Excellence is The Wind Beneath Your Wings

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“People are basically the same the world over. Everybody wants the same things — to be happy, to be healthy, to be at least reasonably prosperous, and to be secure. They want friends, peace of mind, good family relationships, and HOPE that tomorrow is going to be even better than today.” ~ Zig Ziglar
When we started the Excellence Habit Challenge back in January, we knew it would be a big hit.
Take 100 days to get to know your “real self” and inculcate a single habit that will change your life and the lives of everyone you love.
To become a great deal more successful than you are right now.
So, what is our definition of success? I have always loved this one from John Wooden, “Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming.“
To become the BEST you are capable of becoming. The BEST you possible. Beyond that, what is there?
You might be thinking, “sounds good, but it’s HOPELESS for me. I’m too old… too busy… too frazzled… too conflicted… too SOMETHING… so I’m beyond help.”
True and enduring success is something you can have… if you are willing to reach a bit and follow some very simple day-by-day instructions. Learn More Click Here…
All you need to do is accept the challenge presented by your mentor, The Invisible Billionaire, and in 100 short days, you will see amazing progress impossible to achieve through any other program.
You give us 15-20 minutes each morning. The result is the fastest and easiest way to learn, remember and master the success-critical skills you need for higher achievement.
E. R. Haas, CEO

Category: Featured, Personal Growth