagined, and reinvented. And we need to do it quickly.

Put simply, we need to make people — not just machines — smarter about what they think and do each day — at work and at home.

To achieve this, The World Excellence Project has developed and deployed a smart new App designed to make you smarter in the moment.

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It’s Time to LOVE Your Life…

| February 1, 2019 | 0 Comments
It’s Time to LOVE Your Life…

Life is not an endurance test… or a problem to be solved.

Life is an adventure of challenges, hopes, and dreams to be lived to the max.

It doesn’t take years to find the life you love, it takes just a few hours.

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Antidote to Stress? Be Happy With Yourself…

| January 31, 2019 | 0 Comments
Antidote to Stress? Be Happy With Yourself…

“Stress is the trashcan of modern life. It builds up to overflowing then all you have is garbage spread all over your life. There is a simple key to reducing stress in your life… just be yourself.” ~ E. R. Haas, Author The Invisible Billionaire

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Nano Changes + Micro Habits = Maximum Success…

| January 3, 2019 | 0 Comments
Nano Changes + Micro Habits = Maximum Success…

Making Every Minute Matter Is Not Just A Great Idea…

Think TQ is all about measuring your Time Quotient (TQ), your ability to achieve the results you want in the time you have.

To instantly understand this, click play on the video clip above  >> focus your thoughts for a moment >> and take a mental inventory.

Do you spend your time wisely?

Do you know where your time is spent versus invested?

Do you harvest maximum value from every precious minute in your day?

Or, do you permit these 3 thieves to rob you of your future:

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It’s Time Again To Look Back and Ask, “What If?”

| December 9, 2018 | 0 Comments
It’s Time Again To Look Back and Ask, “What If?”

What If???

As we close out 2018 and look forward to 2019, it’s a great time to take inventory of how far we’ve come, and where we want to go in 2019.

Many of us had a wonderful year, full of opportunities, challenges and positive results.

Some had real problems, professionally, emotionally and financially.

Regardless, it’s time to stop for a moment and ask the BIG question… “What If?”

What if I had worked a bit smarter… how much further down the line would I be?

What if I had stopped long enough to THINK a bit more each day… what opportunities would I have been able to seize?

What if I had taken time more seriously… what could I have accomplished?

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Excellence Is A Prevailing Attitude

| October 29, 2018
Excellence Is A Prevailing Attitude

General Colin Powell said it best, “Excellence is a prevailing attitude.”

Excellence is about your quality of life… your commitment to being the best you possible… living up to your full potential.

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Do you have the WILL to succeed?

| October 22, 2018
Do you have the WILL to succeed?

Do you believe you can FLY?

This week, we will be discussing The Will to Succeed…

the pure determination necessary to triumph over fear, uncertainty, and doubt as you move towards your most cherished dreams and goals.

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Lose Weight ~ Gain Success

| October 19, 2018 | 0 Comments
Lose Weight ~ Gain Success

Fitness Matters…

When we created the Time Prism we spent a great deal of time deciding the order of the 10 colors.

Some felt that Mission or Attitude needed to be the first color because everyone knows, “attitude is everything!”

Others thought that having real goals, in writing with hard-target deadlines was most important.

And others still felt team building skills, organization and time management should be numero uno!

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A brief history of your future.

| October 15, 2018
A brief history of your future.

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”~ Peter F. Drucker The Key to Living a Life that Matters.Now On Sale. All last week we focused on the Power of Positive Expectations. If you remember only one thing, remember this: Goals don’t achieve themselves. To achieve your greatest aspirations, you must draw […]

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Live for the Moment, Plan for the Future…

| October 8, 2018
Live for the Moment, Plan for the Future…

There is a simple program that will make a huge difference to your life.

It is best described as “Instant Illumination.”

Where once you were living in a haze, you can now see what you must do differently to attain what you want most:

financial independence… a better career… or even more time for yourself and your loved ones.

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Excellence is The Wind Beneath Your Wings

| October 1, 2018
Excellence is The Wind Beneath Your Wings

When we started the Excellence Habit Challenge back in January, we knew it would be a big hit.

Take 100 days to get to know your “real self” and inculcate a single habit that will change your life, and the lives of everyone you love.

To become a great deal more successful than you are right now.

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The View From the Top Is Worth the Climb

| September 24, 2018
The View From the Top Is Worth the Climb

“I am here for a purpose and that purpose is to grow into a mountain, not to shrink to a grain of sand.

Henceforth will I apply ALL my efforts to become the highest mountain of all and I will strain my potential until it cries for mercy.” ~ Og Mandino

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Let our Invisible Billionaire Mentor You to a Fabulous 4th Quarter

| September 17, 2018
Let our Invisible Billionaire Mentor You to a Fabulous 4th Quarter

Yes, you CAN have it all…

Look at the calendar.

Look at your life.

Is this where you thought you would be after 10-20-30 years of hard work?

You dreamed of being rich one day. Are you?

You dreamed you would be happy by now… that you would catch that gold ring and make it yours. Did you?

Interesting questions, aren’t they? Probing. Provocative.
They get to the reality of it, don’t they?

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TQ vs. The Law of Attraction…

| September 10, 2018
TQ vs. The Law of Attraction…

Why People Fail to Make The Law of Attraction Work…
There are thousands of books and seminars on making the Law of Attraction work for the average person. So, why do people find it so difficult to “manifest” their hopes and dreams?

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What Is Your Time Quotient? Why Should You Care?

| September 3, 2018
What Is Your Time Quotient? Why Should You Care?

Last week we discussed the difference between hopes and wishes vs. crystal-clear EXPECTATIONS.

As I pointed out all week, what you have the RIGHT to expect is based on four Colors within your personal Time Prism:

Your sense of purpose and MISSION… your ATTITUDE… your ability to set Smart GOALS… and your ability to establish realistic PLANS to achieve your goals.

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Expectations vs. Hopes and Wishes.

| August 20, 2018
Expectations vs. Hopes and Wishes.

Last week, we talked about AMBITION:

The eager or strong desire to achieve something.

This week, we will talk about Expectations — what you EXPECT to see happen vs. what you HOPE will happen over the course of time.

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