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How’s Your Climb to The Top Going?

| August 13, 2018
How’s Your Climb to The Top Going?

The Next Step Upward…

We all have mountains to climb, some tall, some scary.

The great news is that as we approach the summit of one, we see others off in the distance.

So, we set our sights upward, towards bigger, better and bolder goals.

If you want to make the ascent to the top of your career… the top financially… the top personally and professionally…

why not get a little help to make the climb easier and a great deal more enjoyable?

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Achievement Takes Commitment.

| August 4, 2018
Achievement Takes Commitment.

Last week we discussed how to turn ever-present opportunities into tangible results.

This week we are going to discuss achieving greater results—in every area of your life.

From now until the end of the year we will be focusing on increasing your POWER to SET and ACHIEVE tremendously BRILLIANT goals for yourself—both personally and professionally.

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How to Turn Your Natural Creativity into Something Wonderful…

| July 30, 2018
How to Turn Your Natural Creativity into Something Wonderful…

Without question, your natural creativity is your MOST important asset and is responsible for everything good in your life.

The simple fact is, everyone, is NATURALLY CREATIVE… but most people (over 90%) are not using their most basic gifts and talents…

So they unwittingly work AGAINST themselves rather than put their innate creativity to work FOR them.

People have the wrong impression on what it means to be creative.

People think it is others who are naturally creative and don’t realize they too have an inner-creative genius driving their imagination.

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New Beginnings…

| July 23, 2018
New Beginnings…

Even though you may be busier than ever before, you may be simply doing things the hard way, or worse, just spinning your wheels—confusing EFFORT with RESULTS.

Simply do TQ Factor 8A more frequently:

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What does it take to win? Attitude!

| July 16, 2018
What does it take to win? Attitude!

For the last month, we have been talking about very broad topics: Hope… Freedom… Purpose… Values… Success (and what it takes to ACHIEVE it… and be HAPPY along the way.)

No doubt, we have asked — and answered — the questions that lead to a life of passion, purpose, and significance.

This week, we will narrow our focus to you personally, and what it takes to WIN at what you do.

No “top of the funnel” thinking here… just real CLEAR advice on what it takes to unleash the winner within you.

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Mindfulness = Hopefulness

| July 12, 2018 | 0 Comments
Mindfulness = Hopefulness

How Mindfulness Creates Hope…

If you have been following along with The Time Prism each day, you are not just receiving a flood of great ideas… you are becoming more MINDFUL.

Mindfulness means maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and the surrounding environment, through a gentle, nurturing lens.

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Want more POWER? Live your VALUES.

| July 9, 2018
Want more POWER? Live your VALUES.

Last week, we talked about hope and freedom, and your God-given right to pursue your dreams with passion, power, and persistence. 

This week, we will discuss the foundation of ALL success—your personal values.

Each day you spend the only life you have to live. The question is, what are you getting in return?

Are you living with a strong sense of purpose and MISSION… or are you struggling to find balance and direction?

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Your duty is to keep hope alive.

| June 29, 2018
Your duty is to keep hope alive.

All last week we focused on HOPE. 

This week, we will focus on Hope’s eternal companion: FREEDOM.

In America, we have awesome power. 

We are free to hope and try… and to fail and succeed.

Use your freedom as if your very life depends on it.

It does.

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These 3 Dragons Cause You Heartbreak Beyond Imagination…

| June 25, 2018
These 3 Dragons Cause You Heartbreak Beyond Imagination…

All you need to do is armor up, step up, and slay them.

Which, of course, is much easier said than done!

When we were crafting The Excellence Habit, it became obvious to us that there are powerful inward forces holding people back from high achievement.

Huge, scary, fire-breathing dragons that cause us to shrink from the fray, run and hide while we wait until the time is just right to pursue our goals.

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Success Is Like An Iceberg

| June 18, 2018
Success Is Like An Iceberg

Success is determined by what we cannot see…

It’s now summer!

A perfect time to think about the cold embrace of the sea.

Today, let’s take a look at success from a different perspective.

What lies beneath the tip of an iceberg…

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The Attention Your Dreams Seek is Action…

| June 11, 2018
The Attention Your Dreams Seek is Action…

This week we are going to talk about the power of cumulative action—keeping your dreams alive and well by giving them the attention they so richly deserve…

By taking a successive series of small steps in the direction of your dreams.

The attention your dreams seek is ACTION.

They cry out for ACTION.

Is taking bold action a problem for you?

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Happiness Within…

| June 4, 2018 | 0 Comments
Happiness Within…


There are many ways to look at a word like happiness.

An inner-emotion of pure joy…

The achievement of a major challenge…

Or simply just doing more of what comes naturally to you.

Most people would agree that happiness is up to the individual to define.

“You’ll know it when you see it”, kind of thing.

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It Takes Desire, Talent and Skill…

| May 30, 2018 | 0 Comments
It Takes Desire, Talent and Skill…

Three Big Clues…

So often we get caught up in doing what we have always done, we quite literally, cannot see the forest for the trees.

Today, I just want to take you back to the basics.

If there are things you want and have not yet attained… regardless of what it is… the reason is actually quite simple.

You lack the DESIRE. Sure, you might tell yourself you want to be financially free, have a second home on the ocean, a beautiful yacht, travel 4 months out of the year to exotic locations, or write that book you have always known is within you.

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Thinking In Front of a Tiger

| May 19, 2018 | 0 Comments
Thinking In Front of a Tiger

Mental Toughness Begins Here…

“If you can THINK in front of a tiger, you will surely succeed.”

This has been one of my most favorite quotes!

Our new Time Prism trains you to THINK. It’s the constant mentor that causes you to pause for a few seconds… grab an Idea Seed… BREATHE… and take 10 seconds to just THINK.


BUT it is hard to stop the world’s excessive NOISE and learn to THINK in front of…

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Afraid to proceed?

| May 14, 2018
Afraid to proceed?

Today’s TQ is all about managing FEAR… Afraid to proceed? Pin down exactly what scares you. The more precise you are, the clearer you can see your fear. Often the light of day will simply cause your fear to vanish. Isolate each fear. See it for what it is. Then take a specific action that […]

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Why procrastinate? You are throwing away your future.

| May 7, 2018
Why procrastinate? You are throwing away your future.

Last week, we discussed how to become more Efficient and Effective by doing your 4 R’s more frequently:

Doing the Right Things… the Right Way… for the Right Reasons… all at the Right Time.

This week, we are going to tackle PROCRASTINATION—a word that causes most of us a tremendous amount of grief—and keeps us from consistently doing things at the Right Time… if at all.

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4 Steps to Move from Scarcity and Fear to Wealth and Abundance…

| April 30, 2018
4 Steps to Move from Scarcity and Fear to Wealth and Abundance…

The Excellence Habit:

The Shortest Path from Scarcity to Wealth.

There is a natural series of steps that lead to the pinnacle of prosperity.

If you’re stuck at Anxiety, Stress, Fear, and Sacrifice, the next step up is…

Excellence, Accomplishment, and Mastery.

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The Connection Between Efficiency, Effectiveness And Success…

| April 23, 2018
The Connection Between Efficiency, Effectiveness And Success…

“Efficiency is doing better what is already being done. Effectiveness is deciding what to do better.” ~ Peter F. Drucker Get The Full Power of TQ System and use Discount Code: SAVE100NOW  Last week we focused on the process of success and discussed the relationship between your Expectations and your ability to perform up to […]

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A Thought On Thinking…

| April 20, 2018 | 0 Comments
A Thought On Thinking…

The greatest power you have…

Training your mind to THINK is a very big deal around here.

It’s why we invented the world’s first Time Prism!

Now that it’s been in use for the past 60 days, something remarkable is shaping up.

People are doing the unexpected…

They are following directions!

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The 10 Second Miracle

| April 16, 2018 | 0 Comments
The 10 Second Miracle

Everything Can Change in 10 Seconds…

When we launched The Time Prism we had no idea how it would be used.

The design is simple enough: Read… Breathe… THINK.

Each screen was written to be short and on-point.

You simply READ what is presented to you…

Take a deep BREATH to inject some oxygen into your brain…

And take 10 seconds to just THINK…

About what was being said…

About anything at all that pops into your mind.

The Result?

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